Joseph Mathia Svoboda Diary 48
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Margin Notes
There are marginal notes in Arabic written in ink by the Baghdad historian Yaqub Serkis sometime after he received them from Alexander Svoboda probably in the late 1920s. Because these notes are a later addition extrinsic to Joseph Mathia Svoboda’s writings, we have gathered them in an appendix where they are listed under unique identifiers–for example [A47_006_09:001]–recording the diary number, place in the diary, and numerical order.
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[pg: 1]
[1:] Diary N0R 48
[2:] 1898/99
[pg: 2]
[1:] Size of my cabin in the
[2:] S.S. Mejidieh" 9 feet x 7~
[pg: 3]
Continued from Diary (//) No. 47 of 1897/8 [3 AUG 1898 --- V048_00_N] (//)
1898 Augt 3d.
1898 Augt
At 8,,5 am landed 13 1/2
passengers at Ali Gherbi
and took 4 and went on
at 9,,5~ Light N.W. breeze
We have a new mate in
the place of the 2d mate Mr.
Hatfield who was discharged
three months ago; this
one is young only 21 years
Called Smart, he came out
in the Goolistan & joined
this ship on the 1st Instt;
I paid the Ship's Company
their wages for July~
Clouds coming on on N. &
East parts;
Toward sunset the Weather
Cooled down with a light
N.W. breeze & fine Cool
Air, but my cabin is burning
hot it is 108º at 7 P.M.
I cannot stand a minute
[pg: 4]
in it, the Boiler's heat is
most infernal near it;
A Jew passenger from
Basreh died this afternoon
being sick with dysentery,
At 7,,55 P.M. arrived
at Coot, landed 11 passengers
& 1100 Bales; We took in
8 Tons of Coal; It is still
warm & am perspiring in
bed; a light variable breeze,
We finished at 9 1/2 and
remained at Coot for the
night to sleep;
4th Thursd Th@ 4. 84
1898 Augt
Light N.W. breeze &
Cool morning; at
daylight we dropped
down below the Village
& steamed up along the
other side, We touched &
backed off several times
until we got over and
went on at 6 am.
[pg: 5]
Gave tickets to 49 Coot
A Turkish Officer deck
passenger from Amara
yesterday wanted to mess
with us & the Captain allowed
him to do so; he is also
spending the day down on
the quarter deck; The
dead Jew passenger was
landed Yesterday at Coot
& the Jews buried it~
The breeze became very hot
like a furnace coming
from the desert; Clouds are
appearing scattered about
At 1,,10 P.M. passed
Nemlah; Very hot weather
At 2,,35 we came up
to Sheresh the S.S. Phrat &
Barge are here Aground &
heaving over; We also
touched just ahead of her
and stuck;
Detained 20 minutes at Um-
Sneyem in Shoal water,
there a Modte N.W. Wind
& Weather is cooling
[pg: 6]
down toward sunset
At 8,,15 P.M. passed the
S.S. Khalifah going down
at [strikethrough] Humenyeh
At 9,,30 passed [strikethrough] Azizieh
[strikethrough]~ Light N.W. & fine
5th Frid Th@ 4. 89
1898 Augt
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 1,,10 am passed
Baghdadieh Fort, went
easy & backed several
times during the night
at Jwemisseh detained 1/2 hour
Detained at Dawar (upper
reach near Aweyn) in Shoal
water from 6 Am till
[strikethrough] 9,,40; there is no
channel & no sand bank
appeared, We sounded &
marked the place and
dropped down on it, but
grounded & took anchor
out & hove over;~
Wind getting hot, there are
some clouds on the East;
At 2,,45 P.M. We
[pg: 7]
Grounded at Ctesiphon
just opposite the Mudir's
house, took out an anchor
& hove off; and proceeded
at 4, The Wind is
not so hot today;
Detained at Menary in
Shoal Water & sounding
from 4,,45 till 5,,15
Very light N.W. Air;
At 6,,55 passed Diala
Very Calm Weather;
Passed the Bridge at
8 P.M. Went on easy;
At 10,,30 landed mails
at the Residency I also
landed & went home, saw
Eliza & heard from her
all the Sad news about
Alexanders Mariage &
the answers of mine and
Jeboorys telegrams we
had sent on the 1st from
Basreh to Alexander &
[pg: 8]
to Mr. Sevelinge both
had arrived the next
day that is on the 2d
All Baghdad people know
the affair & what has
befallen us & the whole
telegraphic news also
they are well aware of
from the Employe's of the
telegraph all the Christians
& friends as well as
my relatives have called
on us daily to express
their regrets at this occurrence;
There are two letters
arrived here from Alexander
from Vienna one of
last week dated the 8th
of July & the other of
yesterday dated the 15th
July that is about 4 or 5
days before his leaving
Vienna for Paris & in
both of them he does
[pg: 9]
not mention a word
about this affair or about
his intention of leaving.
After talking much
till midnight we turned
in but not a Wink Could
I sleep until daylight,
6 Satur
1898 Augt
Modte N.W. & fine Weather
The Bahoora must have
finished~ I went down
below & began reading
the Telegrams & letters of
Alexander & Sevelinge
the latter one is to Jeboory
Asfar & he has sent me
a Copy of it, the telegram
of Alexander in Answer
to mine of the 1st from
Basreh (a Copy of it is here
above) he says.
Svoboda Baghdad
Depart Paris presentement
[pg: 10]
Impossible Cœur epris
état pardonnable, lettres
explicative parties, attendons
consentement Sinon
resultat trieste calmez
patientez, Svoboda,
How quick this telegram
came it was sent the next
day after the one I wrote,
that is in about 24 hours from
the time mine was sent
until the time this one
came; What an answer
& what a daring, he must
have lost his head and
he must have been taught
by the woman he loves
or by Ibrahim Gejou
That of J. Asfar is from
Basreh dated the 4th
he says.
Svoboda, Baghdad
Sevelinge Wires
[pg: 11]
"Fils destiné suis impuissant
engagèz père venir
repatriment Asfar;
His letters from Vienna are
full of affections toward
us as usual & he wishes to
leave very soon to come
to us, & says that Böhm is
out in the country as well
as Mr. Schweiger in whose
office he used to go; etc etc,
Monseigneur Altmayer
had also telegraphed to
Cardinal Richard on
the 30 Ulto. this
Cardinal Richard
Alexander Svoboda,
Mon diocesain, mineur,
de passage Paris 3 Place
Cambronne, Veut contracter
mariage, contre Volonté
paternelle, Veuillez
ordonner refus benediction
[pg: 12]
et faire dissuader jeune
homme, Remerciment
Archeveque Altmayer~
He received this answer
dated the 2d on the 3 Instt,
Altmayer Baghdad
Alexandre Svoboda,
inconue adresse indiqués
Cardinal Richard,
Henry had been to Dr. Rosen
on Sunday last & told him
all about Alexander and
obtained from him a Telegram
to the German ambassador
Count Münster in Paris
Ambassade Allemande
" Paris
Oesterreicher Alexander
[pg: 13]
Svoboda 3 Place Cambronne
beabsichligt Heirath,
Vater Versagt, Einwilligung
bittet, Einsparuch
Rosen consul Allemand
[4 symbol]
But after he had taken
it to be sent, all my sisters &
wife & others they thought that
it would be risky for Alexander
on account of the Austrian
Governt. Knowing his presence
there & may take him to
serve in the military & so it
was not sent & D Rosen
Knew nothing about its
not being sent;
All my sisters & their daughters
Antone Marine & [illegible] came
to us, everybody regrets this
sad affair, the boy must
have got mad, he has
just finished his 20 years
[pg: 14]
on the 7 of July last, he
had got the 90 £ Stg which
I sent him through Korkis
London on the 9th Ulto &
he must got it on about
the 15th he does not say that
he has received it in his letter
of the 15th & this sum must
have served him for
this cursed intention he
had in mind; I am
afraid that may go on
drawing money from
R. Korkis without my
sanction, so I went to
look for Yousif Korkis to
let him telegraph to his
brother not to advance
him, I did not find him,
but he soon came to
me on board; & as Eliza
had written letters by
this last Post of the 4
Instt to Alexander, to
[pg: 15]
R. Korkis to Blockey in
London, also the Bishop
wrote to Alexander as well
as his other friends &
reprimanding him and
telling him everything about
his foolish idea, so
Yousif Korkis & I made
out the following telegram,
" Razkallah
" London
" Alexander Paris intention
"mariage through influence
"Gejou against our consent
"do best prevent occurrence
"by all means power,
"despatch Baghdad, Dont
"advance money without
"order –
" Korkis Svoboda
(29 words)
(6 Augt 98 )
Frcs 20.85 @ 71 Cts per
[pg: 16]
We sent the telegram and
then we came home. Many
visitors called on us today
being a Holyday of the Tejelly,
At 11 I went to see Monseigneur
Altmayer [space] & asked to make
an other Telegram to the
Cardinal explaining to
him that Alexander can
be found at Gejou at that
same address & Gejou will
point out to him where
Alexander is so he made
me this telegram
" Cardinal Richard
" Paris
" Svoboda se trouve adrèsse
"indiquée chez Ibrahim
"Gejou son Compatriote
"et faceteur
"16 mots Altmayer
(6/8/98) Frcs 9.25
@ 56 Cts per word,
[pg: 17]
I saw also Mr. Rouet the
Consul who came to us (they
being in the same house) &
he assured me that the
mariage cannot possibly
be contracted without my
consent & without the necessary
papers documents certificates
etc; ~ I came home at
12; & soon after Yousif
Korkis came to us with
this disgusting telegram from
his brother, Rezooki dated
the 3 Instt,
" Korkis Baghdad
" Svoboda amoureux prostituée
"son etat completement change
"droits parants, lui écrivanes
"venir Londres refusa
"insistèz père forcer retour
"Bagdad, autrement
"consequence mauvaise
What a stupid & disgraceful
[pg: 18]
affair this is for him and
for us, & what a scandel
he has caused for us, all
the people here know about
it the friends are sorry &
the foes are rejoicing, they
all pity this act of Alexander
for every one had great
esteem & high opinion of
him; and all know that
he is a very promising boy
very intelligent, attentive,
& obedient to his parents
What could have caused
such a foolish thing. We
should see by his letter of
next post on the 11th. but I
am sorry we shall leave
on that day;~ This letter
should be dated the 22
from Paris; I have also
been to Georgis Antone
the merchant & asked to
write to his agent at
[pg: 19]
Constple not to pay any
money to Alexander should
he send to him that letter
of recommandation
I got from him last time,
and I suppose when he
finishes his money he will
commence to starve of
hunger~ This is a
regular blow for me, being
my only beloved son to whom
I had sacrificed every
thing even my existence
& life, & now he rewards
me with this behaviour;
Johny & Artin called on us
In the evening;
Weather seems to be getting
cooler a little;
7th Sund Ther@4.84
Modte N.W. & fine weather
At 7 ½ am Eliza & I went to
Church, I called on Antone
Marine & then came home
[pg: 20]
found a lot of visitors &
relatives there~
At 11 I went to see Dr. Rosen
the German Consul and I
told him that his telegram
to the Ambassador had not
been sent by Henry for reasons
of the military service etc,
he was astonished at it &
said that he had already
written a letter & sent by
last post to the Ambassador
in which he referred him
to the telegram, & he was very
sorry at my brother Henry
why he did not tell him
so, and he told that there
is no fear of his being taken
as soldier, while he is
in France; I asked him
if he likes he can renew
the telegram & I will
send it, or if he think
better to withdraw
[pg: 21]
the letter & send to Beyrout
a telegram by Mr. Juliette
to send the letter back,
he agreed to this, but I
asked him if I speak with
Mr. Rouet to ask him to
wire to the Prefecture or
Police at Paris to get Alexander
sent out & he ordered to
proceed to Marseilles &
Baghdad as he is a minor
yet & his father wants
him here quick, he ignored
the rules of the French Governt.
& asked me to see Mr.
Rouet & speak to him on
the subject & tell him that
he will call & speak about
this matter with him at
5 P.M, I left & called on
Mr. Rout & spoke about
the matter, he tells me that
the French Governt cannot
[pg: 22]
cannot interfere in the matter
without being asked first
by the Austrian Ambassador
& as for ordering him out
of France, they cannot do
so unless on some cause
or crime then he can be
expulsed; but as for being
taken as a solider this is
impossible, no foreign subject
can be taken from a foreign
country, according to a
Convention between the
powers etc; I left at noon
& came home; ~
I called on Sister Medula
& then on Mr. Julietti and
spoke to him about the
letter of D. Rosen & he said
it can be done if he writes
to him & ask him to send
it back from Beyrout;
I called on Alice & Sister
Eliza & came home,
[pg: 23]
Eliza & I are so sorry &
have lost our head at this
matter & we are so down
hearted & grieved ~
8 Mond Ther@4.84
Modte N.W. & fine weather,
At 6 ½ am called on Henry’s
Wife & came on board,
the Blosse went inside
to discharge ship; ~
At 11 left & went home, the
Monseigneur Altmayer had
called on us ~ Eliza proposed
to me to send a telegram
to Yacoob Eassayi and
to request him to go to Paris
with R Korkis & try to
persuade Alexander to
renounce mariage and
sent back to Baghdad,
So after I had enquired about
his address from his brother
& from Yousif Korkis
who told me to send it
to Rezooki’s care, so I
sent the following,
[pg: 24]
" Razkallah
" London
" Requesting Eassayi’s
"assistance with you going
"Paris, persuade Alexander
"renounce and sent
"Baghdad, Svoboda
"(16 words, Frcs 11.65)
I sent it about sunset~
Antone called & also Artin
in the evening;
Light N.W. & fine but
not cool or refreshing
the bed keeps very hot;
9' Tuesd Ther@4.88
Modte N.W. & clouds
gathering around & above
from the north & west,
At 6 ½ am called on
Sister Medula & then
came on board, we
are discharging cargo;
Warm & cloudy;
At 9 am as I had left
[pg: 25]
to go to D Rosen the German
Consul, I met his Kawass
with a letter for me asking
me to go & see him, so I
went, we spoke over the
matter of Alexander and
the letter he had written to the
German Ambassadore
in Paris, and as I saw that
it only contains the prevention
of his getting married, and
this he cannot do it
firstly because he has not
yet attained 25 years as
the rule is in France Austria
etc, & 2d he cannot do it
without my consent,
it is useless writing about
it since he cannot be
married, so he wrote a
letter to Julietti asking him
to withdraw the letter &
telegraph to Beyrout to
return it & I will then
pay the expences; D. Rosen
told that we better wait
[pg: 26]
until his letters arrive and
the best thing I can do is
to stop his supplies of money
and he will then come to
his sense; ~ I left and
called on Capt & Mrs Cowley
& we also talked about this
matter; I then left and
called on Monseigneur Altmayer
he has not yet received the
answer from Cardinal Richard
& we spoke over the matter
I also called on Alice &
Sister Emilia for ½ hours
and then went to Lynch
office & saw Mr. Bottomley
& I related the case of
my son to him as he wished
to know; he regrets the
matter very much and
he is of the opinion that if I
stop the money he will be
obliged to renounce &
regret what he has done,
I came home at noon
Weather very hot and
disagreable ~
[pg: 27]
At 3 P.M. I came on board
We are taking cargo ~
At 5 I went home, Menusha
& Sister Medula, Yacoob Tessy
& Ferida Tessy called on us
also Antone & Johny ~
Light N.W. & rather cool
night, clouds disappeared
Our departure from here
in future is going to be on
Friday instead of Thursday
as Mr. Bottomley told me
today, I wish it could be
done this time, so as to
be able to see Alexander’s
letter arriving on Thursday
to see what he has written
regarding this sad affair,
But as we are to be
transfered to the Mejidieh
this time she will be
out of Dock, we want to
leave one day earlier
Modte N.W. breeze, and
fine cool night;
[pg: 28]
Modte N.W. & fine cool
morning ~ at 7am I
came on board;
1898 Aug 10 Wedn
Ther @ 4.83
*must fiancér
D. Rosen has just sent me
the letter of the Director of
Post &Telegraph here advising
him of the despatch of his
telegram to Beyrout with
reply paid, for the withdrawal
of the letter he had sent to
the German Ambassador
in Paris regarding Alexander’s
affair & it amounts to
G. S. P. 43 ¼ which I paid
the Kawass; ~
I went home to breakfast
at 11 found Sister Eliza
there she stopped to breakfast
with us, just at this
moment I received this
" Svoboda
" Baghdad
"Après longue conversation
"avec Alexandre ici
[pg: 29]
Inevitable lui autorisèr
financer venir Bagdad
compagnie* Eassayie
obtenir votre consentement
repondèz ~
9/8/98 Razkallah
I could not make out the
meaning well & especially
the word financer, perhaps
it should be fiancèr,
I went to Monségneur Altmayer
& Père Augustin, they made
it out that it should
be fiancèr, that he wants
me to authorize him to
be betrothed, that it cannot
be, because he is asking
to come to Baghdad and
obtain consent; the telegram
is so incomprehensible,
I am determined to send
a strong answer and
a warning to Alexander
[pg: 30]
and let understand that
I will not do anything
until he comes & if he
persists it will be bad
for him & for his future
wellfare & let him take
my last warning, I
shall see this when I
go home; and unluckly
we have a lot of cargo
to ship, the ship is getting
deep, & the cargo has
been waiting since
noon for shipment and
the Captain has refused it
until he came at 4 P.M.
& allowed it to be taken,
At 8 P.M.I went home
found Anton Marine
Johny & Artin my Nephews
on the top of the house
awaiting for me to see
the telegram of London
& what answer I
[pg: 31]
am going to give, they
red my answer & found
it very good & a warning
to Alexander for his selfish
persistence, it is thus
“ Razkallah
Cannot Sanction any-
thing until Alexander's
arrival company Eessayié
if persists will be most
disastrous for his future
wellfare, let him take
my advice wire departure
28 words Svoboda
11/8/98 Frcs 20,,15
I gave it to Johny
to be sent on tomorrow
morning ~ They left at 8 1/2
we had dinner at 9 ~
Light N.W. fine cool
night ~
[pg: 32]
1898 Augt
11 Thursd
Light N.W. breeze & fine
cool weather ~ at 4 am
I came on board ~
Baghdad to Basrah [11 AUG 1898 --- V048_01_S] (//)
1898 Aug
Passg | Okes | G.S. Piasters | Draft |
189 | 83,132 | 18175 ,, | 4,,2 |
At 4,,40 Am. left Baghdad
& proceeded~
At 6,,55 touched on a Shoal
at Rustumyeh sent to sound
at 7.30 proceeded ~
At 7,,40 passed Diala
river; nice cool air & fine
At 8,,35 passed the S.S.
Mossul and Barge at Gusseiba
going up full of Soldiers
At 9,,10 we grounded
at Ctesiphon, took out an
anchor & hove on, sent to
Mrs. Parfit the English missionary
died last night from
a miscarrîage & a bad
influenza ~
We have altogether 152
passengers all Deck,
[pg: 33]
We have a new young
officer came out in the
Goolistan called Smart
as a 2nd mate he is about
21 years, we took him up
this last voyage ;
At 0,,45 P.M. we got off.
I & left Ctesiphon & again
grounded further down
after 20 minutes at Seyafyeh
took an anchor out
astern & hove off; ~
At 5,,20 P.M. we got off
and proceeded from Seyafyeh;
Very light n.w. breeze
and fine cool weather;
At 7,,30 we anchored
at Ledje for the night;
Light n.w. & cool weather,
It became quite cool at
night a great & sudden
change of weather ;
12 Friday Therm @ 4.72
Light n.w. breeze & quite
cold, I felt it so cold in
bed that I had to come
[pg: 34]
down to my cabin
At 4,,30 am got underway
from Ledje but detained
on a shoal till 5 when
we proceeded ~
At 5,,50 anchored at
Oweyn to sound, the S.S.
Ressafah & Barge are
aground here, she had
left Baghdad the day before yesterday ~
before yesterday ~
The Pilot came to say that there
are only 2 1/4 draas water
in the Channel which is
impossible for us to pass,
We weighed at 7 & dropped
further down; sent a
steersman to look for
an empty boat to discharge
At 8 am the S.S. Comet
came up & anchored down
below, she has Major Melville
the new Actg; Consul General
for Baghdad; -
[pg: 35]
We have over 83,000 Okes
drawing 4 feet 2 Inches which
is too much, & knowing
very well the state of this
place when we came up
this time we were 4 hours
aground ~
The Comets boat came up
her for their mail, I gave a
letter to his mail, I gave a
letter to her officer to be taken
up to my wife, told her
to send all letters or telegrams
with a Saka if she
came down here by tomorrow;
I engaged an arab from
the Beni Ajil tribe of Sheikh
Dahy our Old friend they
are encamped at Rahmanyeh
& gave him a letter to my
wife telling her to send
me the letters of Alexander
& all the news she has
I finished with this Arab
Alewy his hire for 5
Beshlics on condition
that he is to be here
[pg: 36]
tomorrow by this time
& ferried across in the
Ships boat to Oweyn at
10 1/4 am to take the road
to Ledje & Ctesiphon, he
promised to be here tomorrow
I wrote two letters to be sent
up with Henry & posted, dated
the 18th Instt. one to Blockey
& one to Rezkallah Korkis,
told all about Alexander's
foolish affair & what stupidity
he has done, the are to be
sent on, on thursday next
the 10th ~
We have been discharging
cargo ever since 8 am
in our Launch & land it
far down the river before
the shoal, the Comet is
doing nothing she has dropped
down to the East bank
of Dawer just to where
[pg: 37]
I was encamped out shooting
in 1885; the Ressafah
is also landing Cargo in
her Launch near ours under
the high bank of Dawer,
the Kfefan Arabs are
there, their Sheikh Selman
el Abbass & his Arabs wanted
to watch the Cargo & be paid
but we refused them, & Capt
Cowley asked the Engineer
Mr. Banian (now in charge
of the Comet Since her Captains
death Lieut Beaumont in
Baghdad 2 months ago) to
drop the Comet further down
opposite our Cargo which
he did; The Ressafah keeps
heaving over she worked
till midnight; we stopped
discharging cargo at sunset,
Light n.w. & fine cool
weather ;
13 Satur Ther @ 5.73
Father Marie Joseph died
1898 Augs
Bismark died on 30 July
Light n.w. & very cool
morning ~ Our steersman
came down with an
[pg: 38]
empty Sefinah having
hired it for 59 Beshlics to
discharge us, Capt Cowley
also, hired a small meheyleh
lying here for 80 Beshlics
to discharge us; The S.S.
Ressafah is still heaving
over the shoal, & the S.S.
Comet is lying below her
doing nothing; we are
discharging cargo in
the two Boats;
The Ressafah Cannot get
over the shoal the place
is getting worse there is only
2 draaz; The Comet
steamed up along the
East bank & came abreast
of us, but she can't get
over a long ridge where
there is 2 draaz also,
Capt Cowley wrote an
Official letter to Lynch
in Baghdad proposing
to transfer cargo and
[pg: 39]
passengers to the Khalifah
& let us return as it
is doubtful that we
can pass, our lighters
are even grounding and
cannot take our Cargo
down to the opposite bank
the Arab from the Beni
Ajil started at 1 1/2 P.M.
I sent a letter to Johny
my nephew; The S.S.
Khalifah is aground
they say at Jwemisseh;
Weather became calm; &
warm, breeze variable from
South S. Est & N. Est~
The Comet steamed on to
the Shoal & grounded
just abrest of us.
At 3,, P.M. the Khalifah
arrived up & anchored
up above
us along the East bank
& sent to sound ~
At 3 1/2 P.M. my messenger
Alewy arrived from
[pg: 40]
Baghdad, he was ferried
across in our Launch;
Eliza writes to me that the
arab arrived last night
at 7 P.M. & she soon wrote
to me the answer but the
arab left this morning after
sunrise, she sends me
a letter from Alexander
a short one from Vienna
dated the 22d July, he does
not say anything about
his mariage affair only he
complains of a very bad
tooth ache he has which
prevents him from writing
He has received my 90 £
Stg from R. Jorkis & that
is all he says, How could
his telegram from Paris
be also dated the 22 July
this is puzzling me,
I also received a letter
from Blance, my
late brother Alexander's
[pg: 41]
widow from Constaninople
dated the 19 July; I sent
them all to Henry to read,
he writes to me that they
have 320 passengers;
Jeboory Asfar is on board
going for a few days to
spend with his family;
My wife writes to me &
that Père Marie Joseph the
Superior of the Carmelite
Father died yesterday @ 12
o'clock am. He was ill
for some time & had spent
about 3 months out in his
garden, but it is all his
fault because he never
used to take any nourishment
& starved himself, it
is a great loss to all
the Christian community
he was the Boss of the
Fathers & the oldest father
that has ever remained
so long in Baghdad
[pg: 42]
for over 35 years and
during this period he had
done lots of good for
our church & schools.
Henry also tells me that
Prince Bismark the Ex.
German Chancellor died
at Berlin on the 30 of
Henry writes to me that
Jeboory Asfar is going to
ride in tomorrow early
The Comet kept working
and heaving over the shoal
at night;
14 Sund Ther @ 5.78
Light n.w. & fine ~
The Comet got over the Shoal
this morning; the Khalifah
is lightning herself on
the bank at Dawar
opposite us the Ressafah
is still in her place down
below us;
At 8.40 am. the Comet
weighed & proceeded after
having got all her stores
[pg: 43]
from the bank; I sent a
letter to Eliza with Tom
Dexter the second Engineer;
The S.S. Khalifah after
having landed all the Hoop
iron about 3500 bundles on
the bank and her passengers
too, she weighed & steamed
on to the place where the
Comet was aground soon
after the latter had left,
she took our anchors ahead
& kept heaving on & moving
up slowly; Henry writes
to me that he saw only one
partridge this morning which
he shot;
Henry crossed over to see
me at 2 P.M. ~ the Khalifah
hove over the shoal at
3 P.M. & steamed up, & at
3 1/2 we weighed and
turned round & steamed
down on to the shoal
which has got better now
& a little deeper, she struck
the shoal & turned round
broadside on and
[pg: 44]
we took an anchor
out ahead & turned up
stream her bow & she
got off & went into deep
water & alongside the
bank of Dawar where
our cargo is lying, and
we began to load,
At about 6 1/2 P.M. our
messenger arrived back
from Baghdad with the
answer of Capt Cowleys letter
to Lynch & Co. they allow
him to tranship cargo with
the Khalifah & return if
there is no chance of our
getting over the Shoal;
a Sakka Ismaîl also
came with the messenger
he brings me a letter from
Johny & Telegram
from London the one in one
of mine which was
[pg: 45]
sent on the 11th. I had left
with Jhony to be sent,
it is dated the 12th Instt;
as follows.
“ Svoboda Baghdad
“ Conformant vos ordres.
“ desiste opinion partirai
“ Absolument avec Essayie
“ tranquillisez
“ Razkallah
I am so very glad to hear
these news & hope my last
telegram has served Alexander
as a good lesson & brought
his senses to him back;
But I am very sorry for
What he has done in such
a short time & has spoilt
& upset everything as well
as his intended programme
of his return journey
which I had so well
arranged and planned
[pg: 46]
for his benefit & Comfort,
We worked in shipping
the Cargo from the bank
till 10 P.M. & finished this
last portion of it & there
remain the other lot on
the bank further down;
15 Mond Therm @ 5.80
Light N.W. & fine weather
at day break we dropped
further down along the
bank of Dawer to our
other portion of Cargo &
begun shipping it;
The Khalifah is still
loarding her cargo, and
the Ressafah is her same
At 9,,10 am we finished
shipping all the cargo, left
Dawar bank & backed
down stream & went on,
The Khalifah had also
nearly finished & was
[pg: 47]
to start in about an
hours time, but the Ressafah
which had to our channel
to pass over it had not
yet passed & she has a
lot of cargo thrown on the
At 10,5 am anchored at Habtyeh
(lower end of Dawar) and sounded,
At 11 proceeded on, ~
At 0,45 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh steamed outside
the wreck of the Dijleh of
which her super heater and
part of the boiler are visible;
At 3,,5 passed Azizieh,
At 6,10 P.M. anchored at
Um Sneyem to sound;
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
At 6,,40 proceeded after
founding the Channel;
In going round the reach
of Deboony just below
Sheresh the steamer went
too close to the West.
bank where this is
[pg: 48]
a Mehayleh laden with
grain & we squeezed her
by the Ships stern carrying
her side plank away with
us, we let it go afloat
& turned round at 7 and
steamed up to the boat
her crew were yelling &
crying, we sent buckets
& the pump & our crew
with Mr. Reynolds and
the Captain went, she
was making water from
the side where the plank
was carried; ~ I our men
kept baling the Boat & landing
the Barley on shore & trying to
stop the leaking, but the boat
is very old & rotten, they have
filled the opening with cotton
but still she leaks,
they knocked off at midnight
& we remained at anchor
[pg: 49]
16 Thursd Therm @ 5.73
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
Capt Cowley wrote a letter
& sent to Bughela to one
Moosa Lawash, the agent
of Khdery (as the Barley belongs
to Eassa Khdery) to send
some men to watch the
Barley from being stolen,
& our men went to work
at the Boat to caulk her;
they have beached her bow
high & dry; she was soon
caulked, but her crew refused
to take the Barley in her they
want to desert; we get 4
arab watchmen to watch the
Barley paid them 2 mejidies
through Faraj the son of
Elias Serkis here about who
in gathering Liquorice, also
the Arab my friend Meneshid
son of Arbid, we paid
the Caulker 1 mejidie too,
and left at 10,,45 am,
at 12 grounded at top of
Sheresh hove off & proceeded
at 1 1/2 P.M. and at
1,,40 anchored also
[pg: 50]
at Sheresh & sent to sound
Pilot returning at 5 P.M. he
marked the channel of 2 1/2 &
2 3/4 draaz ~ at 5,,20 we
proceeded down and passed
over touching but she rubbed
over & had to wait for the
mark sticks collected and
then weighed & went on from
Sheresh at 5,55, Modte
N.W. & fine weather;
At 6,,30 P.M. passed Nemlah
Light N.W. breeze & fine;
At 6,,50 rounded and
came to off Bughela landed
1 passenger & specie; and
went on at 7,,5; ~
At 7,,20 anchored at Hamraya
for the night, Light N.W. & fine
cool weather ~
17 Wedns Therm @ 5.75
Light N.W & fine cool morning
Sent to sound the Channel
and at 5 am steamed on to
the shoal & grounded,
worked with anchors in
heaving her off~
[pg: 51]
At 6,,40 we proceeded
At 8,,20 anchored at Um
el Ajaj and Sounded; the
Pilot did not come until he
was whistled to by Captain
it was 11 am, we proceeded
and grounded at the bottom
of the reach where it was
Sounded, had to heave on
with an anchor & at 0,,20
P.M. proceeded ~ at 1 @ P.M.
grounded in the next reach,
hove off & proceeded at 1,,30;
but grounded & had to heave
off forward and went on
at 2,,30 P.M.;
At 4,,40 we anchored
just above Coot on the
opposite side & sent to sound
our Coot passengers 25 1/2
all went in Goffas; the
Pilot found a channel
he between the islands we
weighed & steamed into it, &
were passing through fairly,
but dropped stern anchors
& kept heaving on and
[pg: 52]
dropping through, & then took
an anchor ahead & walked
her in dropping down to Coot,
But at 7 1/2 we knocked off
and remained for the right
between two islands ~
Breeze shifted to S. East but
cool & fine~
18 Thursd Therm @ 5.79
Light S. Erly breeze & fine
at day break begun working
hove her stern anchor and
took an anchor out ahead of
to Coot & hove on;~ We
landed the Coot Cargo 89 Packages
in two hired boats for of 1/2
mejidies both, & kept heaving
over; Calm & hot weather
the breeze in S. Eter;~
At 4 1/2 P.M. we worked & a channel
for us & got into it & floated
We collect anchors fore
& aft, sent two telegrams
to Basreh & Baghdad to
Lynch telling them that
We leave after friday morning
from Coot;
We remained opposite
Coot close to the bank
[pg: 53]
at anchor for the night
the Capt. does not wish to go
further down;
19 Frid Therm @ 5.78
Light S. Erly breeze & cool;
Light S. Erly breeze and
fine weather~
At 4,,30 AM. left Coot &
dropped down to below the
village & went on ~ Took
10 passengers from Coot;
At 10 we came to a Shoal
at Mendelyat, the SS. Phrat
here on her way up, she
hove up & went up at 10,,10
We sent to sound and
at 10,,30 proceeded, again came
to to the shoal & grounded ~
At 12 proceeded; S. Erly
and very warm ~
At 2,,40 P.M. landed
a Jewess at Alli Gherbi she
is booked for Amara, took
3 & left at 2,,45~
At 5,,50 passed Alli Sherghi
Very hot & calm weather
At 10 P.M. we arrived
[pg: 54]
at Amara landed 27
passengers & 99 packages
Very calm & warm ~
There are 120 Bales of wool
in Lynch’s Press the last
left here for us to ship
down & the work men went
up in the Khalifah, but
we did not take it ~
They say here that the Motserrif
Mostapha Pacha is
dismissed from Amara
The Mejidieh is loaded
& ready for us to transfer
in her; ~
20 Satur Therm @ 5.78
Commodore Ismail Beg died on 9th Instt
Light S. Erly & fine~
At 3,,30 Am left Amara
gave tickets to 24 Amara
passengers~ Very calm
weather, we have also 11
zaptyes from Amara ~
Detained over 1/2 hour at the
Elbow & below it is Shoal
water; ~
[pg: 55]
It is very warm & disagreable
At 10,,15 passed Azair,
11 Tuesd. Therm @ 74
At 1,,10 P.M. passed Gorna,
breeze shifted to west &
N. West~
In passing Maghil at
6 1/2 P.M we saw the Mejidieh
out of Dock nearly ready,
They are still working
Something at her, we
expect to take her this
trip; Weather hazy,
& got warm & air fell
At 6 arrived at Basreh;
There are 4 steamers in Quarantine
The B.I. Str. Amra & Assyria
also the SS. Paran for
Asfar & the SS. Scarsdale
for Korkis & Khdery, we
have a lot of cargo in
the Barges~ They say that
We are to await here for
the Mejidieh 4 days more
& the Khalifah having
left yesterday, will
[pg: 56]
take the mails & leave
before us ~ Rufail came
to me, & anxious for
news from Alexander
told him all & we went
to his house, where Rezooki
his brother, & Rezooki Angoorly
were, we dined & slept
The Commodore of the
Turkish Gunboats at Basreh,
Ismail Beg died on the
9th from a short illness
of typhoid fever caused
by the great heat and
effect of drinking to excess
he had only been there since
8 or 9 months;
21 Sund
Light N.W. breeze & quite
cool morning, I felt it
very cool in bed with only
a little cotton blanket as
a cover; at 6 1/2 am. I
came on board we are
discharging Cargo,
[pg: 57]
Yousif Marine, Rufail &
Rezooki came to me, but
Yousif went back to Shaebyeh
& I went in to Basreh
with Rufail & Rezooki
to Tookyeh & breakfasted
with them, It became
Very hot & calm, at 3 P.M.
we came out to the ship,
We are going up to Maghil
tomorrow morning to
transfer to the Mejidieh
& we shall not leave
until the 27th; ~
I went with Rufail & Rezooki
to their place, the weather
is awfully bad with light
S. Erly breeze warm and
muggy; at night it was
worse the breeze from the
S. Est loaded with heavy
dew, I could not sleep
at all, my clothes were so
wet & got cold & begun
to sneeze all the night
it is very disagreable
[pg: 58]
1898 Augt
22 Mond
Modte S. Erly & very dampy
and moisty so disagreable
perspiration remaining
down from sunrise, it
is so awfully disgusting,
at 6 1.2 am I came on
The S.S. Afghanistan arrived
in quarantine the day before
yesterday at 8 P.M;
At 5 1/2 P.M. we weighed,
and steamed up to Maghil
Rufail came with me
he had been in Basreh,
(and has brought me all
the little deeds & the new
ones for the mortgage
of his house & property
at the Mahawla
with one for 3 years
for the sum of 1000 TLiras
@ 7 1/2% Interest, I paid
him the money now
& deducted 75 1/2 T Liras
& am taking a Bond
[pg: 59]
for the next 2 years Interest
At 6 P.M. arrived
at Maghil went alongside
the Mejidieh & Rufail
went up to Yousif Marine &
then I went too, we dined with
him & slept there; the weather
is very calm & hot, at night
a very heavy dew fell, so
much that the bed was
wet with water a Light
S. Erly breeze & thick dew
like fog~
23 Tuesd
Fearful weather; the dew
fell like rain , warm and
disagreable, I have not
seen for years; I came
to the Blosse & begun to
get my cabin put to right
by carpenters, & shifted
my kit gradually, the
heat is killing us, I never
saw like it, the perspiration
running down & clothes
saturated with water
[pg: 60]
I was so tyred being on
foot all the day & nearly
fainting from fatigue,
till sunset when I had
finished my shifting;
The heat is most awful
dead calm & warm as
a bath~
At 8 P.M. the Khalifah
came down, [strikeout] We sent
our boat for letters; and
I got mine from Eliza &
one from Alexander from
Paris dated the 29th Ulto;
also from Henry but
I could not read them
from the heat;
Later at night it became
little cooler, I slept on
upper deck of the Blosse
Lynch, breeze from
[pg: 61]
24 Wedn Th. 78
Light Westerly breeze &
fine; I dressed took my
bed & hired a Belem for
1 1/2 K. to Rufail's place
& left at 6 am; Took
Rufail & Rezooki & we went
to the Khalifah to see Henry,
she is discharging & loading
too & leaves this evening
there are two mails for
her to take up; My wife
has not sent me any clothes
or anything, not knowing
of our detention here;
I had to send some clothes
to Tookyeh to be washed
in Basreh;
I read Alexander's letter
in the Belem as I was coming
down from Maghil it is
from Paris dated the 29
July, in which he divulges to
me his intention of loving
a young girl of 18 in Paris
& asking permission to
[pg: 62]
marry her, this intimacy
& love had begun for the
last 8 months a very long
letter of 6 sheets ful of
caresses & humility and
the history of his intimacy
with this girl being of a
respectable family in
France; etc etc~
On arrival to Henry on board
the Khalifah, I found
he had just got a telegram
for me from my wife
she says
" Svoboda Basreh,
" Alexander wired
" require money, wire Korkis
" love. Eliza
It is dated the 23 from
Baghdad~ Henry tells me
that Yousif son of Rafail
Yaghchi has asked for
the mariage with his daughter
Louisa through the medium
of Monseigneur Altmayer,
[pg: 63]
but he has not yet given him
an answer & wants to consider
the matter & ask my opinion
on it; Yousif has been
working for the last two
months in trying to get married
with the daughter of Naoom
Serkis, but it seems that
the mother Mily & the brother
Yacoob have not consinted
& so it is given up~
Weather is hot on board
the Khalifah, although today
there is a light air from
N. West; At 12 am I went
up to Rufails place with
Rezooki; I wrote a letter
to my wife & gave it to Henry,
I made a telegram to
Rezooki Korkis & sent it
to Basreh at 2 P.M.;
"Razkallah London
"Kindly pay Alexander
"Twenty pounds travelling
"expences, reply Basreh,
"date departure itinerary
"Voyage (16 words/ 12 Frcs) Svoboda
[pg: 64]
I paid 12 frcs for it &
got a receipt;
At 4 1/2 P.M. we went onboard
the Khalifah she was weighing
her anchor, saw Henry
for few minutes only &
the Khalifah left at 5
P.M.~ We came back to
the house; Very light air
from N.W. but the night was
not so bad, but there are
lots of sand flies~
25 Thursd
Light N.W. & calm
warm weather; At 7 am
Rufail & I went in to Basreh
to Tookyeh where we
were forced by them to Stop
& breakfast with them;
At 0 1/2 P.M. We left and
came out to the house,
It is very hot, but there is
Wind though it is not
pleasant, but warm &
the night was cool with
a Modte N.W. Wind
[pg: 65]
The S.S. Mossul passed
down to Basreh at midnight
26 Frid
1898 Augt
Modte N.W. & fine cool
morning; at 6 1/2 am I
left Rufails place in his
Bellem & came up to
Maghil; I found the
Mejidieh will not leave
before tomorrow morning
for Basreh to load;
My cabin is very hot,
I have not the ventillation
but the air is cool outside;
Yousif Marine sent us a lot
of melons & watermelons
from his ground, they are
very good;~
It became awfully calm &
warm from 2 P.M. till late
at night, the wind fell &
became so very oppressive
& muggy it made every body
mad & did not know where
to go, so dampy, & at sunset
a thick fog came on from
the north; at about 8 P.M.
the breeze sprung up
[pg: 66]
and became cooler a
little, I slept on board the
Mejidieh on the upper deck,
our crew & servants are
shifting their Kit, & the cabin
27 Satur
Money with Rufail Sayegh
1898 Augt
At day break the Mejidieh
& Blosse Lynch got steam
up; Mr. Reynolds our chief
mate takes the Blosse to
Basreh~ Modte N. Wester
but my cabin is like a
hot bath~
The Blosse Lynch left for
Basreh at 6 am~
The Mejidieh also left at
6,,45 going easy up stream
& turned round~ The found
some defects in the pump
of the Engines & we anchored
abreast of Yousif's house
to put it to right;
At 10,,10 Am we started for
Basreh, after having put the
Pump & Engine to right~
A fresh N.W. Wind blowing
today; but it is hazy with
dust in the sky~
[pg: 67]
At 10,,40 We arrived and
anchored at Basreh~
The S.S. Parran is up here
loading~ The dust became
thicker that we cannot
see within 500 yards off~
It cleared off towards 3 P.M.
We are shipping some cargo
& will take in 30 Tons of coal
at night~ Rufail came
to me at 4 P.M. & I went
up with him to his house;
I have lent him the money
1000 TLiras & paid it to him
on Monday last the 22d
Instt, for 3 years @ 7 1/2 %
& he mortgaged his property
the Mahowla where he is
living by new Title deeds
made in the Tapo in my
name, I deducted the 75
Liras interest for next year
& took two Bonds from
him for the next two years
payable at the expiration
of each year;
[pg: 68]
In the evening Nessoory
Andrea came he dined
& slept with us; The weather
is very nice & cool, a Modte
N.W. Wind prevails and
the night is quite cool
28 Sund
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning; at 6 1/2 Am
I came on board~
The Mejidieh is loading,
We finished at 1 P.M. only
loaded down to 3,,8 Inches,
We have no passenger &
very few;
Rufail is going up with
us to Gorna for his dates;
We got the mails on board
Yesterday, as today there is
no Office~
I am sorry I have not
received the Answer of my
telegram to R. Korkis it
is 4 days now,
[pg: 69]
Basreh to Baghdad (//) Per SS. Mejidieh Voy 372 [29 AUG 1898 --- V048_02_N] (//)
Passge | Okes | GSP. Local | Draft |
60 1/2 | 112,475 | 3,558 1/4 | 3,,7 |
At 2 P.M. left Basreh;
Fine N. Westerly Wind~ We
have Rufail Sayegh & his
attendant going to Gorna
he paid deck passage,
Weather became very calm
& rather warm & moisty,
At 7,,50 landed Rufail
& his Clerk at Gorna &
Went on at 7,,55~ The
night became very cool~
29 Mond Th@ 5. 80
1898 Augt
At 0,,15 Am. passed Azair
and after 10 minutes we dropped
anchor at the top of the reach,
Fine Cool night~
At 4,,45 Proceeded,
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
At 6,,10 we came to the
Shoal at Ghumeyjeh and
Could not pass over, took
an anchor ahead & hove
over, the shoal extends far
[pg: 70]
a long distance & the bottom
is clay & sticky; We took
an other anchor & hove and
steamed over;
At 10,,30 we got over and
steamed on;
At 12 got jammed in a reach
above Ghumeyjeh, a narrow
place, the river has no water
here, it is taken into the
Numerous large canals
of the Senyeh for their cultivation
and the river is left with
very scanty water; the
SS. Ressafah & Barge which
had left Baghdad on the 10th
Instt came & anchored
above us until we left
at 1 1/2 P.M. & passed her
then she proceeded down;
We have in all 31 passengers
(2 in 1st Class Khorshid Effendi
Kaimakam of Shetra and
Rashid Effendi Mohasebchi
of Amara, the former to
Coot & the latter to Amara)
and 26 workmen from
[pg: 71]
the Dock who were working
in the Mejidieh (9 Blacksmith
3 Carpenters & 14 Tilkeflies)
At 5,,35 P.M. landed 2
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& took 1 and went on at
5,,40~ Breeze shifted to
S. West & calm warm weather
At 10,,5 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 7 passengers
(one 1st Class Rashid Effendi
the Mohasebchi) and 2 Bales
of Cloth, Took in 10 Tons of
30 Tuesd.
1898 Augt
At 0,,35 Am. left Amara
Light N.W. breeze & very cool
night, I felt it quite Cold
so much that I had to go
down & take up an other
blanket to cover myself, &
still I felt it cold~
At 5,,30 passed Ali
Sherghi; Gave tickets to
17 Amara passengers
[pg: 72]
At 10,15 Am landed one
passenger at Ali Gherbi and
took 8 1/2 and Went on at 10,,25
Very light air from N.West & warm;
Strong Wind got up to blow
at noon~
At 3,,45 P.M. passed Sheikh
At 8,,30 grounded and then [illegible]
and steamed on at 9~
At 11,,5 arrived at Coot
landed 5 passengers included
Khorshid Effendi KaimaKam
of Shetra in 1st Class~ Took
10 Tons of Coal, and remained
for the night. The shoal here
opposite Coot has not improved
31 Wedn Th@ 5, 74 Noon 101 4 P.M. 106
Light N.W. breeze & fine Cool
Weather; Pilot went to sound
the channel between the
two sand islands, At 6 Am
We steamed on to it, grounded
took an anchor [illegible]
and worked heaving & steaming
there are only 2 1/2 draaz
[pg: 73]
Today is the Corronation day
of the Sultan Abdulhamid
of Turkey;~
At 9,,45 Am we got over the
Shoal and went on from
Coot; Detained few minutes
at Umel Boonny~
Detained at Umel Ajaj from
2 till 2,,30 P.M. going over
the shoal; the S.S. Phrat is
here aground & sounding
bound down, full of Soldiers
for Katif the relief Troops;
Very hot weather & light
air from N.W.;
At 5,,50 P.M. passed
Nemlah~ Very calm
weather~ Fool moon tonight
Septr 1 Thursd Th@ 5. 76
1898 Septr.
Light N.W. air & fine cool
At 2,,45 Am passed
At 6,,15 passed Baghdadieh
I paid the Ship's company
their wages for August;
[pg: 74]
At 10 Am anchored at
Oweyn & sounded found 2 3/4
draaz water, at 10,,20 we
weighed and steamed over
without touching;
Very calm & warm Weather;
At 3,,10 P.M. passed Ctesiphon
detained 10 minutes in
shoal water just opposite
the Arch;
We met at Jaffer's bank
the first batch of Horses being
exported to Bombay about
200 of them going to Basreh,
Detained 10 minute at Jaffer
in shoal water~
At 6 passed Diala river
the weather became Cool as
soon as the sun went down;
At 9,,5 we touched the shoal
at Cherd el Pasha, the SS.
Khalifah is aground here
since this morning on
her way down, she is on
the other side, we are
on the East bank,
[pg: 75]
We anchored & sent to
sound; Pilot returned to
say there are 2 ¾ draaz,
We weighed & proceeded
at 9.45; The Khalifah
is here since this morning,
She is deep & full of passengers
as there was no steamer
before her & the Phrat had
taken soldiers down,
I sent a letter & Papers with
our Pilot to Henry but
they told him that he was
in town & brought it back;
At 10.10 landed mails
at the Residency; I also
landed in a Goffa & went
home saw Eliza she is
well, A telegram came
from Alexander in answer
to mine from Basreh
to R. Korkis London of
the 24 Ulto; It is wired
from Paris dated the 30
[pg: 76]
Ulto it says
Svoboda Baghdad
Partirai seul 15 Marseille
Port Said Alexandrette
and also two letters arrived
from him from Paris & the
last one of today from
London dated the 12 Augt
he speaks nothing but
about his love with this
bloody girl & his wish
of marying her & he
is mad for her and
ill from sorrow etc etc
he even sent to us her
Photo coloured; I was
so vexed & sorry to hear
all this & especially of
his return to Paris and
not leaving before the
15 Instt, after having got
the money which I
authorized Korkis to pay
him the 20 L £ for his
[pg: 77]
travelling expenses, he
will now spend it with
this girl in Paris, so vexed
& disappointed I became
that I could not sleep
a wink all the night and
was mad from the sorrow,
After midnight & I went
down below & read his
telegram & remained in
the room till day light
2 Frid
Light N.W. air & fine ~
Henry has stopped behind
this time, Mr. Bottomley has
given him leave for one
trip to see the betrothal
of his daughter Louisa
with Yousif Yaghchi on
Sunday; he called on me
at 7 am. he has given
Louisa, the Monseigneur
Altmayer has pressed
the matter & wishes to
finish it quick, and
[pg: 78]
has spoken with all our
family on the subject,
Henry & his wife it appears
are very glad to see this
union coming off; and
they listened to no body’s
advice or council;
My Sîsters Eliza, Emilia
& Medula came also to
see me, & they also were
very sorry at Alexander’s
behaviour so, towards
us; I went on board for ½
hour & came back;
Henry came to me at
10 am. bringing me the
telegram which the
Archbishop Altmayer
has received it on the 31
Ulto; in answer to his
telegram to Cardinal
Richard of the 6 Augt,
he says:
[pg: 79]
Alexandre Svoboda
Consent retourner pays,
Gejou demande famillé
autorisation avance
argent necessaire,
Cardinal Richard
this is dated from Paris
on the 31 Ulto; ~
We have arranged to let
Alexander go at once from
Paris to Constanple, so as
to see Blanche (my brother
Alexander’s widow) to arrange
about his appointment
here in the Public Debt,
as she wrote to me so; ~
Mr. J. Böhm writes to me
also I found here 3 letters
from him, he complains
very bitterly of Alexander’s
behavior, & sends me
also the corespondence
[pg: 80]
he has had with him
in Vienna & Paris, and
tells me of how that bitch
of women came even
to Vienna & lived with
him as man & wife and
it was very nearly that the
Police authority were going
to be informed & Alexander
would have had 4 weeks
imprisonment; he sent
me all the letters that Alexander
wrote to him;~
At 3 P.M. I called on Monseigneur
Altmayer, he is going
to start next Wednesday
direct for Mardin where
all the Assyrian Bishops
are to be gathered there for
the election of an Archbishop
in place of the one died
last year in Mossul
Hanna Boonnyi; and
he will be back here
[pg: 81]
on about the 20 of Nover;
I called also on Alice &
came home;
Antone Marine & Johny
& Artin called in the evening,
Light N.W. & fine cool
3’d Satur Ther @ 5 .78
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; at 7 am I came
on board; the Khalifah
had to lighten herself & yesterday
at Cherd il Pasha so
as to get over the shoal
& left at 10 am yesterday,
I went home at 11, I sent
this telegram to Alexander
Gejou Svoboda
3 Place Cambronne
“ Avec argent reçu rendèz
“ Vous immediatement
“ Constantinople, Blanche
“ demande presence Sujét
“ emploi repondèz~
20 mots Svoboda
3/9/98 Frcs 11,,45
[pg: 82]
I took a bath, & at 4 PM. I
called on Henry, they are
preparing sits for tomorrow
morning for the betrothal
of Louisa with Yousif
Yaghchi & are inviting good
many people; I came
home at 6,
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather, I have the pain
in my stomach since 5 days
4 Sund
Louisa daughter of my Brother Henry was betrothed with Yousif Rufail Yaghchi she was born on the 20 March 1876 ~
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning; I did not go
to church, but at 8 am
Eliza & I went over to Henry
Great many people came,
they were invited by Henry;
also D. Rosen the German
Consul. Dr. & Mrs. Hesse the
German Chancellier, Mr.
Bottomley, Edward son
of Tom Blockey; all my
Sisters & children etc etc,
After an hour the Yaghchies
came, Yousif the future
Bride groom & his brother
[pg: 83]
Michail & about 40 or 50
persons with them, also
Monsigneur Altmayer
the french Priests, the
Armenian Priest, Asfars
& many Christians; the
ladies were upstairs &
the gentlemen sat down in
the courtyard, shortly
after we all went up
& the ceremony was read
By Kass Phillippus the
Armenian Priest & the
ring was passed by the
Archbishop Altmayer
& the people drank
Sherbet & it was over
by 10; ~ Eliza & I remained
& breakfasted there as
well as Grzeski my sisters
& Michail Yaghchi,
I went to call on the French
Priests, also on the Bishop
Aghnatius who is unwell
with fever & is going to
start on Wednesday
[pg: 84]
evening the 7th in Company
with Monseigneur Altmayer
to Mardin via Deir
for the election of a new
Assyrian Patriarch ~
I came back to Henry’s
at 12 & found a telegram
from London from Rezooki
Korkis just arrived saying
Svoboda Baghdad
Alexandre demande vingt
sterling pour depenser, payrons
telegraphiez, epoque depart
3 Septr. Razkallah
I am astonished to see this
telegram as mine of the
24 Augt from Basreh could
not have possibly reached
him; if is now 13 days ~
I went home at 2 P.M.
Jeboory Asfar came to pay
us a visit, while here I
received a telegram from
Alexader Paris
dated today at 10 am
[pg: 85]
Svoboda Baghdad
Partirai Constantinople
This is the answer of my
telegram of yesterday’s &
I hope he will do it soon,
Light N.W. & fine weather
5 Mond
Light N.W. & fine ~ at 7 am
I went to the Latin church
by invitation from the father
where theatrical representation
was given by the school
boys in french prose,
the scene was Jean d’Arc
in 5 acts, Great many
people were, as well as the
french Consul Mr. Rouet,
the Russian Mr. Grougloff,
Monseig. Altmayer, the
[CROSSOUT] Chaldean Patriarch
& some Englishmen as Mr.
Bottomley etc; & all the
Christians it was over by
10 am; I then came
on board, paid the
[pg: 86]
officers wages etc. Went
home at 12 ~ at 3 P.M.
called on Asfars but found
no body there; I called
on Sister Eliza & Medula,
my wife came there and
we came home.
Light N.W. & rather warm,
6’ Tuesd Therm@ 5.79
Light N.W. air & fine ~
at 6 ½ am called on Catherina
Yaghchi & congratulated
her on the betrothal of her
son Yousif, called on Anton
Marine & then came
on board, We are shipping
cargo ; ~
At 12 I went home,
the Monseigneur Altmayer
had called to see us & bid
goodbye as he starts tomorrow
evening but no one was
at home & he left his card;
At 2 ½ P.M. I came on
board ~ The SS. Mossul
arrived at 2 ¾ P.M.
We shipped a lot of cargo
[pg: 87]
today, as the merchants are
afraid of our refusing it
tomorrow, After the ship
having competed her loading
mark; we do not want
to load her deep as the
state of the river is very
bad ~ At 5 P.M. I went
home found Henry there,
I took him & called on
the Assyrian Bishop
Aghnatius to bid him good
bye; as he leaves tomorrow
evening to Mardin ~ Henry
returned with me to my house,
Artin also came & spent the
evening ~
Light N.W. wind & fine
cool night.
7 WednTherm 5.79
1898 Sept
Modte N.W. wind & fine
weather; Henry came
to me and we went to call
on Monseigneur Altmayer
to wish him good bye, he
starts this evening for
Mardin via Deir, in a
Takhtarawan, also the
[pg: 88]
Assyrian Bishop, for the
election of a Patriarch,
Père Augustin is left here
until the return of Altmayer
here on about the 20th of
November, I requested him
that should my son Alexander
(who leaves Paris today
according to his telegram)
wishes to go from Aleppo
to Mardin to join and come
back together to be so good
as to look after him;
Johny & Artin came with
us; we passed to see Alice
& Sister Emilia & I came
on board at 8 ~ The SS
Mossul droped inside to
the wharf to discharge,
she is ordered to go up river
some where near Kadumain
to meet the new Mushir
Pasha coming by and
having passed Ana 4
days ago & bring him
down; He was the Waly
[pg: 89]
& Mushir at Yemen, is
called; Ahmed Feydi Pasha,
At 11 went to breakfast,
I found a telegram at
home just arrived from
Alexander from Paris
dated the 5th,
Svoboda Baghdad
Cant go Constantinople
Cause Passport;
This ungrateful son is
giving me great trouble
and behaving very badly,
he simply is dodging with
excuses & lies; but he
does not know his bad
consequence & ruin, he
will get no more money
from me;
I went to see Henry &
talked over this telegram
they all consulted me
to wire him to come
out by sea, where there
is no passport necessary
[pg: 90]
I came on board at 2
P.M. we shipped some more
cargo; Having our 90,000
Okes; At 6 P.M. I went home
saw Henry there; they wanted
me to wire to Alexander
to let him come by sea
to Basreh, so that he can
show no more excuses,
but I wont do it, & it is
better to let him remain
unanswered & no more
money will he receive so
that he will feel it and
until he begins to starve,
Light n.w. & fine cool
night ~
1898 Septr
8 Thurs
Modte n.w. & fine cool
weather; at 4 am I
came on board, having
sent to Jeboory Asfar to
come onboard as he is
going with us ~
[pg: 91]
Baghdad to Basrah [8 SEP 1898 --- V048_03_S] (//)
Passenger | Okes | GS Piast | Draft |
229 | 93,339 | 26,208 1/4 | 3,,7 |
At 5.20 am we proceeded
the ship is full of passengers,
we touched at Cherd el Pasha
& swung round & proceeded;
At 7.50 passed Diala river
At 9,25 passed Ctesiphon,
the Mejidieh is drawning 3.6,
I gave tickets to the passengers
we have altogether
(4 in 1st class, Dr. Ramsey
the Residency Surgeon going to
Basreh to officiate as Consul
in the absence of Capt Forbes
who went on leave 2 months
ago; G. Asfar returning to
Basreh free with 2 servants,
the wife of AbdulKadur Khdery
to Amara paying, and
Jejo son of Moorad Lynch's
Clerk to Basreh with one
servant free; also 2 in
2d Class to Coot, Rezooki
son of Elias Feraj & his wife
[pg: 92]
At 9,,40 P.M. we touched
at Oweyn & grounded &
the steering chain parted
we look out & anchor &
have on aft; she wont move,
a fresh n.w. wind blowing;
At 6 P.M. we got off & floated
and remained at anchor for
the night; A light and
very cool n.w. breeze kept
on all the night; I slept in
my cabin & found it very
1898 Septr
9 Frid Ther @ 5.72
Light n.w. & very cool weather
At 5,,15 am. we weighed
and proceeded from Oweyn;
At 7,55 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; The wreck of the
Dijleh is more visible out
of the water than any other
years, the Paddle boxes, the
Boss, the Crank Engine,
Cylinder & other parts of
the Engine are visible,
there is a sand bank
[pg: 93]
forming just below the
Engine room high & dry
this shows that the river
is this year lower than
any other former years,
It is just 22 years yesterday
since we touched and
got wrecked in her (8
Septr 1876) ~
At 9 we grounded at Rmelat
took an anchor out astern
worked for & aft in heaving
off ~ at 1 P.M. got off and
proceeded ~ at 1,,15 P.M.
anchored at Abdulla
reach and sounded; wind
blowing strong;
At 2 we proceeded over
the shoal without touching,
At 3,,15 passed Azizieh
At 3,,30 grounded below
Azizieh hove off & proceeded
at 4,,15;
At 6,,45 we anchored
at Um Sneyem~
[pg: 94]
Modte n.w. & fine cool
weather, I slept in my cabin,
but the wind was on the other
side & so I felt it rather warm
in the first part of the night;
10 Sater Ther @ 5.74
Light n.w. & fine cool weather
At 5,,15 Am left Um Sneyem
At 6,,45 anchored at Sheresh
to sound the Channel;
At 7,,20 proceeded ~
At 8,40 passed Memlah,
At 9, landed specie at
Bughela & went on at 9,,10
wind getting up & strong;
At 10 we grounded at Mehd,
the SS Phrat & Barge are here;
she crossed our bow and
steamed up at 10 1/2; we
took an anchor out astern
& hove her out; Strong wind
blowing, we furled the awnings;
At 12 hot off & proceeded
At 1,,10 P.M. anchored at
Um el Ajaj & sounded; ~
At 3,,15 proceeded on, we
were repairing the steering block
which had broken;
[pg: 95]
At 6,,50 P.M. arrived at
Coot & went alongside
landed 46 passengers
(2 of the 2d Class Cabin) &
35 packgez; ~
I am suffering awfully from the
pain in my stomach, I have
it the whole day, I am taking
all I can, the sulphur and
cream of Tartar; Bicarbonate
of Soda Rhubarb, fruit Salt,
also Jeboory Asfar gave me
a bottle of Apolinaris water
but to no effect at all ~
We finished at 7 and remained
at Coot for the night ~
Light n.w. & cool night I
slept in my cabin ~
11 Sund Ther @ 5.73
1898 Septr
Motserrif of Amara Mostapha Pasha dismissed on the 23d Augt
Light n.w. & fine cool weather
At 5,,30 am we left
Coot; Took 26 1/2 Passengers,
At 6,,30 anchored to sound
At 7,,5 proceeded ~ At 11,, we
grounded at Aboo Dood
have off and at 12 proceeded
fresh n.w. wind ~
[pg: 96]
At 1 1/2 P.M. we grounded
hove off and at 2,,40 proceeded.
At 2,,45 passed the S.S. Khalifah
bound up, she looks light
& has few passengers, I
had left a letter for Henry at
Coot to be taken up to him
to Baghdad, ~ wind has got
hot today;
At 3,30 P.M. anchored at
Maghessil and Sounded; at
3,45 proceeded;
At 3,,55 stopped to land a
passenger at Ali Gherbi, found
a lot of passengers here coming
we anchored, and at 4,,5
proceeded having taken 18 1/2
passengers, these people cannot
go down to Amara in boats
at Danegs as the road is
not safe, they say that the
Sheikh of Beni Laam
Ghadban son of Booneyeh
the son of Mezban, is
plundering all the way
from Coot to Amara,
[pg: 97]
several Boats have been
already plundered, this
is since the Mutserrif of
Amara Mostapha Basha
has been dismissed &
passed up yesterday on
board the Phrat, he has
made nearly 20,000 Liras
in his short stay of about
two years all by bribery
& corruption from the Arab
Sheikhs; Ghadban has
again assumed his independent
manner towards the Turkish
Government; and at Amara
the Authorities are weak &
possess very small military
force ~
At 5,,30 we grounded at
the top of Flefleh reach,
took out an anchor astern
& hove her into deep water
we get off at 6,,30 steamed
up, turned round & went on
at 6,,50 by going down
through the Shoal & the
East bank ~
[pg: 98]
Very light n.w. air and
not so cool as before; &
Light n.w. & cool weather
1898 Septr
12 Mond Ther @ 5.40 Noon 88
At 2 Am. we arrived
at Amara landed 44 1/2
passengers (one in 1st class
the wife of AbdulKadur Khdery)
and 138 Packages; Shipped
5 cases of Pelican Feathers
for Asfar & Co; ~
At 5 am left Anara
took 11 1/2 Passengers & zaptyes
our usual escort ;
We passed the SS. Ressafah
and Barge bound up at 1 am;
At 11 am we came to the
shoal place at Ghumeyjeh,
several Boats are here ladden
& cannot pass; we grounded
& worked on & over with
anchors & at 0.45 P.m.
went over & proceeded,
At 1,,30 P.M. anchored off
Azair and landed 3 1/2 passengers
& 17 packages (11 Tins oil & 6
Bags Onions)
At 1,,45 proceeded
[pg: 99]
At 4,,50 P.M. anchored at
Gorna went alongside and
landed 40 Packges and 12
passengers, ~
At 5,,20 left Gorna, calm
weather & rather warm ;
At 9,,45 P.M. arrived at
Basreh; weather has become
warmer, I had to sleep up
on the house, Jeboory Asfar
went to his house ~
We coaled ship at night;
13 Tuesd Ther @ 5.72
1898 Sept
Light n.w. & fine weather,
The Indian Marine Residency
Steamer of Bushire the Lawrence
came up at 6 1/2 am from
the quarantine station;
we are discharging and
shipping cargo; There is
the SS. Afghanistan here
up from quarantine, she
is to load dates for America,
also the SS. Brukside for
Mackenzie & the B.I. Str
Khandallah are in quarantine
Yousif Marine &Rufail
[pg: 100]
came to me on board they
enquired about Alexander
& what became of him,
I gave them his letters &
telegrams to read; at 11
I went up with them to
Rufails house for an
hour & returned at 1 P.M.
Modte n.w. wind
We finished shipping cargo by
5 P.M. ~ we are to await
for the mail Str Amra she
passed Fao & will be here
they say by 9 P.M. ~
Rufail Rezooki, Nessoory
Andria came off to me
The SS. Lawrence, I am
told is to remain here in
the date season to patrol
the river between this &
Fao on account of the frequent
Piracy & robbery etc.
taking place every year
[pg: 101]
by Arabs in plundering
Bugalows coming up
for loading dates, there
are two other Gunboats
coming also up for this
purpose shortly, the
Lapunig & Sphinx, &
the English Consulate
has already notified this
to the Local Government
here ~
At 4 1/4 P.M. the mail
Str Amra arrived in quarantine
We sent for our mail;
Very calm weather,
At 10 1/2 mails were brought
on board after undergoing
fumigation at the quarantine;
Basreh to Baghdad [13 SEP 1898 --- V048_04_N] (//)
14 Wedn Ther @ 5.74
1898 Septr
Passng | Okes | G.S. Local | Draft |
110 | 119,735 | 6,528 3/4 | 3,,10 |
At 11 we weighed & proceeded
Light n.w. air but cool;
I slept in my cabin but it was
rather warm at the beginning
& cool afterward ;
[pg: 102]
Light n.w. air & fine cool
At 4 AM. passed Gorna
we had the flood tide with
us ~
Finished with the passengers
tickets ~ we have altogether
40 1/2 (one in 1st Class Sheikh
Hussein an Arab of Meshed
who goes always up & down
with us)
At 7,,35 passed Azair ;
At 9,,15 came to the Shoal
at Ghumeyjeh, took out an
anchor & hove over, the
ship is 3 feet 10;
Kept working with anchors
for & aft all the day, she
moves but does not get over
the shoal the river is so
very narrow here about
150 feet broad, at 5 we
got over & went about 50
Yards & grounded again
took anchor ahead &
hove, weather very calm
by sunset & rather warm,
there are 4 or 5 Boats
[pg: 103]
here also discharging their
cargo to get over; ~
At 7 P.M. we knocked off heaving
it having got dark ~ Light,
n.w. air, and some mosquitoes
are coming; I slept on the
top of the house, being too
warm in the cabin ~
15 Thursd Ther @ 5.68
Low state of river below Amara
1898 Sept
Difficulty in closing canals
Light n.w. & cool morning,
at day break begun heaving,
got over but there are other
shoal places further on,
it is a long shoal. ~
At 8,,15 got over this shoal
and went on but the ship is
dragging & forcing herself over
shoal water and very
narrow river, there are from
2 1/2 to 3 draaz; the river is
quite lost, all the war is
taken away through so many
canals from Amara &
downward to irrigate the
Sultans property all our
complaints since 3 years
and now renewed too is
not listened to by the Turkish
Government, the river is
[pg: 104]
getting nearly dry and
not navigable at all ~
Detained below the Elbow reach
from 10,,15 to 10,,30 for the
Launch having parted and
had to send & bring it up ;
we are going slow, no water
to float us; ~
At 2,,40 P.M. landed one
passenger at Kalat Saleh
and went on at 2,,45
weather very calm Sultry
and light S. Erly breeze;
(my stomach pain is still
Killing me it comes twice
a day & once at night,
I am using all the usual
medicine which I have
administered before)
At 7,,5 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 15 passengers,
Took in 10 Tons of Coal ~
Light S. Ely breeze. but cool,
At 9,,30 left Amara
At 9,,45 anchored to repair
a float & left at 11 ~
We heard at Amara that
[pg: 105]
Missat Effendi the Turkish
Civil Engineer of the Vilayet
of Basreh who was sent
up about 2 months ago
by the Government to close up
some Canals above Amara
so as to get more water
into the river, after so many
repeated reports made by
the Captain to S Lynch & Co.
& there through the British
Consuls to the Local Governors,
has returned a few days
ago from abov Amara
about 3 hours steaming
where he had gone to Close
a small canal on the West
bank called Btera being
plundered and bitten by
the Arabs of Ezerij also
the Mason & the 4 zaptyes
he had with him because
the Arabs would not let
him close it & he had to
walk naked & barefooted
to Amara, the new
[pg: 106]
Acting Motserrif of Nasryeh
(now Officiating at Amara)
Sent for the Sheikh of the Ezerij
and had him flogged and
put him in irons~
16 Frid Therm @ 5.7 Noon 94 4 P.m. 98
1898 Sept
S. Erly breeze & fine weather,
Gave tickets to [strikeout] 34 Amara
At 8,,15 am stopped at
Ali Gherbi & landed 5 passengers
and about 25 Baskets of
fresh dates from Amara
At 8,,40 went on, took 9 1/2
passengers. Fresh S. Erly
Wind blowing;~
At 1,,45 P.M. passed
Sheikh Saad, very calm
weather; Breeze shifted
to N. Wester very light & warm
Detained in Shoal water,
at Hwey (cutting) from
5,,45 till 6 P.M.~ Light
S. Erly breeze again but
Calm & not cool at all
Thermot. in my Cabin 98˚
[pg: 107]
Detained 1/2 hour in Shoal
below Coot~
At 8,,30 P.M. arrived at
Coot, landed 4 passengers,
Light S. Erly breeze~
At 9,,30 left Coot;
17 Satur Therm @ 5.74
Light S. Erly breeze; At 2
am we grounded at Mehd;
worked with anchors, &
hove over~
At 6,,15 am the S.S. Mossul
Came down & anchored &
Above us & sent to sound,
She is 4 days from Baghdad;
I gave tickets to 26 Coot
At 7,,25 we hove over
and proceeded; the Mossul
Came down to pass by
our place, she is full of
Passengers & cargo too
both Steamer & Barge;
At 8,,40 passed Nemlah,
At 11,,20 passed the S.S. Khalifah
going down at Deboony,
Terooza Yaghchi (Wife of
[pg: 108]
Nessoory Andria & her children
were on board returning
to Basreh) Wind shifting
to West;~ Weather became
hazy, dusty sky & warm
wind keeps from South;
At 4,,15 P.M. grounded
at Brenij, took an anchor
out ahead & hove off; we
find no water to pass, sent
to sound & took an other
anchor out;~ Hot air
coming with the breeze
from N. Est & Weather
became hazy like a winter
cloudy season; Thermot.
98˚ at 6 1/2 P.M. in my
Cabin~ There are two deep
places here out we are working
for nothing & loosing time
until it became dark;
At 8,,5 we got over and
At 8..35 passed Azizieh,
went easy & stopping and
backing, at 10,,45 we
[pg: 109]
anchored at Rmelat, to
repair the wheel~
18 Sund Therm @ 72 Noon 90
At 2 Am we finished the
repair of the wheel proceeded,
At 4 passed Baghdadieh
Light S. Erly breeze~
At 5,,20 am landed 2 passengers
at Zwera village and went
out at 5,,30 ~
We passed Oweyn without
touching at 7,,45 the Channel
is very good now;
At 10 passed Bostan;
Calm weather & warm;
At 0,,30 P.M. passed
At 1,,30 came to a Shoal
at Gusseiba just near
the Island of Zumbaraniyeh
the S.S. Phrat & Barge
are here bound down,
She got underway after
having sounded at 1,,35,
We were detained in
crossing over the Shoal
[pg: 110]
till 1,,50 when we passed
Weather warm & calm,
(Since two days the pain
of my stomach has ceased
& I feel better).
Detained 25 minutes at Jaffer
in finding the Channel;
At 4 P.M. passed Diala
River; At 5,,15 I landed
at Gherrarah & walked to
town; there are 7 Tents at
Gherrarah of Christians encamped
there, Selman Durion and
others; also on the other side
the family of Korkis Tessy etc;
I met Dr. Rosen on horse
back the German Consul
he told me of the Assasination
of the Empress of Austria
Elizabeth, she was she was stabbed
by an Anarchist at Geneva
on Sunday last the
11th Instt; just on celebration
of the day of the Jubilee
of her husband the
[pg: 111]
Emperor Francis Joseph,
I hold heard it at Basreh,
on the night of our leaving
from our 2nd mate who
brought the mail up
from the Amra;~
At 7 I arrived home went
on top of the house, saw
Eliza, she says that a
telegram from Alexander
came asking for money
& also his letters by the
two last mails, his telegram
is as follows;
"Svoboda Baghdad
"Embarassé indisposé
"Korkis refuse payment
"Autorisez Ottombanque;
It is dated the 11th Instt,
and arrived the 14th;
Not only this is most
disappointing telegram
& enraging but the
worst is that, the
foolish thing is that
[pg: 112]
Georgis Antone has brought
to my wife a Receipt from
Alexander dated London
20th Augt for 30 T Liras having
received it from his agent
at Constple according to
the letter of recommendation
I had obtained from Georgis
to his agent Nazaret Kasberyan
to pay him this sum on
his arrival at Constple &
not otherwise. I was so
enraged at what this scamp
is doing; he is trying to
get money from all ways
& manners;~
The Mejidieh arrived
at about 9. She was aground
at Cherd el Pasha~
19 Mond
Modte N.W. Wind & fine
weather~ Habib Chiha
& Antone Julietti called
on me;~ At 9 am I
came on board, the S.S.
Ressafah is inside here
discharging~ I sent
[pg: 113]
back to Georgis Antone the
receipt of Alexander for
the 30 Liras he has drawn
from his agent at Constple,
He came on board & we
had great discussion about
it. I refused to pay it
as his agent had no
right to pay it unless
Alexander comes himself
to Constple & presents the
I made the following telegram
for Alexander and
sent it at noon;
"Gejou Svoboda
"3 Place Cambronne
"Absolutely refuse advanced
"more money, You must
"come by Steamer “Cogent”
"leaving Marseilles 22,
“Asfar wired Saunnièr
"passage paid, wire
30 words Svoboda
[pg: 114]
I went to the office saw
M. Bottomley asked him
to give my wife passage
to Basreh going for the
benefit of her health
She is suffering much on
account of Alexander's
grief & sorrow~ I came
home, sent a telegram
to G. Asfar Basreh viz;
"Asfar Basreh
"Please wire Saunièr
"if Alexander embarks
"Cogent passage paid
12 words Svoboda
G.S. P. 18 1/4
At noon, Antone Marine
sent us a telegram which
he received from Alexander
just received it is dated
the 18 yesterday from Paris
"Antone Marine
"Seriously sick imploring
[pg: 115]
"aide mother~
He is in want of nothing
else but money & refuses
to move out of Paris &
is trying all sorts and
dodges to get money,
my resources are exhausted
and I am getting sick
and disgusted of his
behaviour and his contancrous
way; I have lost all
love & confidence on
this boy, he is becoming
stupid & has lost his
heart through his love
with this french girl;
My wife always weeping
& does not know what
to do; Antone Johny &
Artin came to us, we
come to the conclusion
to sent a telegram in
Antones name to Alexander
to tell him that his
[pg: 116]
mother has at last been
persuaded to sent him
200 frcs for his travelling
expenses to Marseilles
through R. Korkis & this
will be the last sum
expected from us~
20 Thursd Therm @ 5.7˚
New Mushir Ahmed Fezi Pasha
Light N.W. air & fine cool
weather~ Sister Emilia
called on us; I left at 7 1/2
am & went to Antone to
sign the telegram we proposed
to send to Alexander,
it is as follows~
"19 Rue Vieux Colombiér
" Persuaded mother remit
"eight pounds Korkis
"for travelling Marseilles
"going Basreh meet you
"last remittance expected
"father ill~ Marine
25 words
[pg: 117]
I also made the following
telegram to R. Korkis
"Ras Kallah
"Please pay Alexander
"eight pounds Svoboda
8 words
I sent both at 9 am which
made 20 frcs~
I called on Sedi wife of
G. Asfar for 1/2 hour and
then came on board; the
Ressafah is alongside the
wharf discharging; and
the Mejidieh is discharging
into the Barge as we are
leaving Thursday;
The new Mushir Commander
in Chief of the 6th Army Corps
Ahmed Fezy Pasha has
arrived in Baghdad on last
Wednesday the 14th via
Aleppo & Deir as I have
[pg: 118]
mentioned him on the 7th Instt,
I went home at 11;~ at 3
P.M. I called on Sister Eliza &
on Alice & Sister Emilia,
& came home at 5, had a
cold bath;~
Very fine & cool weather,
moon 6 days old;
1898 Septr
21 Wedn Therm @ 5.7˚
Light N.W. & fine weather,
cool breeze & even quite cool
on top of the house;
At 7 1/2 am I came on board,
We had taken a lot of cargo
yesterday before sunset;
and are taking now too;
At 11 1/2 went to breakfast, Eliza
is sending her Kit on board to
go down with me to Basreh;
As she is very lonely & suffering
much on account of Alexander
She is always sorry & weeping,
At 1 P.M. I came on board
We shipped all the cargo that
we wanted for the present
state of the river, and at 4
P.M. we finished & hauled out
from the bank~
[pg: 119]
Very light breeze & rather
warm; We have 8700 Okes
on board~ At 5 1/2 P.M.
I went on shore, passed
to see Sister Medula for
few minutes & came home
there came Antone Marine,
his wife & children, Catherina
Yaghchi, Shekoory Sayegh,
Johny & Artin to see Eliza,
as she is going Basreh;
Light N.W. & fine cool
22 Thursd Therm @ 5.64 11 Am 90 4 P.m. 94
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; we were up at
2 am; Gathered all the
kit & locked the rooms etc
and at 4 1/2 came on
board, Eliza & her servant
Mariam the Tilkefli girl
We have no one in the Cabins,
except my wife;~
[pg: 120]
Baghdad to Basreh [22 SEP 1898 --- V048_05_S] (//)
Passng | Okes | GS Piast | Draft |
151 1/2 | 88,227 | 17842 3/4 | 3,,5 |
At 5,,30 Am the Mejidieh
got underway & proceeded,
she is drawing 3 feet 5 Inches
Many Christians are encamped
on the opposite side of the
river facing the town lower
At 6,,20 we anchored close
to the Island of the Kher, to
bring on board the chain
which was fastened to the
sunken Coal Boat of S Lynch
this last high rise;
At 7 we took the chain and
Passed Gherrarah & the Bridge
at 7 1/2 we saw the Tents of
Korkis family on the other side,
& other Christians on this side,
At 8 1/2 passed Diala
At 9 anchored at Jaffer
to sound~ At 9,,30 we
proceeded, but grounded &
took out an anchor aft &
[pg: 121]
hove, the Ressafah came
down at 10 & anchored up
above & sounded~
At 10,,50 the Ressafah came down
& passed in the channel & went
At 12 we got off & proceeded
At 0,,30 P.M. grounded at
the Zumbaranyeh Island
took an Anchor Astern &
hove back; at 1,,40 left
At 2,15 P.m. passed
We have Altogether 117
passengers Deck none in
the Cabins except my wife
Eliza; also 5 deck free
(3 Mossullies & 2 Mahomedans)
At 6,,25 Grounded at
Thabtyeh (Dawer reach)
took an anchor out & hove
her stern into the water and
floated, We remained for
the night close to the East
bank of Dawer; Light
N.W. breeze & Cool Weather
23 Frid Th@ 5. 63
1898 Septr
Light N.W. breeze and
fine Very Cool Weather
[pg: 122]
At 5,,25 Am. left Dawar
and proceeded, At 7,,10
passed Baghdadieh Fort;
At 8,,10 anchored at
Rmelat & sent to sound; Two
Boats Aground in the Channel,
At 9,,10 proceeded and
touched a little & then Went
At 10,,30 passed Azizieh
At 10,,50 grounded at
Brenij below Azizieh~
Took an anchor out & hove
off; At 1,,15 P.M. managed
to heave back & proceeded
Modte N.W. Wind blowing,
At 5,,20 touched the shoal
at Sheresh & worked in
getting off & steamed on
again & touched, kept Working
with the Engine, and got
over & proceeded at 6,,15
At 6,,35 met the Khalifah
coming up, we stopped
[pg: 123]
& sent Mr. Follett our
Chief Engineer to examine
the Boiler of the Khalifah
according to the telegram
from Lynch in London;
I received a letter from
Henry, he says they left
Basreh on Tuesday evening
& has left my papers and
letters at Coot~ at 6,,50
We went on~
At 7,,35 passed Nemlah,
Modte N.W. & fine Cool
At 8,,5 we rounded &
anchored below Bughela,
Very Cool Weather;
24 Satur Th@ 5. 62 Noon 94
1898 Septr
Light N.W. & fine quite Cold
Weather, I felt it so cold in
my cabin that I covered myself
with the thick Lahaf,
At 5,,30 Am. proceeded
At 6 anchored at Mehd;
and sounded~ At 6,,30
[pg: 124]
proceeded on to the Shoal
we touched a little & went
At 8,,20 stopped at the
Shoal of Umel Ajaj, until
9 am when we proceeded
through an other channel;
At 11,,20 arrived at Coot.
landed 20 passengers and
81 packages; I received
Henry's letter & my papers
the Khalifah had only 88,000
Okes Cargo & about 120
At 0,,55 P.M. We left Coot
took 11 1/2 passengers;
Very calm & warm weather
Detained 1/2 hour Sounding
at the Cutting (Hwey reach)
At 6,,45 We rounded &
came to for the night, below
Aboo Dood; Very Calm
Weather~ Lots of Sandflies
at night in my cabin, and
a light S. Erly breeze~
[pg: 125]
25 Sund Th@ 5. 63
1898 Septer
Very Calm Weather & Cool,
At 5,,30 Am proceeded,
At 6 grounded at Seyd Abbass,
sent to sound & marked
the Channel; hove off and
steamed on to it at 7 ;and
went on~ Light S. Erly breeze
At 9,,5 landed some Vegetables
at Ali Gherbi from Capt Cowley
for Khdeir his friend and
went on at 9,,10~ At 9,,15
anchored to sound, at Ali Gherbi
Tomb~ At 9,,30 proceeded,
At 6 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 28 passng
and 82 packages~
Very Calm Weather;
The new Actg Motserrif
of Nasryeh, for Amara
called Anwary Pasha,
Will probably be Confirmed
here as Motserrif;~
We Took 6 Tons of Coal
Madm. Dr. Macri came
to see Eliza my wife
[pg: 126]
At 8,,15 P.M. we left
Amara, fine clear night,
At 9,,40 anchored above
Aboo Sedra~
26 Mond Th@ 5. 66
1898 Septr
Light S. Erly & fine cool
Weather~ At 5,,20 Am
proceeded~ Gave tickets to
23 Amara passengers;
At 8,,15 passed the S.S.
Mossul & Barge bound up
at Nafikh~
Detained 1/4 hour at the Elbow,
and 1/4 hour at Ghumeyjeh
where the Channel is good
and we did not touch;
At 11,,25 passed Azair,
At 2,,30 P.M. landed 7
passengers at Gorna and
Went on at 2,,40~
At 7 P.M. We arrived in
Basreh; The SS. Afghanistan
& Laristan for Asfar are
here as well as the S.S.
Brookside for Gray Mackenzie
[pg: 127]
& in the Quarantine there
are the B.I.Str. Kilwa with
the mails arrived 3 days ago
also the Mail Str Amra
just arrived; & the SS Tresco
for Hotz & Co; Mr. Hamilton
the Agent for Hotz & Co, who
had gone to England last
year & got married, has
arrived about 15 days ago
& he has joined Hotz's Firm
now & became a Partner,
& the name goes now
as Hotz Hamilton & Co,
Roofail, Rezooki & Rezooki
Angoorly came off and
took Eliza & myself and
went to their house we
dined there; Roofail has
begun to build the 2d
story making rooms
just begun about 4 days
ago;~ I am astonished
to find no telegram
[pg: 128]
from Alexander as I had
told Johny my nephew
to send it on should any
Light air but rather moisty
it got cool during the
night, some of them are
sleeping below, Tookyeh
is also out here, I slept
on top of the house;
27 Tuesd
1898 Septr
Light N.W. air & cool
morning; At 6 1/2 am
I left them, passed on
my way to see Jeboory
Asfar & he told me that
he had telegraphed to
Saunier at Marseilles
for Alexander's passage,
but the SS. Cogent has
left Marseilles on the 21st
so it is impossible for
Alexander to be able
to Catch her, as my
telegram to him was
[pg: 129]
sent on the 19th~ I
came on board, we are
discharging cargo &
shipping too;~
The merchants are busy
with the packing of dates
none has been shipped
yet, the three steamers
here, the Afghanistan,
Laristan & Brookside
are awaiting to ship it,
the Owners of the dates are
firm in the price they demand
Very exorbitant; it has
been fixed at 400 Shamies
(@ 10 GS Piast per Shamie)
the Big Kara of 40 Baskets
for the Hellawy & the rest
for less this amount;~
The three English men
of war Lawrence, Sphinx
& Lapwing are in the river
plying between Faô
[pg: 130]
and here to supress Piracy
& robbery of Bugalows;
Very Calm & warm weather,
Rezooki Sayegh called on
me & R. Angoorly;~ We
finished loading at 4 P.M.
We have Very few passengers
and none in the Cabins;
Basreh to Baghdad (//) S.S. Mejidieh Voy 374 [28 SEP 1898 --- V048_06_N] (//)
28 Wednes Th@5. 70
1898 Sept
Passeng | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
151 1/2 | 88,227 | 17842 3/4 | 3,,5 |
At 6 P.M. We left Basreh
Very Calm & warm weather;
ship is loaded down to 3 feet 9
At 0,,10 Am. passed Gorna
Light S. Erly & fine weather,
At 4,,30 anchored at
Azair Tomb; one Jewess
passenger came~
At 5,,30 proceeded;
at 6,,45 came to the Shoal of
Ghumeijeh, could not
[pg: 131]
pass, with 3 feet 9 Inches
draft, took out an anchor
ahead to heave over;
A thick fine fog is
stretching on the horyzon
from East to North being
cleared off by the breeze
of S. Easter~ They worked
on taking anchors out and
heaving ahead over the shoal
until 1 P.M. When we
got over & steamed for
about 50 Yards & came
to another shoal, where
we found the Ressafah &
Barge bound down having
left the same day as we
did, she is repairing her
Rudder [strikeout] I think With her stern
on the bank, the river being
so very narrow here, We
took out an anchor ahead
to heave on, and kept taking
ropes & pegs driven one
after the other so as to
keep aloof of the Ressafah
[pg: 132]
the current being very strong
& the Mejidieh is shearing
from one bank to the other
being afraid to go close
to the Ressafah as she
cannot resist the least
shock being so old and
rickety; We at last got
slowly up along the West
bank & above the Ressafah
by 4 P.M. & sent the
Launch to bring up the
anchor from the bank,
The Ressafah also then
cast off proceeded down,
At 4,,45 P.M. we went
on going easy;
The breeze having Shifted
to a very light N. Wester,
We had not gone 100 Yards
when we got again in a Very
strong current & the ship
could not steer streight
the helm could not act
[pg: 133]
and the current driving her
to the East bank; we
took an anchor aheat at
6 P.M. & hove up;
The weather is Very calm &
warm, a great change in
the atmosphere; We knocked
off work at 6 1/2 & remained
for the night; Very warm
in the cabin & plenty Sandflies
29 Thursd Th@5. 76
1898 Sept
Light S. Erly breeze and a
thick fog, quite a Wintry
morning, at 6 am we began
working, in heaving up stream
the Current is so strong in
this narrow river, that it
checks the steamer's advance
in spite of steaming and
heaving, Took an anchor
out ahead & hove up
At 8,,10 Am hove the
steamer up & proceeded
detaining in the reaches,
the Current turning her
towards the bank, the
fog cleared up above
[pg: 134]
and remained like a
cloudy gloomy day;
At 9 it cleared off & became
fine~ Going easy & current
very strong;
At 0,,50 P.M. landed a
passenger at Kalat Saleh,
(he is for Amara)~ The
fog of this morning turned
into clouds & the S. Erly
breeze Keeps it back, it
is getting very warm;
Breeze very light or rather
calm from the N.W. and
the clouds on every quarter
& very warm & close weather
at 4 P.M.;
We have altogether 68 1/2
passengers from Basreh
& 1 Jewess from Azair,
no cabin passengers at
all; (one Deck free by
Lynch Broths)
At 5,,20 P.M. arrived
at Amara, landed 25
[pg: 135]
passengers ~ We took no
coal but shipped 879 Tins
of Glue & 6 Bags of Dye;
weather very calm with a
light south westerly breeze,
& clouds clearing up ~
At 7 P.M. we left Amara,
fool moon & fine weather;
30 Frid therm@5.74
Light S Ely & hazy atmosphere
At 5,,5 AM. landed 4
passengers at Ali Gherbi
and took one & went on
at 5,,15; weather unsettled
& disagreable; plenty of
flies & troubled sky ~
Gave tickets to 34 Amara
At 8 grounded at Seyd Abbass
took an anchor ahead &
hov over ~ At 9,,30 got
off & proceeded;
I paid the Ships’ company
their wages for this month;
Very sultry and hazy warm
[pg: 136]
At 5,,30 grounded below
the village of Coot, took
an anchor ahead & hove
her into deep water; at
6,,15 one of the steering braket
was carried off as we were
getting off the shoal, we
stopped to repair it ~
At 7,,15 the SS. Khalifah
arrived at Coot.
At 7.30 we finished &
proceeded to Coot where
we arrived at 7,,40 ~
landed 4 passengers &
begun to take 10 Tons of
Coal; ~ Capt Hanslow
& the rest of the officers & Engineers
came on board except
Henry did not come,
he sent me a letter in
which he says that his
wife Menusha had
again taken ill with
[pg: 137]
vomiting bile & she was
better but weak, he
says that no telegrams
had arrived from my
son Alexander in answer
to mine of the 19th Instt;
but the letters which are
left with Johny, the
Khalifah has only 64000
Okes & 204 passengers,
Henry says that Alice with
her mother my sister Emilia
have gone out to encamp at
Gherrah, outside Michail
Minas’s garden, as Alice is
very weak & the Doctor advised
her to do so ~
At 9.30 P.M. we left Coot
fine clear weather & light N.W.
1st Satur therm@5.74
Gutnyeh Property
Light N.W. & fine, Detained
at Mehd from 3 ½ till 4
am ~
At 5,,50 passed Memlah
gave tickets to 11 ½ Coot passengers
At 7.30 grounded at
[pg: 138]
Sheresh, took an anchor out
to the east shore & hov off, sent
to sound, & marked the Channel
dropped down & steamed through
it, went on at 8,,40 ~
At 2,,55 P.M. passed
Azizieh, the village is falling
down, the houses are getting
eaten away by the river
Detained at Rmelat in shoal
water from 4,,45 till 5 P.M.
The reach of Gutnyeh
which was bought from
the Turkish Governt. by Mohamed
Pasha Daghestany (General
of Cavallery here) and the
lawyer Abduljebbar, is now
florishing, they have let
the Tamarisk jungle grown
thick, they have built a
house on the bank at the
lower end of the reach as
a Granery store house, and
have lately taken out about
10 Tilkefli families destitute
people who had all come
from Telkef this year on
[pg: 139]
account of the scarcity there
of water & failure of cultivation
At 6.30 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
Fort, moon just getting
up, very calm weather,
but cool & light N.W. ~
2d Sund Therm@5.68
Very light N.W. breeze &
fine ~ At 3,,10 AM. passed
At 4,,10 touched the Shoal
at Gusseiba, worked her back, with the Engine, she stuck again,
while taking an anchor out
ahead, she got off ~ At
5,,40 proceeded ~
At 7 passed Diala, detained
10 minutes in shoal water
just in rounding the Diala
river ~
At 8,,15 I landed at the
Tents just above the Bridge
where I met Polus Serkis &
his wife & Mily his brother
Naoom’s wife & her son Yacoob
also Antone Marine
[pg: 140]
his wife & children these latter
are in the Garden of Gherrarah
in the home of Nawab Ahmed
Agha with Jeboory Asfar’s
wife, Antone tells me
that no telegram has yet
arrived from Alexander;
I walked up to the Tents of
Alice & Sister Emilia above
the Garden of Gherrara about
600 yards they are by themselves
only there with their servants
and 2 watchmen Arabs;
I sat about ½ hour &
left them & walked in to
town at halfway I met
some Sakka donkeys
returning I rode one for 5
piaster to inside the Gate,
arrived home at 9 ¾ ~
I found our servant Meekha
& his wife Khokhy only
here she is in bed having
delivered a child 8 days ago
in my house ~ The Mejidieh
arrived at 10 ½ ~
[pg: 141]
I found two letters here
from Alexander one of
last week (arrived on 22 Sept
and the other of this week)
(arrived on the 29) but both
letters were brought from
the Post Office, Cut open,
with a Knife from the edges.
My servant says he received
the latter one opened, and
the former one of last week
also was given to Johny
open; every one tells me
that the Suspicion must
fall on Antone Julietti who
must be the author, having
been Alexander’s friend
and wishes to know all about
his doings, & as his father
is the Inspector of Post and
Telegraph here, the Turkish
employèes are, as is natural
with to favor anything
he wishes to do for the sake
of his father; I sent to
enquire from Antoin
[pg: 142]
Julietti he came at once to
me expressing his utter
ignorance of the affair,
I told him that I shall
have to complain of this
matter to my Consul against
whoever has done it ~
I called to see Menusha,
I found her well only little
weak from vomiting which
she had few days ago;
I sent a telegram to Henry
this afternoon to Basreh
Svoboda Basreh
Wife perfectly well little
weak. Svoboda,
I called on the family of
Pahlawan opposite us;
breakfasted at home; I
called on Sister Eliza at 2
P.M. & then on Sister Medula
I came home ~
Light N.W. & fine, I
dined & slept down below
in the Verandah
[pg: 143]
3 Mond
Light air & fine ~ at
7 ½ am came on board
the SS. Mossul is inside
discharging cargo;
I went to the office for some
gold pounds & came home
at 11 ~ I had a cold water
bath; ~ at 4 P.M. called
on Sister Medula & then came
home; Johny & Artin called
in the evening, ~
Light air & warm in the
first part of the night;
4 Tuesd Therm@74
Light S. Ely breeze & little
dampy; at 4 ½ am
I came on board the Mejidieh
she went inside to discharge
& the Mossul hauled
out & at 10 I went onshore
called on Menusha & then,
with Catterina Yaghchi we
called on Hannosh son of
Naoom Andrea who got
married lately about
[pg: 144]
a month ago with Eliza
daughter of Fathalla
Abood & widow of the
late Johny Toma Loca
she is much older than
Hamosh about 10 years,
I came home & breakfasted
Sister Medula called on
me for ½ hour;
At 3 P.M. I came on board
we are shipping a good
deal of Local cargo, as the
Khalifah had refused taking
any ~ We took up to No.
35 the local cargo the freight
has been risen from 9
Paras to 10 for the present
state of the river ~
Weather keeps bad with
a warm & light S.Ely breeze
& some clouds on the
At 5 P.M. I went home &
then went over to Sister Eliza
where I dined on the
[pg: 145]
top of the house, they are
sleeping up still & so all
the people too ~ at 9
I came home ~
5 Wedn Therm@5.78
Light S. Ely breeze &
warm dampy weather,
At 7 am called on Menusha
& came on board; ~
The SS Mossul & Barge left
this morning for Basreh;
We are shipping wool &
other cargo ~
At 10 ½ I went home to
At 11 I received this telegram
from Alexander from
Paris dated the 4th (yesterday)
Svoboda Baghdad
Incapable voyagèr, Souffrant
Cotè Hopital necessaire
pryè mère venir Paris
pourquoi impetiseux,
repondèz 124 Rennes,
This is the answer of mine
of the 19 Ulto; I suppose
[pg: 146]
I got so sorry & disgusted
of these telegrams and
always he is trying to
stop his departure and
make some excuses, I
could not eat my breakfast
at all; ~ I left & went to
Sister Medula to confer with
her but I saw there Father
Emmanuel the Carmelite
& we came to the conclusion
that as Père Pièrre must
be now gone to Paris about
today or tomorrow before
starting for Baghdad,
it would be a good chance
to wire to him to go & see
Alexander & try to bring
him with him; so I went
with him to the Church
& made out this telegram
Père Pièrre
Missionaire Couvent Carmes
Pompe Passy
[pg: 147]
Prière Voir Alexandre
124 Rue Rennes rassurez
Sur Santé, persuadèz
Voyager ensemble
absolument, disposè
oublièr, repondèz
I also made out one
for Alexander, thus
124 Rue Rennes
Accompagnèz Pêre Pièrre
actuellement Paris lui
telegraphiam sujet,
Mère Basreh ~
I sent them at 1 P.M. at once
and paid 23 ½ frcs;
We finished at 3 P.M.
I went on shore to my
house; Johny came to me
I was going to make an
other telegram to Alexander
[pg: 148]
but I thought it will be
of no use, & better wait
until I get Père Pièrre’s answer
& see what my wife will
say at Basreh; ~
S. Ely wind all the night
it shifted at midnight to
N.W. ~
6 Thurs.
1898 Octer
Again the wind is S. Easter
At 5 am. I came on
board, I could not sleep
well, always thinking about
Alexander’s doings ~
The SS Phrat arrived yesterday at 10 ½ am
Baghdad to Basreh [6 OCT 1898 --- V048_07_S] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
181 1/2 | 82,574 | 19,004 1/2 | 3,,6 |
At 5,,55 AM we got under
way & proceeded; Light
S Ely breeze; ship drawing
3 feet 6 Inches;
Lots of Tents are encamped
at Gherrarah on both Sides
of the river ~
At 8.15 passed Gherrarah,
[pg: 149]
gave tickets to the Passengers
we have altogether 141 (6
in 1st class they are 2 women
family of Cassim Khdery at
Basreh, 3 Persian women
of Kadumein and Jemil
the son of Elias Serkis all
for Basreh, there are the wife
& children & servant of Hannosh
Hanna the Clerk of Lynch
Brothers free in 2d Class)
also 3 Tilkefli women free ~
At 9,,15 anchored at the Island
of Zumbaranyeh & sounded
At 9,,50 went on after
marking the Channel ~
At 10,,30 passed
Ctesiphon; ~
Weather became very hazy
and dusty with warm S.Ely
light wind ;
At 4,45 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort ~
At 5,,50 anchored at
Rmelat & sent to sound,
clouds on the west & north
parts ~
At 6,,10 we weighed and
[pg: 150]
proceeded without touching;
Light S. Ely breeze;
At 7.5 round and
came to at Raddat for the
7 Sund
Light air from S. Et & fine
at 5,,30 Am. proceeded from
Raddat, at 6,,15 passed
Azizieh ~ At 6,45 passed
the SS. Ressafah & Barge
bound up ~
At 9 A.M. passed the S.S.
Khalifah going up at Um-
At 12 passed Memlah;
At 2,,10 P.M. anchored to Sound
at Um el Ajaj~ At 2,,45
proceeded, ~
At 5,,30 P.M. arrived at
Coot, landed 20 passengers
& 14 packages; the S.S.
Mossul & Barge are here
having left Baghdad
a day before us ~
[pg: 151]
Very light air & clouds
on the horyzon ~ We
remained at Coot for the night;
8 Satur
1898 Octer
Light S. Ely breeze with
some clouds on the horyzon,
At 5,,30 Am. we left
Coot the Mossul also following
behind us ~ Detained
from 6,, bite 6,,40 below
Coot at Mahomed abool -
Hassan in shoal water
the Mossul came and passed
down ~ Took 14 passengs
from Coot,
At 8,,20 passed the S.S.
Mossul ~
At 9,,15 P.M. Grounded at
Seyd Abbass, hove off, & sounded
at 2,,15 proceeded, the
Mossul grounded above
At 4,,5 landed one passenger
at Ali Gherbi & went on at
4,,10 P.M. ~
Light S. Ely breeze & fine
[pg: 152]
1898 Octr
9 Sund
At 1,, Am arrived at
Amara, landed 104 packges
and 25 1/2 passengers.
Took 6 Tons of Coal and
finished at 3 1/2 am.
At 5,,5 left Amara ~
Light S. Ely & damp misty
weather Took 23 1/2 passengers
from Amara, and 11 Zaptyes
as usual as an escort;
weather nasty warm with
Clouds on the East & South
At 8,,45 passed Kalat
Saleh ~
At 9 detained 1/2 hour at
Aboo Ruba & at the Elbow,
At 11.30 Grounded at
Ghumeyjeh (Plenty water
here of 3 & 3 1/2 draaz) took
anchors out astern and
hove & humbuged about
with anchor on shore & rope
to keep her close to the bank
& so on till 2 P.M., we
again anchored to wait
[pg: 153]
for the men coming from
the bank & weighed at
2,,10 & went on ~
Clouds are hanging on
& the sun very hot, with
light N. Ely breeze;
At 2,50 P.M. passed
Azair ~
At 5,,55 landed 9 1/2
passengers at Gorna and
went on at 6; very light
N. Ely breeze, but very calm
and warm disagreeable
At 10,,45 P.M arrived
at Basreh, awfully warm
in my cabin ~
10 Mond
Very Calm or S. Ely warm
weather with clouds very
disagreable weather,
I could not sleep last
night from the heat &
my thought about my
[pg: 154]
son and what I am going to
tell my wife Eliza ~
At 4 am I was up, I
washed & dressed and took
a Belem & went up to
Rufails house, I saw
Eliza also Rufail & Rezooki
I related to her & red the
letters & telegram of Alexander
to her, she was in an
awful exciting way and
would go by Steamer to
Marseilles; Rufail had
got a telegram from
R. Korkis about dates
business & he answers him
to say that Alexander
had left for Marseilles
o the 27 Septr. but that
is not true, for his telegram
to me in Baghdad was
dated the 4 Instt from
Paris ~ I find no
[pg: 155]
telegram for me here in
answer to mine of the 5th
to Père Pièrre & Alexander,
so as to ascertain about the
nature of Alexander's illness
if true we proposed to
send the following telegram
to Ibrahim Gejou with
reply paid;
" 3 Place Cambronne
" Paris
" Alexander pretend
"Malade informèz nature
"Maladie, insistèr départ
"Marseilles Arabistan,
"dix payè Svoboda
28 Words
10 for Reply
I then took the telegram
& went to G. Asfar & had
a talk with him & explained
& showed him the telegrams
he told that Père Pièrre
[pg: 156]
having engaged passage
from Strick to Basreh
by the Arabistan leaving
Marseilles on the 30 and
coming out here by all
means, & will be a very
good occasion for Alexander
I gave him my telegram
to be sent in to Basreh
& he will pay for it, and
I will settle all I owe to
him afterward & I left &
came to Eliza, we are
leaving today they say
but the mail has not
arrived; I breakfasted
with them & came on
board with; Yousif Marine
at 11 am;
There are here the SS. Tresco
the Koordistan, Lahristan
Brookside & the Lawrence
of the Bushire Residency,
[pg: 157]
The Redbreast man of
war & the B. I. S. Khandalla
are in quarantine, also
the SS. Heronspool for
Asfar ~
We are discharging and
Shipping cargo & coal;
Eliza came on board at 3
P.M. also Yousif her brother;
she brought me my clean
lȋnen clothes & remained
till 5 P.M; herself & me
were very sorry for Alexander
& not having received any
telegrams she is determined
to go to Marseilles & Paris
by one of the steamers now
here, but I told her to await
until we receive some
news of Alexander; I
made out an other telegram
for Pere Pièrre to be sent
urging him to do all his
[pg: 158]
possible to bring Alexander
with him; we finished
loading at 5 P.M. no
news of the mail from
Bushire ~ It is awfully
warm, calm & dampy
a very extraordinary weather
for this time of the month,
Eliza went away with
Rezooki: her son at 5 1/2 P.M.
we received the Basreh mail,
Basreh to Baghdad [11 OCT 1898 --- V048_08_N] (//)
11 Tuesd. Therm @ 74
Passg | Okes | G.S. Piast | Draft |
178 | 95168 | 13367 1/4 | 3,,8 |
At 6,,15 P.M. we left
Basreh, very calm & warm,
clouds have cleared off &
a light N. Ely breeze which
cooled a little the atmosphere,
Ship is drawing 3,,9 Inches
At 12 passed the Mossul
going down ~
[pg: 159]
At 0,,30 AM. passed Gorna,
Very light air ~
At 4,,15 passed Azair
& at 4,,25 anchored above
it ~ At 5,,15 proceeded
Light N.W. air & fine ~
At 6,,40 came to the shoal
at Ghumeyjeh; a boat
aground in the Channel, we
took out an anchor ahead
& so took several one after
the other & hove up some
At 10,,50 we steamed on;
stopping & backing ; ~ Further
up the reach we came to
the strong current & shoal
& touched they took anchor
out ahead & hove ~
Light Ely breeze with
some clouds; we kept
heaving & steaming against
the strong narrow current
At 2,,55 P.M. hove ahead
and went on easy all
the while ~
[pg: 160]
We have altogether 110
passengers (2 free by L.Broth_
(one in 1st Class only to
Amara Yousif Azawi Azeiyez )
A very light breeze from n.w.
& clouds disappeared ~
At 7,,35 P.M. landed 2
passengers at Kalat Saleh
and went on at 7,,40 ~
12 Wednes Ther @ 5,65
At 0,,45 am arrived at
Amara landed 18 passengers
Took in 8 Tons of coal;
At 2,,45 left Amara
weather getting cloudy
& in the morning it became
very cloudy covering all
over with a light S. Ely
breeze; Took 41 passengers
from Amara,
At 8 passed Ali Sherghi
At 9,,55 P.M. sent the boat
at Ali Sherli & got 2 passenge
& went on at 1 P.M.
From 4 till 4,,30 we were
detained at Seyd Abbass
[pg: 161]
in trying to pass the shoal
between two Boats aground
in the channel;
Weather keeps cloudy
all over with S. Ely wind
& very warm & disagreable,
At 6,30 passed Sheik Saad
weather cleared up & became
fine ~
13 Thurs Ther @ 5.73
At 1,,15 AM. arrived at
Coot, landed 9 passengers
Took in 5 Tons of coal, and
remained for the night;
At 5,15 left Coot, Modte
N. W. wind, very hazy and
dusty but is clearing off
Took 25 Passengers from
Coot, (1 in 1st Class a Bimbashy
Ahmed Beker Effendi)
At 8,,45 we touched &
grounded at Nefeshyeh above
Algaya reach, where the
SS Phrat & Barge bound
down, is also trying to get
through; at 9.5 she came
down & went on ;
[pg: 162]
we took out the anchor &
hove over,
At 9,,30 we went on; ~
Strong n.w. wind blowing
At 1,,30 P.M. passed
Memlah ~
Detained at Deboony in
Shoal water & aground not
being able to pass through
the channel on East bank
& hov back, & went through
the opposite Channel
on west bank from 4 P.M
till 5,,5 when we steamed
over & went on, there being
2 3/4 draaz~
Light n.w. breeze & fine
At 7,,15 we touched the
shoal at the bottom of
Shedeif; we grounded, sent
to sound & we hove fore &
aft & walked in heaving
four times took out anchors
At 10,,45 got off & proceeded
fine cool night ~
[pg: 163]
14 Frid Therm @ 6.0
Light n.w. breeze & cool
weather ~
At 2,25 Am passed Azizeh,
At 4, ground below Rmelat,
sounded & took & anchor
out & hove off, at 5 proceeded
At 6,,45 passed Baghdadieh
Very cool morning, the
water is very cold;
A curious thing worth
mentioning ~ Today being
the day I arrived in Baghdad
last year coming back
from Europe Via Aleppo,
on the 12 I had reached the
village of Ramadi; & there
met the Kaimakam Haji
Taleb Effendi (my old friend
& formerly was at Azizieh)
he was very kind to me &
offered me his hospitality
that day; and this morning
in passing Swereh village
at 8 1/4 I saw him on the
bank standing & we
saluted each other, I had
not seen him since that
time he has been shifted
[pg: 164]
to this place about 3
months ago ~
At 1,,40 P.M. passed
the SS. Khalifah going down
below Temrah reach ~
At 3,5 P.M. passed the
SS. Ressafah & Barge going
down at Joorf el Batta;
At 3,,30 passed Ctesiphon,
At 4,,30 passed the Shoal
at Gusseiba without touching
Detained at Jaffer 15 minutes
in going through the Channel,
Very light n.w. breeze &
fine cool weather ;
At 6,,15 passed Diala
At 7 1/2 we passed the
Bridge cut open & I could
see the blazing lights of
the Christian incampment
the Tents of Korkis & his
other relations on the
opposite side 18 Tents
[pg: 165]
& those above the bridge
on this about 25 Tents
& further up on the bank of
Gherrarah Garden Dr. Sakhur
with his 6 Tents, & Still
further up my Sister
Emilia & her daughter Alice
with 3 Tents;~
At 10,,5 landed the
Mails at the Residency
& went up to the Custom
house; no steamers are
here~ I landed & went home
my servant Meekha says that
Alexander's letters are with
the Postman H. Mahomed who
refused to give them to any
one except me, because I
had received the letters open
last time, & even no telegram
from Alexander, they say
that the wire has been broken
for the last 4 days;~
I slept in the room & it was
not warm at all;~
[pg: 166]
1898 Octor
Satur 15 Therm @ 6.62
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; I sent the Servant
early to look out for the
Postman but could not
be found, at 8 am. I
Came on board; sent money
to the Office & went home
at 10, called on Sister Medula
on my way; at 11 I
Got the letter of Alexander
the Postman brought it
only one of last week,
the letter of this week has
not arrived on Thursday &
is expected today; this
one is dated the 16 Septr.
he Complains very bitterly
of his indisposition being
very ill with fever and
diarrhea & also the pain
on his side (which he
mentioned in his telegram
of the 4t Octer as Coté &
we could not make out
[pg: 167]
the meaning) he also
complains of not having
any money, & living very
miserably; R. Korkis would
not advance him any
money & so he is starving
& unable to voyage because
he is unwell & so on,
I made out 2 Telegrams
one for Père Pièrre & one for
Alexander but the wire
is not working for the last 4
I took a cold bath at home
Johny & Artin called on
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather; I slept in my room
& was not warm;
16 Sund Therm @ 5.62
Light N.W. & fine cool
I called on Catterina
Yaghchi at 7 1/2 am to
[pg: 168]
see her brother Père Louis
(Johny) who arrived from
Mossul Yesterday on leave
ii is 12 years since he had
left Baghdad to become a
Priest in Corsica like
his brother Père Augustin,
he is now 34 years old
very stout & healthy, he
has been 6 years in Mossul
& other place up above
I went to church, today
is a Holyday of St Theresa
called [strikeout] on Menusha
& Sister Medula;~ at
2 P.M. called on Sister Eliza
My two telegrams were
sent back to me this
evening by the employé
Rafooli saying that the
line is still interrupted
beyond Constple~
[pg: 169]
I went to dine at Sister
Eliza & came home at
9 P.M.;
17 Mond
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather~ at 8 am
I came on board; We
are discharging; went home
at 9 1/2 & at 10 I went to see
Dr. Rosen the German Consul
who had called on me on
Saturday evening to bid
me Goodbye as he leaves for
Persia (Teheran) this week
to be employed there at the
Embassy I believe as Mr.
Richarz is returning back
here & he must he now
somewhere at Aleppo; but
Dr. Rosen was too busy
& packing his Kit, he could
not see me, I left my card,
And I got a donkey and
rode out to Gherrara to
see my sister Emilia & Alice
[pg: 170]
encamped there, I had
to dismount before reaching
the tents as the donkey was
very bad & gave it to the
Sakka Ismail & told him
to sent me an other one
at 2 P.M. I breakfasted
with them & having waited
till 3 P.M. without seeing
the donkey coming, so I
walked in, & met the
donkey just inside the
gardens so I did not
required it any more;
I reached home at 4~
I went to the Raffooli of
the Telegraph employé &
he said that the line is
broken still; but I gave
him the two telegrams &
asked him to send [strikeout] them
tomorrow or the day after
as soon as the line is open
because I want Alexander
& Père Pièrre to get them
in time as the Arabistan
[pg: 171]
leaves Marseilles on the
30 Instt;~ I came home
18 Tuesd Therm @ 6.6
Light N.W. & fine~ At
Light N.W. & fine~ at
8 am I came on board;
At 11 I went home to breakfast
I sent the money for the Two
Telegrams to be sent for Père
Pièrre & Alexander Frcs 35 1/4
to Raffooli who said that
he will go today to see if
the line is established, I
came on board, at 1 P.M.
We are shipping cargo;
At 4 1/2 went on shore called
on Catterina Yaghchi to see
her brother Père Louis but
he was not there; I also
called on Yacoob Oossey
& came home at 5 1/2;
Johny called on me till
7 1/2~ Light N.W. & fine
19 Wedns Therm @ 6.64
Light N.W. breeze &
fine weather; at 8 am
[pg: 172]
I came on board~
Today being my birth-
day, born in 1840;~
Raffooli the employé of the
Telegraph came to me yesterday
and said that he has wired
my two telegrams &
think they will be forwarded
on today or tomorrow,
he brought me the two receipts
& I had paid him the charges
all to Frcs 35,,25; These
are the telegrams;
"Pere Pièrre
"Missionaire Couvent Carmes
"Pompe Passy
"Comptons sur votre influence
"obligèz Alexandre, 124
"Rue Rennes [strikeout]
"Vous accompagner Sans
"aucune excuse, veuillièz
"remboursèr dépense"
[pg: 173]
"jusque Marseille, Asfar
"informé Saumièr passage
"payé Bassora, Archèvéque
"télégraphia Cardinal
"Richard particulièr
39 mots Svoboda
18/10/98 Fics 22,,10
I also wired to Alexander
"124 Rue Rennes
"Requested father Pièrre
"Couvent Carmes Pompe
"Passy pay your expenses
"must accompany him
"Arabistan leaves Marseilles
23 words Svoboda
18/10/98 Frcs 13,,15
The S.S. Comet left this morning
early with Major Melville
[pg: 174]
the Actg Consul General, for
Khemassah to Shoot
At 10 1/2 I went home to
breakfast; & at 11 I received
two telegrams one from
Père Pièrre & one from
Alexander, both are dated
the 12th Instt;
"Tranquiliséz Santè
Alexandre, tacherai
"voyagèr ensemble
The other from Alexander,
" Treatment require money
"if please authorize Ottom=
At 12 after my breakfast,
I went to the Ottoman Bank
[pg: 175]
saw the manager Mr. Khitchly
& asked him to let me
have a bill on the Ottoman
Bank in Paris for 200
francs in the name of
Père Pièrre & gave him his
address; he told me
to send for it after a short
time & the money too, the
franc is reckoned at 4 G. S. P.
& 15 Paras & T Liras at 100 P.
I then sent the following
telegrams, one to my wife
Eliza thus.
"Father Pierre and Alexander
"wire well coming together
"19/10/98 Svoboda
"11 words 17 1/4 G. S. P.
Yousif Korkis came to me
and brought me 3 letters from
his brother Rezooki
[pg: 176]
for me all opened enclosed
in his letters also all the
letters of Alexander sent
to Rezooki, they are awful
& Rezooki writes very badly
about Alexanders affair
they are dated the 26 Augst
9 & 23 Sept; & about the
extravagant expenses he
had been making;
At 5 P.M. we finished
loading & hauled out, I
went home; Johny &
Artin called on me to read
the letters & telegrams
about Alexander;
Light N.W. & fine weather
Moon 3 days old;
20 Thurs
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather~ At 5, Am
I came on board;
[pg: 177]
Baghdad to Basreh [20 OCT 1898 --- V048_09_S] (//)
Passgrs | Okes | GS. Piast | Draft |
249. | 101,375 | 26,211 3/4 | 3,,0 |
At 6 AM. We proceeded
Ship drawing 3 feet 8 Inches
Fine Cool weather~
We have Mr. Bottomley
Mr. Blumsum & Alfred Holland
with their servants & kit
going down shooting at
Khemasseh; also
Mr. & Mrs. Hurner & children
& 3 servants going to
the S.S. Comet at Khemasseh
being invited by Major
Melville they occupy a
Cabin, they pay only 1 1/2
TLira as Mr. Bottomly
told me so; also a
Mr. Jérôme Priem
Belgian coming from
Persia & going up the
Karoun he is employed
in the Custom House, and
[pg: 178]
Rezooki son of Yousif
Naman Clerk of Bank
Puttman in 1st Class
to Basreh;
I sent yesterday afternoon
the following telegram
to father Pièrre Paris
"Père Pièrre
"Couvent Carmes
"Pompe Passy Paris
"Encaissèz 200 francs
"Ottombanque, frais
"Alexandre Svoboda
14 words
8 Fr. 20 Cts
The Bank also wired to
Paris to the Ottoman Bank
to pay father Pièrre and
I paid 40 1/2 G. S. P. or 8 Fr. 10 Cts.
We got detained 15 minuts on
a shoal (at Um el Adam
(above Kher Canal)
[pg: 179]
At 8,,50 passed Diala
river; At 9,,20 anchored
at Jaffer to sound; at
9,,50 proceeded~ at 10,,15
anchored to sound at Gusseiba
At 10,,45 proceeded & grounded
At 11,,35 backed off and
At 0,,5 P.M. passed
We have altogether 202
passengers (4 in 1st class
Mr. & Mrs. Hurner for Khanaseh
and the Belgian Mr. Jérôme
Priem & son of Yousif Naman
for Basreh);~ Also
5 free, 2 Tilkeflies and the
wife of Hanna Shamsy the
Caretaker of Maghil & two
servants with her on the
At 2,,10 we anchored
near the Comet above
Khannasah on the high
bank where Major Melville
has 3 Tents pitched, landed
[pg: 180]
Hurner his Wife & servants
& kit & we went on at
2,,30 P.M.~
At 3 We anchored at
Ledje in the middle of the
reach being choosen by
me at the request of Alfred
Holland to point out a
good place for them to
encamp, here we found
Major Melville with a
small tent & the Comets
boat also the Engineers
Tom Dexter & Mr. Bamian
& a Zaptyeh with some
Arabs pitching the tent,
We landed the party close
by with their Kit and
We left at 3,,45
At 5,,5 anchored to sound
at Thabtyeh (Lower Dawer)
and at 5,,30 proceeded
At 7,,20 passed
Baghdadieh Fort~
[pg: 181]
At 8,,30 we anchored at
Rmelat for the night; Light
N.W. breeze & fine Weather;
21 FridTh@ 6. 62
1898 Octor
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
At 6 AM left Rmelat,
At 7,,15 passed Azizieh,
Detained below Azizieh in
shoal water from 7,,30 to 7,,55,
At 9,,30 passed the S.S.
Khalifah going up at
Toweil, I saw Faust
Lurion on board going
up, he comes from Vienna
as he usually does every
3 or 4 Years for his business;
At 1,,10 P.M. passed Nemlah,
At 2,,20 anchored to sound
at Mehdi & left at 2,,40;
At 5,,15 passed the S. Mossul
& Barge going up at Umel Boomy
deeply laden with passengers
& Soldiers~
At 6,,40 Arrived at Coot
landed 32 passengers and
62 Packages~ I received
[pg: 182]
Henry's letter, also letter
from my wife, she says that
there is no telegrams or
news from Alexander as
the wire was interrupted,
& she is in a great anxiety
about him & wants to leave
in the S. Heronspool of
Asfar for Marseille~
The Khalifah has 72,600 Okes
of Cargo, & about 160 passengers,
We finished cargo at 7 1/2
& remained for the night
22 Satur Th@6. 68
Light S. Erly air & fine~
At 6,,15 Am left Coot,
took 14 1/2 Passengers;
Detained aground at Seyd
Abbass from 12 Am till
0,,45 P.M. & hove off with
an anchor, and again
grounded at 1; hove back
for a long distance, floated
& in steaming down again
grounded hove off and
sent to sound; having
found the Channel further
[pg: 183]
up, we steamed up and
dropped down stern formost
close alongside the eastern
sand bank & turned
round & went on at 5,,30
P.M.~ Light N.W. and
fine Weather;
At 7,,50 We rounded &
came to at Ali Gherbi &
landed 2 passengers, & took
in 6. At 8,,10 the SS.
Phrat & Barge came up
from Basreh~ We
remained at anchor for the night
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
23 Sund Th@6. 63
1898 Octor
Light N.W. & fine cool
morning, At 6 Am. We left
Ali Gherbi~ Clouds are
coming on from the South in
light patches~
At 10 passed Ali Sherghi,
At 2,,20 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 42 1/2
passengers and 123 Packages,
I received here a telegram
[pg: 184]
from Alexander dated
the 18th, which has been
transmitted to me yesterday
from Baghdad, by Rafooly
the employé, but is so
" Svoboda Baghdad
" unreplieu imploring
" live persisting causes
" dispair certainly leave
" when health permets
" reply;~
I cannot make out whether
this is Ibrahim Gejou's reply
of my telegram from
Basreh of the 10th Octor;
At 4,,15 P.M. we left Amara
Took 26 1/2 passengers~
At 7,,45 anchored for
the night above Kalat Saleh,
Light N.W. & fine Weather,
it became very cool at night
[pg: 185]
24 Mond Th@6. 61
1898 Octor
Light N.W. & fine cool
At 5,,50 am proceeded
from below Kalat Saleh;
Detained 10 minutes in turning
round the reach above Aboo
At 8,,15 anchored just below
the Elbow reach, the steering
chain parted in striking
her stern against the bank;
At 9,,26 proceeded after
having repaired & put a new
Anchored above Ghumeyjeh
& sent to sound at 9,,30,
At 10,,30 weighed and went
on easy, there is plenty water
from 3 to 3 1/2 draaz; no other
steamers stopes or gets
detained at this place except
us every time whether
down or up~
At 10,,45 grounded below
Ghumeyjeh canal; took an
anchor out Astern & hove off,
At 11,,50 proceeded
At 0,,30 P.M. passed Azair
At 3,,35 landed 8 1/2 passengers
[pg: 186]
at Gorna & went on at
At 7,,45 arrived at
Basreh; The mail of last
week for the Khalifah has
only arrived yesterday;
There are here the SS. Lawrence
the "Heronspool" for Asfar
& the "Tresco" for G. Mackenzie;
I went over in Rufails Belem
to his house saw Eliza, Rufail
& Rezooki only there; I red
to Eliza all the letters from
Alexander & R. Korkis & the
telegrams etc, we were all
Very sorry & disheartened at
his doings, Roofail has
received a telegram from
Alexander yesterday
it is dated the 21st (he
knows that his mother is
in Basreh from my telegrams,
it says.
" Sayegh. Basreh
" Father severe, pennyless,
" despair without mother's
[pg: 187]
" assistance reply 124
" Rennes~
he wants nothing but money
and does not say anything
about when he leaves and
whether he accompanies
Père Pièrre;~ We turned
in at midnight but could
not sleep~
The SS. Ressafah had
left this evening & we passed
her at 7 P.M. above Maghil,
25 Tuesd
1898 Octor
Very light N.W. & cool
morning; I breakfasted
with Eliza & Roofail & Rezooki
also Yousif Marine came
down; we made out a
telegram for Alexander
in Roofails name in answer
to his, this
" Svoboda
" 124 Rue Rennes, Paris
" Parents absolutely refuse
" remittance, unless accompanying
" Pièrre, otherwise useless
" telegraphing~
25/10/98 Sayegh
[pg: 188]
I went over to G. Asfar to enquire
when the Arabistan leaves
Marseilles & he told that
she has left Manchester on
the 20th & probably shall not
leave Marseilles before the
3 or 5th of Novr; so I asked
him to wire to Saunièr
about Alexander's passage
if he comes in her or in any
other steamer; so he
made this telegram out;
" Saunièr Marseille
" Passage steamer paid
" whichever steamer takes
Frcs 4,,85
and he sent it, I settled with
him about all the telegrams
he had sent for me & paid
him Frcs 46,,55, & also
GSPiast 32 1/2 to Baghdad
I came on board at 10 1/2 Am
we are loading & discharging
My Wife Eliza came in
the afternoon & remained
[pg: 189]
till 5 P.M also Yousif her
brother & Rezooki her son,
We finished shipping cargo
at 4 P.M.~
Weather got warm & calm
Misty; We are waiting for
Lynch Brothers Letters, & Mrs.
Hall a Clerk of L. Lynch & Co
of Baghdad who came down
in the Khalifah & is returning
With us;~
Basreh to Baghdad [26 OCT 1898 --- V048_10_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft |
124 | 98904 | 10,392 1/4 | 3,,9 |
At 6,,45 P.M. we got under-
way; Fine Weather, but
rather dampy~
26 Wedn. Th@6. 62
1898 Octor
Ghadban Sheikh of Beni Laam
1898 Octor
At 0,,40 AM. passed Gorna
At 4,,25 anchored below
Azair~ At 6 We proceeded
At 6,,10 passed Azair
Very light air & dampy morning
but fine weather;
Detained at Jamsheh above
Ghumeyjeh from 8,,15 till
10 in shoal water and
[pg: 190]
going easy~ also at
the Elbow & above it,
lost about 1/4 hour;
Finished with the passengers
tickets, we have 81 1/2
(3 in 1st Class Cabin, Mrs
Hall Clerk of S Lynch & her
son about 9 years, a Mahomedan
Mahmood Effendi Clerk
in the Seraî of Basreh, &
the mother of Kassim Khdery
to Amara paying except
Mrs Hall free) also 3
Men & Women family of
Tilkefli crew of Basreh free,
At 1,,40 P.M. passed Kalat
At 6,,10 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 18 passengers
We took 10 Tons of Coal &
8 packages of copper & skins,
Ghadban the Sheikh
of Beni Laam is still at
large he has gone beyond
Howeiza in the [strikeout] Persian
territory; & is obstinate
[pg: 191]
and refuses to come back
& refuses to return the plunder
of sheep & other things which
his Arabs have taken
away from other tribes &
traders; The Turkish Governt
here is too Weak to chastise
him, & cannot do anything
without the sanction from
Constple and so things are
growing worse & worse,
the traffic on the river,
between Amara & Coot is
unsafe, Boats are getting
plundered by other tribes
in the name of the Beni Laam
tribe; They are again going
to send Abdulkadur Khdery
tomorrow to Ghadban
being a friend of his to try
and persuade him to return
to his place on the bank
of the river, his first visit
to him proved fruitless
[pg: 192]
At 7,,55 P.M. left Amara
Light air & fine weather,
moon 9 days old;
27 Thursd Th@ 6,,64
1st rise of the river
Light S.E. & fine~ at 6,,10
A.M. landed 2 passengers
at Ali Gherbi & took one
and went on at 6,,15~
Gave tickets to 16 Amara
passengers; (one in 1st Class
Cabin a Turkish Colonel
Kerim Beg Kaimakam)
At 8,,30 passed the SS.
Ressafah & Barge going up
Detained at Seyd Abbass
in shoal water from 8,,45
till 9,,15~
We see a little rise in the
river today after passing
Sheikh Saad for the
first time in this season,
At 5,,40 P.M. arrived at
Coot, landed 6 passengers,
and took 5 Tons of Coal
The river rose about
8 Inches here & stopped,
[pg: 193]
Mr. Julietti the Superintendant
of Telegraph & Post is
here, he came on board he
arrived here from Mendeli
& Bedra on the 11th he had
been Constructing a line
from Mendeli to Bedra,
& here connecting it with
this line & is going down
to Ali Gherbi & Gorna
to inspect the line;
At 6,,50 P.M. We left
Coot; Fine clear Weather;
light N.W. breeze~
28 Frid Th@6. 65
1898 Octor
At 1,,45 Am landed two
passengers at Bughela
& Went on at 1,,50~
At 2,,15 passed Nemlah,
Light N.W. & fine~ Gave
tickets to 25 1/2 Coot passengers
I have got cold all over my
body, head all aching &
had slight fever at night
I think it is on Account
[pg: 194]
of the light Cotton Clothes
which I still wear;
At 8,,30 passed the S.S.
Khalifah going down,
I saw (Johny Sayegh)
Père Louis, and Edward
Blockey are on board
going to Basreh; We met
at Zeljeh island~
At 10,,10 passed Azizieh
At 1,,35 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
At 6,,15 We came to
& went alongside at Ledj &
took on board Alfred Holland
& Mr. Blumsum & George
Cowley (the latter came down
on the Khalifah yesterday)
with their Kit & servants &
left at 6,,40~ I received
here a letter left by Henry
& a letter from Alexander
arrived last Thursday
the 20 Inst; he complains
[pg: 195]
very bitterly of his indisposition
& unable to leave Paris,
& wants money, he being
very weak to travel & so on
Like the former letters,
his letter is dated the 30 Septr,
They tell me there is no
shooting here very few partridges
to be found,
At 7,,15 stopped with the
Comet at Khemasseh, and
gave the mail to Major
Melvîlle, they have had
very little sport, they have
shot altogether about 80
partridges ~ At 7,,25
we went on ;
At 10,,20 passed Ctesiphon,
29 (illegible) Satur
At 1,,30 Am passed Diala,
Very fine & cool weather
with moonlight night,
At 4,,50 landed the
maids at the Residency
[pg: 196]
and went to the Custom
House ~ The Mossul &
Phrat are here; At 5 ½
am I went home found the
house alright with our
servant [space] Meekha [space] & his wife
Khokhy; I got the second
letter from Alexander sent
to me by Johny, it is dated
the 7 Octor; also a letter
from [space] Blockey answering
mine of the 18 Aug; ~ I
feel very unwell I have
the diarrhea since day
break with pain in stomach
& bones aching [space] & painful
it is a cold I got since three
days for not having put
on my woolen & flannel
which I ought to have
done about 10 days
ago; I feel very weak &
unable to go out; Sister
Medula came to see me
at 9 am ~ Also Père
[pg: 197]
Emmanuel and about 10
minutes after he had left he
returned to me with a Telegram
which he had just received
from Père Pièrre Paris
in which he says
Carmes Baghdad
Partirai [space] Novembre avec
Père Jean et [space] Alexandre
Avertissèz Svoboda
it is dated the 26 Octor,
I was very glad to hear
this news, but why did not
Alexander telegraphed to me,
I sent a telegram to my
wife immediately & copied
her the above telegram
I remained at home not able
to go out being so weak
from the diarrhea, I took
a few drops of some Cholera
mixture from Grzeski,
which [space] Medoola sent me
& it stopped it; I also
changed my Cotton flannel
[pg: 198]
put a light woollen one
& felt much better on it;
Johny & Artin called in the
evening ~
Light N.W. & fine cool
weather ~
There are lots of Small
Pox in Baghdad for the
last 20 days all amongst
the young children & mostly
among the Jews ~
30 Sund
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
at 8 am I went to the Latin
Church & then called on
Catherina Yaghchi
on Sister Medula, Menusha,
Mina Abood & came
home had breakfast;
at 2 P.M. called on sister
Eliza & came home at 4
The SS. Mossul left this
morning at 6 ~.
Light N.W. & fine clear
weather, no rain has
yet fallen any where at
[pg: 199]
all & the price of grain
is rising; Barley from
160 P. to 175/90 the wozna
(illegible) of 78 Okes wheat from
380 to 450 & so on;
31 Mond therm @ 6.60
Light N.W. & fine weather
at 8 am I came on board
and paid the ship’s company
their wages for this month,
I went to the office to
Mr. Bottomley for some
questions regarding the
pay of some people;
Came home at 12;
I took a warm bath;
At 4 P.M. called on Eliza
[illegible] also on Sister Medula
& came home at 5 ¼
Johny & Artin called on
me till 7 P.M. ;
Fine cool weather;
Novr 1 (illegible) Therm@6.58
I called at 8 am on Père
Augustine he says that
Monseîgneur Altmayer
will leave Mossul
[pg: 200]
for Baghdad in about 8
days more; I came on
board at 9; we are shipping
cargo; The S.S. Phrat &
Barge left for Basreh at
6 am; ~ at 10 ½ I went
home; ~ I heard that
Yousif Metchich has arrived
from Aleppo this morning
with his niece Mina I
went to see him, he has been
23 days on the road; he
saw Mr. Richarz the
German Consul returning
to Baghdad, he was in the
Hotel of Kewark, and
is coming after few days,
At 2 P.M. I came on
board, we are shipping cargo;
At 5 went home ~
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
2 Wedn Therm@6.59
Light N.Ely & fine cool
weather ~ at 8 am called
on Menusha & then came
on board ~ The Ressafah
[pg: 201]
came inside to discharge,
The river is as low as ever,
there is no rise at all;
Antone Marine came on board
to see me, he is still outside
in the house at Gherrarah
of the Nawab & Ahmed Agha
with JebooryAsfar’s wife
& children; I had not seen
him for more than a
Weather is changing, it
is getting cloudy & at 11 I went
to breakfast & came on board
at 1 P.M.; We shipped
all the cargo that came
having about 84000 (illegible) Okes;
At 5 I went home; Johny
& Artin called till 7 P.M.;
Light N.W. & fine cool weather
3 Thurs Therm@6.52
Light N.W. & fine ~ at 5 ½
am I came on board,
[pg: 202]
Baghdad to Basreh [3 NOV 1898 --- V048_11_S] (//)
Passgrs | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
212 1/2 | 88,265 | 21,632 1/2 | 3,,6 |
At 6 am. we proceeded,
We passed Gherrarah & the
Bridge cut open for us, I see
all the Tents are ant out there
yet, no one has gone in,
At 8,,25 passed Diala
At 9,,20 anchored at Gusseiba
to sound; At 9,,40 proceeded
At 10,,20 Stopped with the
Comet alongside at Ctesiphon
just above Hudeitha, and
a Tent on the bank, Major
Melville the Acting Resident
is shooting sandgrouse
(Gettas) on the sand bank
with the Engineer Mr. Bamian
& Tom Dexter, we landed
Mr. Hürner & Mr. Maclaughlin
the Assistant Director in the
Ottoman Bank, we charged
them deck passage each
26 ¼ G. S. P. Hurner has
his wife & children still
[pg: 203]
in the Comet, he had gone
to town on Sundays ~ at
10,,35 we went on;
We have in all 175 ½
Passengers & 4 free; (2
in 1st class, Mr. Cooper
in the Société du Tombae
going to Bushire & B. Abbass
and a Jew Aboodi Zeekha
to Basreh) and Alfred Holland
& Polus Bahoshi the Engineer
of Lynch’s Wool Press going
to Coot to get a piece of
ground for the erection of
a wool press for Lynch & Co
like that at Amara,
At 3 P.M. landed a man
at Swera & went on;
At 4.5 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
At 6 P.M. we rounded
and came to at Raddat
for the night, light N.W. and
fine clear weather; moon
18 days old ~
[pg: 204]
Light S.Ely, with clouds
scattered about & dampy.
1898 Nov
4 Frid
At 6 Am. we left Raddat
At 6,,30 passed Azazieh,
At 9 met the SS Khalifah
coming up at Shedeif, we
stopped and sent Capt Cowley’s
younger son Victor on board
to return with his sister
Beaty (Mrs. Hanslow being
on board) & the other son
Douglas remained with us
to go down & up; ~ At 9,,5
we went on. I got a letter
from Henry, they have a
new Captain for the Comet
Capt Cooper, Davorzica &
his wife & other natives in
1st Class & 274 passengers in
all & 82000 Okes, he
has left my letters & papers
at Coot;
At 10,,20 stopped at Debooni
and sent to sound;
At 10,,40 proceeded on,
[pg: 205]
At 0,,45 P.M. passed Memlah
At 5,,35 arrived at Coot,
landed 34 ½ passengers,
also Alfred Holland, Polus
Bahoshy & 2 servants, &
12 packages;
I received Henry’s letter & my
paper, also a letter from
my wife, she has received
my telegram from Baghdad
of the 29th Ulto; but she says
that Jeboory Asfar told
them that the Arabistan
must have left Marseilles
on the 29th Ulto; so Père Pièrre
& Alexander could not have
left in her since Père Pièrre
says in his telegram that they
are leaving in November;
We remained at Coot for the
night; Fine weather with
light N. Ely breeze;
5thSatur Therm@6.62
Light N. Ely with few clouds
At 6,,05 Am left Coot after
hoving sent the Pilot to sound
below the village; but
[pg: 206]
we touched & worked her
off & went on at 6,,45.
Took 20 passengers from
Coot and all for Amara
Detained at Seyd Abbas in
dropping down along the
East sand bank from 12 ½
till one & again anchored
at 1 P.M. just after passing
the shoal, & sent to sound
the lower one, At 1,,30 P.M.
proceeded, weather cloudy,
At 3,,25 P.M. landed 4 Passengers
and 4 Carabas Arak at
Ali Gherbi & went on at
3,,35; Clouds disappearing
there is only a patch right
ahead, Breeze from N.W.
At 12 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 52 passengers
and 90 packages;
Very light S.Ely breeze and
cloudy overcast,
6 Sund
Arabs object closing Canals (vertical)
(vertical) 1st Rain,
1898 Novr
At 5,,50 Am left Amara
weather became cloudy
[pg: 207]
& light N. Ely breeze, overcast
& getting gloomy & misty;
Took 17 Amara passengers
(one an Arab free sent up by
Lynch Brothers to examine
& report on the closing of
some Canals by the Turkish
Governt; & he says that there
has been nothing done as
the Arabs object to having
some of them closed, and
the Governt: do not enforce
them for their benefit
in the time being, but the
fools do not see that they
are cutting their own throats
for in a short time the
river will be ruined and
the navigation & traffic
stopped & the whole country
will starve) ~
The SS. Phrat had arrived
at Amara down at 10 P.M.
last night & left at 1 am
this morning for Basreh,
[pg: 208]
At 8,,30 passed Kalat Saleh,
it became very cloudy gloomy,
& at 10 ¼ it rained a light
shower, the first time in
the season;
At 1 P.M. passed Azair
(having left ½ hour above
Ghumeyjeh & the Elbow)
weather very cloudy &
misty wintry days ~
At 3 a strong breeze blew
from S. Et & brought a squall
of dust which passed
up the weather very cloudy
& threatening;
At 4 P.M. landed 2 passengers
at Gorna, the SS. Phrat has
just left about 10 minutes
ago; Mr. Guilietti is here
he came down from Coot
I sent him his papers & letter
at 4,,10 we went on
it is raining lightly;
At 4,,50 passed the Phrat
rain ceased but remained
cloudy dampy weather,
[pg: 209]
It became very cloudy and
dark after sunset; light
S.Ely breeze;
At 8,,35 P.M. arrived at
Basreh, there is the SS. Cogent
for Asfar & Co here & the
Esther, also the SS. Mossul
The Gunboat “Redbreast”
is further down; & the
SS. Abdulkadur from Constple
in the quarantine ground
also the mail S. Kilwa
I went up to Rufail’s house
& saw my wife there; they
have news from Alexander
since I left Baghdad; and
they say that the Arabistan
has left Marseilles on
the 1st Instt as Gabriel Asfar
has told them, so Père
Pièrre & Alexander could
not have come out in her,
Rufail is still building
his upper story, they have
had lots of rain here
[pg: 210]
today for about 2 hours
& the ground is very muddy,
weather keeps very cloudy
& dark;
7 Mond
Light S. Westerly and
cloudy; at 9 am I came
on board the Mejidieh, she
is alongside the Blosse
Lynch shipping cargo out
of her; The Redbreast
left this morning for down
the river to patrol the
river between this & Fao;
The S.S. Phrat arrived last
night at 10 3/4 P.M.;
At 12 am I took Cowley's
son Douglas with me to Rufails
house where he stopped for
2 or 3 hours & sent him
back; Jeboory Asfar called
on us in the evening, he
says that the Arabistan
has left Marseilles on
the 31st Octor; ~
Weather became fine with
[pg: 211]
a Light n.w. breeze;
8 Tuesd
1898 noon
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 8 am I left Rufail's house
& came on board, we are
still alongside the Blosse
shipping cargo; & at noon
we finished loading ;
Père Louis (Johny Sayegh)
who came down in the
Khalifah last time, and
Edward Blockey are
going up with us in 1st
Class cabin, the latter
has a deck passage and
occupies a 1st Class;
My wife Eliza came on
board for 2 hours also Rufail
& Rezooki & Nessoory
Andrea etc;
Some clouds are coming
on, light n.w. breeze
& not cool at all;
we received the mail at
4 P.M.;
[pg: 212]
Basreh to Baghdad [9 NOV 1898 --- V048_12_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. P. Local | Draft |
238 | 131,559 | 17167 ¼ | 3,,11 |
At 4,45 P.M. we got
underway & proceeded,
very light air & fine ~
We have Edward Blockey
in 1st Class paying deck &
messing with us, also Père
Louis (Johny Sayegh) paying
1st Class but he messes in
his Cabin from the ship;
At 10,,45 passed Gonna
9 Wedn
1898 Novr
Light n.w. & fine but dampy
weather, at 2,,50 Am.
passed Azair, at 3,,20
anchored ~
At 6 proceeded; we
passed Ghumeyjeh alright
without touching;
We passed the SS. Ressafah
bound down at 10 ~
We went easy all the time
since this morning until
we got up to near K. Saleh
Finished with the passengers
[pg: 213]
We have in all 167 (2 in
1st C. Père Louis & Edward
my nephew,) 9 are Persians
with through tickets from
At 1,,50 P.M. landed 2
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& went on;
At 6,,30 arrived at Amara
landed 28 passengers & the
6 Zaptyes; Took in 8 Tons
of coal; we shipped some
cargo as ghee & copper etc,
they say here that the river
rose about 4 Inches;
(We landed here 100 empty coal
Baskets & 2 Bundles of Coir
rope & a large boats sail
for Abdul Kadur Khdery
free of freight by Capt Order
and Abdul Kadur gave the
Captain a sheep, a gazelle
and 4 Bags of rice as present,
and all the kit that came
on board with Abdul Kadur’s
mother free also) ~
[pg: 214]
At 8,,30 P.M. we left
Amara; Light n.w.
& fine clear weather;
10 Thursd The 6.54
Light S. Erly & fine cold morning
At 6,,40 AM. landed 5
passengers at Ali Gherbi
took 4 1/2 & went on at 6,,55
gave tickets to 43 1/2 Amara
passengers; (one in 1st Class
the mother of Abdul Kadur
Khdery) ~
At 12 am landed 4 passengers
and 3 packages at Sheikh
Saad and went on at 0,,5 PM.
At 6,20 we grounded below
Coot reach & kept working
with the Engines & then grounded
took an anchor out &
hove off; at 8,25 proceeded
At 8,,35 arrived at Coot
landed 9 passengers,
took 5 Tons of coal,
Alfred Holland & Polus
& 2 servants came on board
to go back with us ,
[pg: 215]
The piece of ground is brought
near our Coal Depôt
for the wool Press~
At 10,30 we left Coot,
11 Frid The @ 6.55
1898 Novr
Light n.w. & fine, some clouds
are appearing; at 4,,30
Am. we touched the shoal
at Mehdi sounded & found
little water took out anchors
ahead & hove over ; at
7,,50 proceeded ~ Gave
tickets to 23 Coot passengers
Weather becoming cloudy,
At 9,,10 passed Memlah
At 10,30 touched at Sheresh
and could not pass after
trying several times; so we
anchored & Capt Cowley went
to sound (as the Pilot was
asleep) at 12 we went
on alright ~ Getting
cloudy all over with a
S. westly breeze ~
At 0,,15 P.M. passed
the SS. Khalifah going down
I saw Jeboory Asfar's
wife & her two children
[pg: 216]
going down in her ;
Toward sunset the clouds begun
to clear off toward the south,
a light n.w breeze prevails,
At 6,,15 P.M. passed Azizieh,
At 8,,15 grounded at Rmelat
sounded & took an anchor
out hove back, at 10,,15
proceeded ~
At 11,,50 passed Baghdadieh
fine cold weather ;
12 Satur Ther @ 6.51
1898 Novr
Light n.w. & fine cold weather
At 6 1/2 am passed Bostan,
At 9 passed Ctesiphon
Detained in Shaol water &
sounding at Gusseiba
from 10 till 10,,40
Detained 15 minutes in Shoal
water at Jaffer ~
At 0,,35 P.M. passed
Diala river ;
At 1,,40, Edward Blockey
my nephew & I landed at
Gherrarah just below the
Bridge, where the steamer
went alongside & landed
[pg: 217]
a mare we have from Basreh
We walked to town; all
the Tents at Gherrarah have
gone in this week except
6 Tents of Fetoohi Magho
Polus Serkis & Tooza wife
of Georgi Asfar, & Dr. Sekhoor
I got home at 3 very
tyred & dusty, no rain
has fallen yet; my servant
gave me my letters amongst
which two from Alexander
one of the 14 Octor, he only
complains of his indisposition
and want of money &
having seen Père Pièrre
& the next one is only
a Postal Card letter, he
writes me a few lines and
complains bitterly of having
just returned from the Doctor
& writes this Card in the
Post Office on his way he
says he is suffering very
much in health & want
of money to live by & if
he gets better he will
leave with Père Pièrre
[pg: 218]
I also received a letter from
Böhm also about Alexander
& a letter from Yousif
Serpos from Alexandria
also about Alexander;
In fact I do not know
what to do, I am utterly
disappointed & getting
mad, & what am I to
do with my son; I am
so weak & unwell from the
grief & sorrow;
Johny & Artin called on
me in the evening ;
The Mejidieh arrived at
4 1/2 P.M. ~
Weather unsettled and
cloudy ~
13 Sund Ther @ 6.52
1898 Nov
1898 Novr
Very unsettled weather,
Cloudy & squally, at 7
am a squall of dark dust
blew & wind shifted from
S. to West & N. West
and at 7 1/2 it began to
rain steadily and became
[pg: 219]
very cloudy gloomy all
over, at 8 1/2 am I went to
the Latin Church in the rain
& got wet through ~
After mass at 9 1/2 I went
to see the Pêre Marie Joseph
the school master who
wished to see me, he took
me to his room & red to
me Père Pièrres letter,
he has received from Paris
& tells him about Alexander
that he does not wish to
come out but he is trying
to pursuade him & will
wire if he succeeds (which
he has done on the 26’) &
thinks of leaving in this
month some time &
that Alexander is little
unwell & fatigued etc et
I called on sister Medula
with Johny & Artin
also on Menusha,
they tell me that Louisa’s
marriage shall take
place next Sunday
[pg: 220]
the 20th because in December
no marriage is permitted
to take place according
to the Church rule;
Rain continues to come
down lightly but regular
the streets got very muddy
I am all soked with water,
Went home & breakfasted
working in cleaning a
sitting room for me as
it is too cold to be out
on the verandah & wet,
Rain continues with
a short intermission ~
At 2 P.M. called on my
sister Eliza also on Alice
& Emilia in the rain and
fearful mud & water,
I sent the following
telegram at 1 P.M. to
enquire from the Carmelite
fathers in Paris about
the departure of Père
Pièrre & Alexander
[pg: 221]
"Père Ferdinand
"Carmes Passy
" Paris
"Prière informèz date
"départ Père Pièrre et,
"Alexander dix payé
" Svoboda
26 mots Frc 14.85
Antoine Giulietti has also
received a long letter from
Alexander which he gave
me to read, he complains
of his bad life he is spending,
being miserable without
money, & very ill with
the pulmonary complaint
& begs him to speak
to me to send him money
& wire him quick etc et,
Antoine came to me
in the evening & I asked
him if he wants to wire
to Alexander that he can
[pg: 222]
say so; "Père disposé
rendre tons vos desire
condition accompagnèr
Père Pièrre" ~
Rain ceased at about 3
P.M. & remained cloudy &
14 Mond Therm 6.51
1898 Novr
Light n.w. & fine,
at 8 am I came on board
the Mejidieh went alongside
to discharge; very clear
weather; I sent money to
the office & went home at 10 am
got the oorsy cleaned and
furnished & arranged for
winter & shifted furniture
& kit with the servant &
his relatives, I got awfully
At 10 1/2 I received the
following telegram from
Paris from Alexander
it is dated the 13 (yesterday)
in which he says
" Baghdad
[pg: 223]
"Before leaving obliged
"pay debts 350 priest
It is so confused I cannot
make out whether he
has paid his debt or he
expects me to send it to
him the 350 francs and
not to Père Pièrre because
he is absent from Paris,
and if it is only a trick
he wants to convince
me that he is leaving
but must pay his debts
first; So I sent the
following to the Carmelite
father Ferdinand
since Père Pièrre is Absent
"Pere Ferdinand
"Carmes, Passy Paris
"Antorise Père Pièrre payêr
"toutes debtes Alexandre
"Condition partant
"15 mots F 8,,65 Svoboda
[pg: 224]
Père Emmanuel had been
to see me & he concurred
with this telegram ~
I took a warm bath &
had the stove lit to warm
the bath as it is too cold
Antone Guilietti wrote
to me this evening and
says that he has wired
to Alexander today the
"Père disposé remplir
"tous vos désirs condition
"partir compagnie Père,
"Pièrre, obeissèz Volonté
"Cabléz, Frcs 11,45 Guilietti,
"20 words
I wrote back thanking
him & sent him one T. Lira
to take from it the cost
of the telegram ~
Johny called in the
evening for an hour
Light n.w. fine cold
weather ~
[pg: 225]
15 Tuesd Th @ 6,,50
Light N.W. & fine
cold morning, at 8 am
called on Sister Medula
& then come on board,
we are discharging ;
At 10 1/2 went home, worked
in the house in arranging Kit
& furniture; Sister Emilia
called at 11, also Antone
Julietti comes with the
answer of his telegram to
Alexander which he had
sent yesterday, it went very
quick & Alexander has
answered immediately as
it is dated the 14th at 2,,10
P.M. & arrived today, it
says thus,
"Guiletti, Baghdad
"Conformerai surement
"Volonté accomplisséz;
Still he does not give any
decisive answer or say
when he is leaving;~
[pg: 226]
our departure from here
has been altered to friday
instead of Thursday, so
I did not go on board for
cargo; I went at 4 P.M.
to sister Eliza & stayed
there to dine with them,
The marriage of Regina
Sister Elizas daughter with
Duncan Alexander the
Clerk of the SS. Comet will
take place on the 27th,
At 9 P.M. I came [strikeout]
home, fine clear & cold
I bought one case of
Loaf sugar today to send
to Henry's house & to
sister Eliza's for the occasion
of the marriage of their
16 Wed Th @ 6,,51
Delegate Altmayer & Bishop Aghnatius arrived from Mossul
Light N.W. & fine
cold weather;~
I sent this morning
[pg: 227]
one Tray with 9 Loaves of
Sugar to Menusha &
a similar one to Sister
At 8 am I came on
board & copied in some
cargo~ At 11 I went
home & then went to call
& breakfasted at Sister
Medula & Grzesiki &
came on board at 1 P.M,
We are shipping cargo;
At 4 I went home and
then went over to Alice
& Sister Emilia to dine with
them; at 6 1/2 we heard
that the Delegate monseigneur
Altmayer & the Assyrian
Bishop Aghnatius had
arrived to the beach near
here in the steam Launch
of Kadem Pasha who had
offered her to go up & meet
them somewhere near
Fahama (Kadem Pasha's
property) I & Artin and
[pg: 228]
Johnny went at once and
met them as they entered
the house of Mr Altmayer
near Alice's house; They
had left Mossul on Wednesday
last in the Kelek, Mons
Roué also was there,
We left after 1/2 hour &
I came to Alice;~
At 9 P.M. I came home
Weather cloudy all over
17 Thursd
N. Erly breeze & cloudy
all over, It rained for
about 1/2 hour~
At 8 am I came on board
cloudy all over~
At 9 1/2 if begun to rain
moderately & became very
Antone Guilietti called on
me at 9 1/2 with a Telegram
from Alexander in answer
to his which he had
wired on the 15, telling
[pg: 229]
him that father Pièrre will
pay his debts & must wire
date of his departure;
Alexander says
"Guilietti Baghdad
"Pièrre absent, difinitive-
"ment accompagnerai
"30 régléz~ 16/11/98
After on hour I received
on board two telegrams
one is from father Ferdinand
in answer to mine
sent on Sunday, he sends
it from Tarascon, &
"Svoboda Baghdad
"Alexandre parti Messageries
"Beyrouth, Pièrre partira
"Decembre, Ferdinand
"4,,20 P.M.
The other one from
Ibrahim Gejou from
[pg: 230]
Paris also arrived together
it is dated the 15 at 2 P.M
"Svoboda Bagdad
"Just back America
"ignorant Alexander's
"address illness humbug
This is a very confused
news I do not know which
one to believe & what became
of Père Pièrre what is
he doing & where is he?
I went home to breakfast
& returned at 1 1/2; I sent
for Isak son of Elias Gejou
& asked him if he would
wire to Ibrahim his
brother to pay Alexanders
debt, in his name, he
accepted willingly &
I then made out the
following telegram,
[pg: 231]
"3 Place Cambronne
"Alexander wires indebted
"350 francs leaving
"30, remitted Père Pièrre
"200, please pay balance
"provided leaves absolutely
"23 mots Gejou
"17/11/98 F. 13,,15
Raining drizzly & very cloudy
& gloomy, Light N. Westerly
At 5 P.M. I went home,
weather very cloudy; I had
made out a Telegram to my
wife at Basreh to tell her
that Alexander is leaving
on the 30th but the line is
not working to Basreh,
Johnny & Artin called on
me to see the telegrams
[pg: 232]
Weather kept cloudy at
18 Frid
At 5 1/2 am I came on
board; clouds clearing
off but breeze is from the
Baghdad to Basreh [18 NOV 1898 --- V048_13_S] (//)
Passg | Okes | GS Piast | Draft |
204 1/2 | 75,766 | 21110 3/4 | 3,,6 |
At 6,,20 AM. proceeded
ship drawing 3 feet 6 Inches;
no rise of the river yet;
At 8,,45 passed Diala,
it has risen this river about
2 feet;
At 9 passed the SS. Phrat
& Barge going up at Jaffer;
At 9,,45 we anchored at
Gusseiba & sent to sound,
At 9,,55 the S.S. Khalifah
came to pass up; I saw
Nassoory Andria his wife
& children going up for
the wedding of Yousif
Yaghchi with Louisa
[pg: 233]
daughter of my brother
Henry, on Sunday next
At 10,,15 we weighed and
proceeded; the Khalifah
had stopped further up,
apparently repairing some
thing in the Engines;~
At 11 passed Ctesiphon,
Finished with the passenger
Tickets; we have in all
139 ½ (4 in 1st Class, one is
the Persian consul dismissed,
going to Bushire Mirza Ali
Khan, 2 persons relations
of Agha Khan to Bombay
Moolchoob Shah & an other
and Gorgi Shantab to
At 4,,50 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;~
Weather clearing up &
becoming fine, moon
4 days old;~
At 5,,50 we touched at Rmelat
& could not get passed we
anchored for the night;
[pg: 234]
Light air & cloudy weather,
At 2,,50 Am. the S.S.
Mossul & Barge passed up,
19 Saturd Th @ 6,,54
At 6,,20 we left Rmelat,
Cloudy but broken;
At 7,,40 passed Azizieh
It became cloudy all over
the banks are all wet since
we left Baghdad it has
rained all over these parts,
At 1,,10 P.M. passed
At 1,,35 landed 4 Passng.
at Bughela & went on
at 1,,40~
At 2,,20 anchored below
Shadi to sound further down,
a Boat here belongs to Khdeir
son of H. Ismail has sunk
She made a hole in her bottom
through her anchor, a few
days in a S. Erly wind she
was loaded with Liquorice
from Azizieh belonging
to Shamoon Daniel, they
now have got her close to the
[pg: 235]
sand bank on the west
bank & there she sunk her
stern & bow are out of the
At 3,,10 we proceeded but
we grounded on a shoal and
took an anchor out astern
& hove off; took an other
anchor on the East bank
& hove her in close along the
bank & Kept dropping
down, at 5 we went on
wind shifting to west &
north, clouds disappearing,
Clouds again gathering up
& lightning on the South &
West horyzon; it became
very cloudy at 6 and
threatening bad weather;
At 6,,10 we touched at
Umel Ajaj; backed and
worked the Engines, but she
did not move took out an
anchor ahead & hove her
round; we knocked off and
remained for the night
[pg: 236]
Light S. Erly & little cloudy
At 6,,30 AM. left Umel Ajaj
20 Sund Th @ 6,,54
Louisa my niece was married with Yousif Yaghchi (see 26th)
weather dampy & fog rising
on the surface of the river,
At 9 arrived at Coot
landed 26 passengers and
46 packages~ I received
Henry's letter & papers etc,
The Khalifah had only about
85000 Okes & 160 passengers,
Eliza my wife also wrote to
me, she has no news from
Alexander or of his departure,
They have had lots of rain
here too, and yesterday
they say it rained in Baghdad
At 10,,10 am we left
Coot took 46 Passengers
At 2,,50 P.M. passed the SS.
Ressafah going up~
At 2,,40 passed Sheikh
S. Erly breeze & clouds again
begin to gather up~
At 6 P.M. landed 2
[pg: 237]
passengers at Ali Gherbi,
cloudy all over but moon
light 6 days old; took
one passenger & went on
at 6,,10, very cloudy all
over without dark;
21 Mond Th @ 6,,60
At 3 AM. arrived at
Amara weather cloudy &
dark; landed 55 1/2 passengers
and 86 packages; weather
cloudy dark & slight rain;
At 5 it rained for 1/2 hour
At 6,,20 we left Amara,
Took 18 passengers (one in
1st Class Rashid Effendi the
Mohasebchi of Amara to
At 10 passed Kalat Saleh
It rained for 1/4 hour & keeps
very cloudy & overcast;
Again at 10 3/4 begun to rain,
At 11 1/4 it ceased & clouds
breaking up;
At 1,,40 P.M. passed Azair
weather getting fine &
clouds disappearing
[pg: 238]
At 4,,45 P.M. anchored
off Gorna landed 14 Bags
Tobacco 3 passengers
and at 5 proceeded, very
fine & clear weather,
light S. Erly;
At 9,,35 arrived at Basreh
fine moonlight night;
the Gunboat Redbreast and
the SS. Wolf are lying here
no Belem came for me from
Rufail & it appears that they
are all asleep, I waited till
11 o clock & then I turned
22 Tuesd
1898 Nov.
Calm & cloudy all over,
We are discharging and
taking coal;~ at 8 am
Rufail’s Belem came for
me, I at once went up
(as we are leaving today)
I saw Eliza, Rufail &
Rezoki & Tooky also there,
they have no news from
[pg: 239]
Alexander & wire is broken
for the last four days,
I read to her Alexander's
letter & the telegrams etc,
Eliza wanted to go up
with me this time as she
does not feel well here,
& the dampness is too much,
but I stopped her to see,
until we hear of Alexander's
departure, they heard
from Asfar that the SS.
Parran is to leave London
on the 20th Instt; Jeboory
Asfar’s wife called to see
Eliza, thinking she was
going up; I breakfasted
with them also Yousif
Marine who came down
this morning from Shaebyeh
At 11 1/2 I left and
came on board; we are
loading cargo;
My wife Eliza came on board
at 2 P.M. Rufail Rezooki &
Rezooki Angoorly also came
afterward; we are going
[pg: 240]
to await till 8 P.M. for the
mail steamer arriving, as
the one which is in quarantine
the Simla went to make
her 10 days quarantine
& come up here, Eliza &
Rufail went at 5 PM ~
at 5 1/2 the mail steamer
arrived in quarantine, we
sent for the mails~
Weather fine & clear; at 6 it
begun to get foggy and it
got thicker; Flood tide came
at 7 P.M. we swung round,
Mail was brought up at
9 P.M. it is the SS. Pchamba's
Basreh to Baghdad [23 NOV 1898 --- V048_14_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast Local | Draft |
191 1/2 | 131163 | 11,040 | 4,,0 |
At 9,,45 P.M. we proceeded
from Basreh, Flood tide running
up, ship drawing 4 feet
Fog disappeared and became
fine, very bright N.W. air
and not cold at all,
[pg: 241]
23 Wedn. Ther @ 6.63
1898 Nov
At 2,,30 AM. passed
Gorna, Fine clear weather
and light N.W.~
At 6,,25 passed Azair
Detained few minutes at the Elbow,
the Ghumeyjeh is good there are
4 draaz water.
Finished with the passengers
tickets. We have altogether
132 1/2 (2 in 1 Class the widow
of the Mufty of Basreh and her
daughter) 14 of the passengers
are with through tickets from
Bushire among these there
is a Persian Woman with a 
2d Class fare but we have none
to be let, the only one we
had the Captain has given
to the Pilot Mahmood
At 0,,40 P.M. landed one 1 
passenger at Kalet Saleh and
went on; The river looks to-
be rising~.
At 5,,30 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 24 passengers
& Took in 10 Tons of Coal;
Mr. Guilietti is here
[pg: 242]
he came from Gorna &
is going with us to Ali
Gherbi to put to right the;
telegraph line & poles,
We have given him a cabin
to sleep & only charging
him deck fare, I asked
Capt Cowley to let him have
At 7.40 we left Amara,
Modte Cold N.W. wind
& fine, Ghadban the Sheikh
of Beni Lam has returned
to his place from Howeza
and encamped above Amara
he is coming to town tomorrow
& has paid a part of his
arrears of debt (2000 TLiras)
24 Thursd Therm @ 6. 55
Modte N.W. & fine~
At 6,,40 AM landed 9
Passengers at Ali Gherbi including
Mr. Guilietti, took one 
and went on at 6.50~
We took 39 1/2 passengers from
Amara, the
[pg: 243]
wind is blowing very sharp
and cold; it became stronger
and has to furl awnings
it is so sharp & penetrating,
At 1 P.M. passed Sheikh
Saad ~ Wind fell down a 
little but it is getting cold.
At 5,,5 P.M. passed the 
S.S. Phrart & Barge going
down at Aboo Nakhal;
At 7.50 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 13 passengers
Took in 5 Tons of Coal;
The river has risen only about
6 Inches in all,
At 9,,15 left Coot light
N.W. & fine cold weather;
Modte N.W. & fine cold morning,
25 Frid Therm. @ 6.49
1898 Novr
At 5,,30 am landed a 
passenger from Coot at Bughela
a man for Khdeir's sunken
Boat at Mehdi
At 5,,50 passed Memlah
Gave tickets to 18 1/2 Coot passengers
sharp cold wind
[pg: 244]
At 1,,35 P.M. passed the
S.S. Mossul & Barge going
down just at Azizieh;
At 4 passed the S.S.
Khalifah at Gutnyeh going
down, I saw Faust Lurion
on board returning back
to Vienna; I have not
seen him in Baghdad yet;
At 4,,45 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; Very light N. Wester
& fine Weather; The river
is red & turbid, it has risen
about a foot;
Detained in finding the channel
and sounding at Oweyn from
8,,20 till 10 P.M; ~
26 Satur Th@6. 48
1898 Novr
Light N.W. & fine cold weather
at 2,,30 am passed Ctesiphon,
Detained at Gusseiba and
Jaffer ½ hour in Touching
At 5,,20 passed Diala
At 6,,30 passed through the
Bridge of Gherrara Cut
[pg: 245]
open for us; We did not
land a man at Gherrara;
At 8,,30 Am landed the
mail at the Residency &
Went on to the Custum House,
I saw Mr. Richarz the German
Consul at his house on
passing so he has Arrived
from Europe; I went home
found no letters or telegrams
from Alexander except one
from Alois Schweger and
one from the Handelsmuseum,
about business; but Johny
sent me a Postal card from
Alexander dated the 27
Octor which arrived the day
before, he simply says that he
is leaving with Père Pièrre
on the 15th Novr;~ The S.S.
Ressafah is here alongside
I called on Sister Medula
she related to me about the
marriage of Louisa daughter
of Henry with Yousif Yaghchi
on Sunday last the
20th Inst~ I received an
invitation from Yaghchies
[pg: 246]
to breakfast with them
tomorrow, but wrote back
excusing myself~
At 4 P.M. I called on Henry’s
wife Menusha for an
hour & came home;
Johny & Artin called on
me till 7 P.M.;
Light N.W. & fine Weather,
27 Sund.
Mr. C Richarz arrived on 18th as German Consul
Light N.W. & fine cold
morning, at 9 am Went to
Church & then called with
Artin my nephew on Antone
Marine, Abduljebbar the
Lawyer Asfar, the Bishop
Aghnatius (but was not at
home) on Abboods, Sister
Medula; and at 2 P.m.
called on Sister Eliza, on
Monseigneur Altmayer
(but was not at home) and
on Mr. Richarz who arrived
here on Friday the 18th by
Aleppo & Deir from his
Vogaye to Europe since Feby
last having left Baghdad
[pg: 247]
I then called on Alice & Emilia
& had to leave them after a
very disgusting quarrel they
got up with me about some
stupid & false report supposed
to have been spoken by my
Wife Eliza to Mrs. Cowley etc,
I came home, Antone Marine
called on me till 7 P.M.
Today the new large
Chaldean Church was
consacreted, a large Ceremony
was performed by the
Patriarch Abd Ysho &
the Monseigneur Altmayer
the Assyrian Bishop &
the Chaldean Bishop of
Kerkook; the French Consul
Mr. Rouèt was also there;
Light N.W. & fine Weather
28 Mond.
1898 Novr
Light N.W. & fine,
at 8 am I called on Menusha
she took ill yesterday with
her Old Complaint the
Gravel & Dr. Sturock of
the English Missionary
is attending her;
[pg: 248]
at 9 I came on board
The river has been rising
since yesterday morning
it rose altogether about
2 feet; The Ressafah
is still inside;~
I went to the Office for some
money & came home at
11 ½~ I took a warm
bath & remained at home
29 Tuesd Th@ 6. 44
Light N.W. & cold morning
& fine weather;
The SS. Ressafah left
at 6 Am;
At 8 I came on board
Paid the ship’s company their
wages for this month;
The Mejidieh is discharging
At 11 I went home, called
on Eliza & Adoola my cousins,
also on Père Emmanuel,
he has no news of the departure
of Père Pièrre & Alexander,
& the Baluchistan leave
Marseilles today or tomorrow
as Yousif Asfar told
[pg: 249]
me today, he has received
a telegram from Nessoory
Sayegh saying so;
I called in the afternoon on
Sister Medula, there came
Monseigneur Altmayer,
& Père Augustin~ At 5
P.M. I went over to Sister
Eliza & dined with them,
at 9 came hone;
Fine Clear weather & light
N.W. breeze~
30 Wedne Th@ 6. 46
1898 Decr
Light N.W. breeze & fine
weather; at 8 Am called
on Menusha, she is still
suffering from pain of the
Kidneys, & the gravel;
Rosa daughter of Antone
Marine has had the small
Pox since Sunday, but
it appears to be mild,
At 9 I came on board,
We are discharging Cargo,
The river fell about 1 foot
but is still good the late rise
having got up about 4
I went home & breakfasted
[pg: 250]
At 2 P.M. came on board,
We are shipping cargo;
At 4 ½ went home, I called
on Sister Medula to dine
with her. Johny came there
& he dined also with us, at
9 we left & I came home;
Light N.W. & fine cold
1st Thursd Th@ 6. 45
Light N.W. & fine cold morning
at 8 Am. I came on board,
we are shipping cargo~
The river is falling a little
At 11 ½ went to breakfast
& returned at 12 ½;;
We shipped a good lot of
Cargo~ At 5 I went home
Johny & Artin called on me
till 6 ½~ Light N.W. air
& fine weather;
2d Frid Th@ 6. 37
Light N.W. & fine Weather
At 6 AM. I came on
board~ Very calm and
fine weather;
[pg: 251]
Baghdad to Basreh [2 DEC 1898 --- V048_15_N] (//)
1898 Decr
Passeng | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
192 1/2 | 87,373,, | 20,181 1/2 | 3,,7 |
At 6,,30 Am we proceeded
Weather very mild & not so
cold at all;~ It became
quite cold after we got
underway & the Thermometer
went down to 37 outside
my cabin;
At 8,,35 passed Diala
At 10 passed Ctesiphon,
Finished with the passengers
tickets; We have in all 147
(4 in 1st Class, Père Scheil
a Dominican father and
an Archeolgue, who was here
four years ago in the digging
of Aboo Habba by Bedry
Beg for the Turkish Government,
and now going to Shushter
to join the french excavators
under their head [crossout] Monsr
De Morgan who was the
Keeper of the Egyptian
Museum at Cairo and
a friend of my late brother
[pg: 252]
Alexander,~ also we
have Jemil son of Elias Serkis
and Solon son of Calothi
both in one Cabin, and
Nessoory Andrea returning
to Basreh with a free
Return passage by Lynch
Brothers himself and a
servant woman)~
At 1,,50 P.M. passed the
SS. Khalifah going up at
the lower end of Dawer reach;
At 3,,20 passed Baghdadieh
At 5,,20 passed Azizieh;
Fine clear weather, moon 18
days old; we have not been
aground or touched anywhere;
At 7,,30 anchored for the
night at Shedeif~
3d Satur Th@ 6, 42
1898 Decr
Light N.W. & fine Weather
At 6,,15 Am. proceeded
from Shedeif~
At 9,,15 passed Nemlah
At 10,,15 had to anchor
[pg: 253]
at Mehdi to sound, the
rise having upset the Channel
& we touched just near
the sunken Boat of Khdeir
who is here trying to get
her up with the aid of
two empty Boats~
At 10,,45 We Weighed
& proceeded;
At 2,,20 P.M. arrived at
Coot, landed 27 passengers
and 34 Packages; I received
Henry’s letter, also one from
my Wife, she does not feel
Well on account of the dampness
at Basreh & Wishes to come
back with me; Jeboory Asar
has told Rufail on Saturday
last, that Strick had wired
to him about Alexander’s
passage if it is to be paid
at Basreh & he answered
him that he has received
his passage already, we
do not know whether
he is coming in the SS.
Baluchistan Which has
left Marseilles on about
[pg: 254]
the 29th Ulto, as Yousif Asfar
had told me so in Baghdad,
The Khalifah had about
150 passengers & 122000 Okes
At 3,,5 We left Coot;
Took 17 passengers (one in
1st Class Abbass el Ali
going to the Haj to make a
At 7,,15 passed Sheikh
Saad;~ At 7,,20 anchored
at the top of Aboo Dood for
the night, took 2 passengers
came from Sheikh Saad~
We have caught the rise
of the river, it has not fallen
yet here~ Fine clear weather
4 Sund Th@ 6. 45
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 6 AM. We proceeded,
At 7,,20 passed the SS. Phrat
& Barge going up;
At 8,,50 landed 2 passengers
at Ali Gherbi & took one and
went on at 8,,55~
At 4,,55 P.M. arrived at
[pg: 255]
Amara landed 63 Packges
and 30 passengers~ We
took 4 Tons of Coal &
it took a long time to get
it on board,~
At 6,,55 We left Amara;
Light N.W. & fine clear weather
We have the Reîs of the Sennyeh,
going down with us to Kalat
Saleh, he slept in the cabin of
Abbass el Ali who offered him
his cabin by Captain Cowley’s
Consent & paid 2 Mejidees (double
deck passage, his name
is Mahomed Rafik Beg~
At 8,,10 We anchored above
Aboo Sedra for the night;
5 Mond Th@ 6. 42
1898 Decr
Light N.W. & fine cold
At 6 Am left; gave
tickets to 25 ½ Amara passengers
At 8,,10 landed the Reis of Sennyeh
& his 2 attendants at Kalat
Saleh & went on at 8,,15
Detained at the Elbow in
dropping down from 9,,50
till 10,,10 and again
[pg: 256]
We stopped just below the
Elbow & made fast
along the West bank
to await for the SS.
Mossul coming up, she
had stopped also about
two miles distant from
us to await for us to
pass down as the rule
is, but we did not go &
so had to await until
she at last had moved up
& passed us at 11, We
hove & proceeded at
11,,15 this is a thing I
never saw before;
At 0,,30 P.M. passed Azair
At 3,,30 landed 4 passengers
& 7 packages at Gorna
& went on at 3,,35~
At 8,,10 P.M. arrived at
Basreh; The Gunboat
Redbreast here, and the
Mail St Patna is in
Quarantine as well as
[pg: 257]
the Arabistan which arrived
four days ago, there are
Yacoob Essayi & his Wife
on board coming from Port
Said, also Mr. Heyns the
American excavator of
Nuffar & his family, they
will have to complete their
10 days Quarantine
I went up to Rufail’s &
saw my wife Eliza, Rufail
& Rezooki there, there
is no news of Alexander’s
departure, Although the
Baluchistan has left
Marseilles on the 28 Ulto
as Jeboory had told them,
Nessoory Andrea also
came with me & he slept
7th [6th?] Tuesd.
Light N.W. & fine cold
morning; I had tea &
breakfasted with them
Yousif Marine also came
down; At 10 ½ I came
on board & called on
[pg: 258]
my way for few minutes
at Jeboory Asfar, he
told me that he is going
to wire to Saunièr at
Marseilles asking him
to let him know if
Svoboda is in the Arabistan
& will wire to me in
Baghdad the answer;
We are discharging &
loading & will leave
this evening;~
Eliza came to me on board
& spent the day in my cabin,
also Rufail came & Rezooki
Angoorly; Jeboory Asfar
wrote to me that he has
wired to Saunièr Marseilles
enquiring about Alexander’s
departure in the Baluchistan
& will wire to me the
The Arabistan will leave
Basreh on Saturday next
chartered for Kurachi;
[pg: 259]
Eliza & Rufail left me
at 5 P.M; we got the mails,
and at 7 P.M. finished the
loading of cargo, having
loaded her down to 4,,2;
weather very calm & fine;
Basreh to Baghdad (//) SS. Mejidieh Voy 379; [7 DEC 1898 --- V048_16_S] (//)
7th Wedn Th@6.41
Passng | Okes | GSP. Local | Draft |
132 1/2 | 171,595 | 10,946 1/2 | 4,,2 |
At 8 P.M. we left Basreh
Light N.W. & fine cold weather,
Flood tide with us, it had
made since 6 P.M;
At 1,,20 am passed Gorna
At 2 anchored on account of
fog~ At 6,,45 proceeded
Finished with the passengers
tickets, We have in all 79 ½
(one in 1st Class Gorgi Shantob)
11 deck are Persians with
through tickets from Bushire,
At 10,,25 passed Azair,
Detained ½ hour in the
[pg: 260]
narrow bends etc~
At 4,,30 P.M. passed
Katat Saleh;
At 8.50 arrived at Amara
landed 13 ½ passengers and
10 Bales of through Bombay
cargo, Took 100 Loads of Coal
& some tins of ghee~
At 11,,10 left Amara,
light N.W. & fine cold weather
8 Thursd Th@6.39
Light N.W. & fine cold
weather; Gave tickets to
30 ½ Amara passengers;
At 9,,30 passed Ali Gherbi
there is fall in the river of about
½ foot here;
At 2 P.M. passed Sheikh
At 8,,10 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 9 ½ passengers,
Took in 5 loads Tons of Coal;
cold weather & fine;
At 9.30 we left Coot;
Fine clear & Cold weather
9 Frid Th@6.38
At 1 am detained at Um=
el Ajaj in shoal water
[pg: 261]
for about ½ hour; also
at Mehdi for about 2 hours,
grounded & took out an
anchor & hove off,
At 7 am passed Memlah
very fine clear weather &
cold N.W. breeze; gave
tickets to 22 ½ Coot passengers
(including 2 ½ from Mehdi;
being Khdeir son of Haji
Ismail who has not been
able to save his sunken
Boat on the sand bank)
At 2.10 detained in shoal
water just below Azizieh
for 10 minutes ~
At 2,,20 P.M. passed
Azizieh Village;
At 4,,40 passed the
SS. Khalifah going down
at the top of Gutnyeh;
At 5,,30 passed Baghdadieh
Fort, Light N.W. & fine
weather ~;
Touched at several places &
backed & went on;
[pg: 262]
10 Satur Th@6.34
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 1 am passed Ctesiphon
Detained at Gusseiba about
½ hour in touching
shoals & backing~.
At 4,,30 Diala river,
met the Boat of the Mossul
which had got adrift &
they asked us to tow them
up, we took her in tow
and met the Mossul at
Dedewyeh on her way
up & cast her with her
crew; Passed the Bridge
of Gherrarah at 5 ½
Light N.W. & cold weather
At 8.10 landed the mails
at the Residency & went
to the Custom House,
the SS. Phrat is here discharging
I went home, my servant
Meekha gave me a letter
from Alexander dated the
11 Nover; there is nothing
decided in it, he only
[pg: 263]
complains of Johnys letters
to him in which he had
given him all the advises
& councils & told him that
his complaints & illness
are lies & humbugs, and
Alexander insists that
they are all true, & hopes
if he leaves he will try
& accompany Père Pierre
& all these sorts of non=
sence which made me
so sorry; as I got
occupied in cleaning
& arranging our big
sitting room etc, with
the servants, at about
9 am I received an other
large registered letter
brought by the Post man
on its envelope was written
in french & Arabic that
on no account must
this letter be delivered
to any other person
except into my proper
[pg: 264]
hands, it is dated the
13thNovr from Alexander
in answer to my long
letter of the 12 Octor which
I had sent from Basreh
& kept a copy; it is about
4 sheets a most fearful
one he complains of himself
and confesses of all that
I have written to him to be
true & that he has betrayed
me, & he is mad & has lost
his sense & so on and
does not say a word about
his leaving, I was so
awfully struck down from
sorrow & grief that I
felt unable to walk or
do anything I was trembling
& weeping, my knees
got shaky & powerless,
I became miserable,
while I was reading
the letter, Père Emmanuel
called on me, with a very
sorrow face and gave
[pg: 265]
me a card from Père Pierre
from Paris dated the 7th
Novr he writes to me &
says that Scander came
to bid him his last farewell
& told him that he was
going to leave by the
Messagerie via Beyrout
so as to be here by Christmas
& before him, & so he
requires 250 frcs for his
expences to travel with
and Pièrre gave it to him
& obtained a receipt,
and so the stupid Pièrre
let him go & paid the
money against my
express order in the
telegrams that he is only
to pay him on condition
that he must accompany
him, he played Père
Pierre also an other trick
& got 450 frcs in all
from him; I was
[pg: 266]
mad from sorrow and
grief, I am sure now
that Alexander is not
with father Pièrre, and
that he is & remains still
in Paris and in his letter
he tells me that he is
mad & thretens to
commit suicide and
will never be able to see
us any more; ~ I passed
a most miserable time
in my house, Antone
& Johny called on me
they red the letters, and
they were astonished at
his writing & were very
vexed for such a mis=
behavior ~
The Mossul came up at
about 11 am ~
11 Sund
Light air & fine weather,
at 8 ½ am called on
Antone Marine to take
him to Church; Rosa
[pg: 267]
his daughter about 18 years
old had the small Pox
very badly & she is getting
better, she is confined in
a closed room by herself
We went to church &
there I called on the Bishop
Aghnatius, but was not
there; I called on Menusha
Henry’s wife she is still
suffering from the gravel
I called on Medula and
on Yacoob Pehlewan’s
family, & then went to
breakfast with Medula
as I could not stay at
home from the sorrow
at Alexander’s doings
& am constantly weeping
I feared that Ibrahim
Gejou may advance
him some money as per
my telegram to him on
the 17 Novr; so I sent
the following telegram
[pg: 268]
at noon today to him
3 Place Cambronne
Don’t advance money
Alexander since not
left with Pièrre
11 Decr 98 Svoboda
Frcs 8.65
I went to see Sister Eliza
then were Sister Emilia &
all of them are preparing
for wedding of Regina
with Duncan Alexander
the Clerk of the Comet,
tomorrow at 9 am. The
house is decorated with
flags & green date branches
and preparations getting
ready; Cards printed
in Gold letters are sent round
to many people inviting
them; I left & called
on Mons Rouet the french
Consul living in Blockey’s
[pg: 269]
house; we talked about
Alexander & I told him
that I intend to take
some steps to get him sent
out here through our
Austrian Ambassador
in Paris, since he is still
a minor & he has nearly
ruined me in money
& health, he agreed with
me on this measure &
told me to talk to Mr.
Richarz & ask him to do it
but it must go through
the channel of the Austrian
Consul General of Beyrout
and he is going to see
also Mr. Richarz & will
talk with him on this
subject; I came home
at 4 ~ Went to dîne
with Sister Medula
and returned at 9 Pm,
weather unsettled &
wind shifting to East
[pg: 270]
12 Mond
Regina daughter of Sister Eliza was married today
1898 Decr
1898 Decr 13 Tuesd.
1898 Decr
Ely wind & clouds are
gathering sign of bad
weather coming;
At 8 ½ am I went to
Sister Eliza’s house for
the wedding of her daughter
Regina, but feel so very
unwell weak & very
sad about Alexander’s
doings, he is killing me,
the tears always running
down my eyes; Many
people came & at 9 ½
we all went to the house
of Monsigneur Altmayer
to his Chapel where
he performed the ceremony
short & simple and
we then all left and
went to the British Residency
where Mayor Melville
the Officiating Consul
made out the Certificates
of marriage and
[pg: 271]
both husband & wife
had to sign them, the
husband M. Duncan
Alexander having turned
a Roman Catholic,
we then went to my
sister Eliza’s house and
all the invited party were
there they had Champagne
& cakes; there were about
50 persons, the Comets
people Capt Cooper &
the Chief & 2d Engineer,
Mr. & Mrs. Bottomly, Alfred
Holland, Mr. Hall & wife,
Dr. Zakhur, Selman Durion
& wife, Grzesiki & sister
Medula & many others,
I came on board at
10 ½ sent money to the
office; and I then
sent the following
telegram to my wife
[pg: 272]
Eliza in Basreh
" Basreh
"Alexander not coming
"tell mother prepare
"return Svoboda
At 12 I went over to
Sister Eliza & found all
the people there making
merry, the Jewish music
or Brass band & the
Tabul playing, they
danced & did all sorts
of amusements; but
the people were sorry
to see me in this state
of grief I was in, not
even at the table could
I keep myself from weaping,
If it had not been
for the sake of my sister
Eliza who is our eldest
sister I would not
[pg: 273]
have gone;
At 4 P.M. I left them
& came home; Mr.
Richarz came to me
and I explained everything
about Alexander &
asked him to take that
step & get him sent out
by force through our
ambassador in Paris,
he concurred with me
in the matter, and was
just going to see M. Rouet
& dîne with hîm and
will also talk & consider
the way for doing it,
& if I call on hîm tomorrow
to give him the address
of Alexander & any
other information on
the matter; ~
I called on Antone Marine
for an hour & returned at 7
S. Ely wind & cloudy weather
[pg: 274]
1898 Decr 13 Tuesd
Strong S. Ely wind & cloudy
all over dusty & thretening
weather, at 8 am I came
on board, the mejidieh went
alongside to discharge, the
SS. Phrat left at 6 am
At 10 am I called on Mr.
Richarz, son also Dr. Hesse
his chancellier who took
in writing all the affair of
Alexander, his birth, place
of abode in Paris as well as
that of Ibrahim Gejou should
in case the Austrian Consul
General is not able to find
him also about the woman
he keeps called Marie
Marguerite Derisbourg
& how he went to Vienna
in May, & the woman followed
him there & his sudden
departure with her to Paris
& begging the Austrian
Consul General to send
him under surveillance
to Marseilles & get him
[pg: 275]
embarked in one of the Anglo
Arabian & Persian S N. Copy
through the Agent Saunièr
& given in charge of the
captain, & I enclose for
the Consul a cheque for
300 frcs for his expenses
to Marseilles whence his
passage is paid to Basreh
and all what was requisite
& they asked to send them
my Passport to see in
which place it was
written, & to come tomorrow
& sign this protocol, &
pay the fee of 1/2 T Lira,
the cheque I am to take
from the Ottoman Bank;
I left at 11 3/4 came home
had my breakfast &
came on board took
my Passport & money &
went to the Ottoman
Bank & obtained a cheque
payable to the Austro Hungarian
[pg: 276]
Consul General for 300 Frcs
& sent it to Dr. Hesse to
enclose it in the letter,
I met Isak Gejou who was
coming on board to see
me & he has received a
letter from his brother Ibrahim
from Paris of the 18th who
in which he tells him that
Rezooki Korkis had sent
him the 15 £ Stg in order
to pay Alexander's expenses
& passage to Marseilles,
& he obtained for him a
ticket for the Train &
the Balance he obtained
a Bill on Marseilles to cash
it there; but Alexander
afterward tore up the
ticket, & cashed the
money in Paris on a
discount of some 10% &
did not start & Ishak
gave me a letter to read
[pg: 277]
which Ibrahim had written
to Alexander dated the
25 Augt in which he advises
him to give up all these
foolishness & part from
that woman & go to Baghdad
and many other good
councils, which letter I
took a copy of ~
At 5 P.M. I went to dine
with Antone Marine
Père Emmanuel was there
I came home at 8 1/2
Blowing strong S. Ely
& cloudy, very few drops
of rain came down;
14 Wedn.
1898 Decr
1898 Decr
Fresh S. Ely Wind and
cloudy; at 8 am. I
came on board;
we are discharging cargo,
At 10 1/2 I went over to
Mr. Richarz, & Dr. Hesse
had copied out my application
to the Austro Hungarian
Consul General of Paris
[pg: 278]
in the way of a Protocol
regarding Alexander
to be sent out by Order
of Government, and I
had to sign it & then Mr.
Richarz, signed under it
after certifying the document
as true made out before
him; it is dated today
& will be sent tomorrow
by the Damascus mail
through the Austrian
Consul General of Beyrouth
and I paid them 1/2 Lira
as fees: ~ I then called
on Monseigneur Altmayer
& related to him all
that P. Pîèrre & Alexander
wrote to me, & told him
what I had done through
the German Consul &
requested him to write
to Cardinal Richarz
in Paris to assist &
[pg: 279]
use his influence to get my
son liberated from this
bitch of a girl to whom he
is in love, & that she is an
illegitimate Belgian
woman from the Streets
he promised to write to
him tomorrow, & also to
Père Henri at Argeuil
to come & see him & speak
to Alexander;
I came home at 11 1/2 it is
dropping a little & blowing
strong ; I took breakfast
and came on board to
work, we are shipping
cargo ~
At 1 P.M. it rained for
15 minutes & still blowing
strong & Ely ~
I wrote out three letters
dated tomorrow for the
Damascus Post, one
to Alexander, one to
Ibrahim Gejou and one
to Rezooki Korkis, Copies
[pg: 280]
of which I have kept
At 4 1/2 P.M. I went home,
and thence I called on
sister Medula &
dined, Artin my nephew
also came & dined with us
Medula tells me that
Antoine Juilietti had been
at her & tells that he
has also received a letter
from Alexander by this
Post, a short one & he seems
to be dissatisfied with what
Antoine had wired to him
on the 14 & 15 Ulto, & tells
him that it seems he has
also gone in accord to his
parents wishes etc etc;
I left at 8 1/2 & came
home, wind fell down and
began to clear up;
15 Tursd Therm @ 6.46
1898 Decr
1898 Decr
Light S. Ely & fine weather
no clouds to be seen
at 8 1/2 am I came on board
The Mossul & Barge went
inside to discharge &
[pg: 281]
we are loading over them
The river is as low as before
at 10 it began to get cloudy,
at 11 1/2 went home to breakfast
& sent my letters to the Post
Office to Ibrahim Gejou including
one for Alexander to R. Korkis
London & to the news paper
offices of the St Leclair in
Paris for a subscription;
at 12 1/2 I came on board
worked hard, we shipped
a lot of Cargo but not heavy
we took 81,000 Okes,
At 5 P.M. I went home,
Johny & Artin came,
the Damascus mail
arrived at 3 P.M.; I
had to send my servant to
the Post Carrier for letters
but he only brought me
one letter from Schweiger
Vienna, none from
Alexander ~ Père
Emmanuel called on
me, with a letter from
[pg: 282]
Père Pièrre dated the 21st
Novr from Montpellièr
he has not left yet & will
not leave before the end
of this month by the Turkistan
Alexander has again
played a trick to Pièrre
& got from him 200 frcs
more, Pièrre says that
Alexander had sent him
on the 7th a receipt for 50 Frcs
which he was still in want
of & Pièrre thinking that
Alexander must have
left Paris by that time
as he had told him before so,
he therefore annulled
the receipt & wrote on the
back of it to Alexander
& sent it to the fathers here
which they gave me just
now; But Pièrre says
in his letter to the fathers
[pg: 283]
that he was surprised
when he received a letter
from Alexander from
Parîs, dated the 12th and
asking him to advance
him 200 frcs more, &
Pièrre like a fool sent
him the money, it is new
already 650 frcs that
Pièrre has given Alexander
But ought to know well
that my telegrams to
him expressly say that
he is only to advance
him on condition that
he should accompany
him; I am awfully vexed
and sorrow at what
Pere Pièrre has been
doing and all my work
with him proved fruitless,
I therefore made out the
following telegram to him
[pg: 284]
to Montpellier, since he
is still there; ~
" Père Pièrre
" Couvent Carmes
" Montpellier
" Dépéches Autorise
"avancer argent Alexander
"condition vous accompagne
"déplore, encore Paris,
"déployèz votre activité mêmes
"necessaire Allèr Paris,
"N'avancèz plus ~
"27 mots Svoboda
I gave it to Johny to be sent
tomorrow morning; &
Light S. Ely & fine
weather ~
[pg: 285]
16 Frid
At 5 am I came on board
Fine weather & very light
air from S. Est;
Baghdad to Basreh [16 DEC 1898 --- V048_17_S] (//)
Passg | Okes | GS. Piast | Draft |
139 | 80,909 | 16,783 1/2 | 3,,6 |
At 6.15 am we proceeded
S. Ely breeze but fine cold
weather; At 8,30 passed
Diala river;
At 9,,20 anchored at Gusseiba
to sound; at 11 Pilot returned
having marked the channel, we
weighed & proceeded on to it,
and grounded; Took anchors
out & hove ~ At 1,,20 P.M. we
got off & proceeded~ weather
fine & wind from n. Wester
Finished with the passengers
tickets we have altogether
86 1/2 (4 in 1st class the Persian
Consul Mirza Ali Naki Khan
of Baghdad, a Mahomedan
Mahmood Effendi; a christian
boy Yousif Demyanes, and
the wife of Khdeir ibn Haji
Ismail to Ali Gherbi, & her
husband Khdeir is also
[pg: 286]
with her but has paid Deck)
At 1,,50 passed Ctesiphon
At 4,,15 P.M. passed the
SS. Ressafah & Barge going
up at Ledj;~
At 6,,15 the Steamer went
Against the bank just below
Swera Village on the shore
of the West maîn bank
and had to anchor, for the
starboard wheel got damaged
& have to repair, we made
fast alongside the bank;
The Engineers worked till midnight
and did not finish it~
At 11 ½ P.M. the Khalifah
came up, she sent her boat
to us with a bundle of specie
for [illegible] to take back,
Henry sent me a letter,
but I got it in the morning
and did not know of her
passing up;
17 Satur
Light N.W. & find cold
weather; Engineers working
at the weel~
[pg: 287]
H Talub Effendi the Kaimakam
of Swera (now Called Hamidyeh)
Came on board to see us,
I had not seen him since I
passed Ramadi on my way
back from Europe, in
October last year;~
We remained all the day here
they are working in stretening
& boring arms & segments
in the wheel, I am very
sorry because we have
to lost our Christmas day
in Baghdad;~ Weather
very fine & getting cold
toward sunset;
Engeniers finished the wheel
at 8 P.M. & we remained for
tomorrow morning;
18 Sund The @ 6,,30
Light N.W. & fine cold weather,
At 6,,30 AM. left Swera
At 7,,30 passed Baghdadieh
At 10 passed Azizieh~
At 3,,15 P.M. passed Nemlah,
Clouds coming on; at
sunset they disappeared and
became fîne~
[pg: 288]
At 6,,30 we rounded and
anchored for the night above
Um el Boony; Fine weather
and moonlight night 5 days
19 Mond
Light N.W. & fine cold
weather, In getting underway
at 6,,15 am we grounded in
turnîng round; had to take
an anchor out & heave off.
At 6,,45 proceeded;
At 8,,50 arrived at Coot
landed 8 ½ passengers and
213 packages (160 Poles for
SLynch & Co for the new ground
they bought to erect a wool
Press here;~ Mr. Guilietti
is here he came to me, he is
going on to Azizieh & thence
to Baghdad repairing the
wire~ I received Henry’s
letter & papers also a letter
from my wife Eliza she
had not received my [strikeout]
telegram yet, I sent her on
on the 12th~ Mr. & Mrs. Heyns
[pg: 289]
the American excavator
at Nuffar & two other
Americans Mr. Fisher & Mrs.
Geer were on board the
Khalifah; they came out
in the Arabistan~
At 10,,15 am we left
Coot; took 20 ½ passengers
(1 ½ in 1st Class, Rezooki ibn
Elias Kheder & sister, they are
to occupy the double cabin
at Ali Gerhi when Khdeir
& his wife leave it there)
At 2,,20 P.M. passed Sheikh
At 3,,50 anchored at Seyd
Abbass to sound, although
the Boats there told us that
there are 3 ½ draaz (5 feet)
water; at 4,,15 proceeded
At 6,,5 we anchored at
Ali Gherbi & landed 5 ½ passengers
(one in the 1st class Khdeirs wife
& himself)~ very fine & clear
weather moonlight night;
At 6,,35 left Ali Gherbi
took 7 passengers~
[pg: 290]
20 Tuesd The @ 6,,42
Light N.W. & fine cold weather
At 2,,55 am arrived at
Amara landed 33 passengers
and 62 packets; Took
4 tons coals;~
At 6 am left Amara
took 24 passengers (Revd:
Mr. Cantine the English
Missionary came to go down
but there is no cabin he slept
in the saloon I charged him
2 mejidies only)
At 9,,25 passed Kalat
Detained at the Elbow & below
it from 11 to 11,,20 in dropping
At 9,,45 P.M. passed Azair
weather became cloudy,
all over~
One passenger from Amara
to Gorna died on board
this afternoon;
At 3,,40 P.M. landed 19
passengers at Gorna including
the dead passenger;
went on at 3,,50;~
[pg: 291]
Flood tide has made; Breeze
shifted to S. West & very cloudy;
At 8,,15 P.M. arrived at
Basreh, very cloudy weather.
The SS. AbdulKadur only
here & the mail Stmr Kilwa
in quarantine; I went up
to Rufail, saw Eliza there
they have no news at all
of Alexander no telegrams
I related to her every thing;
& red her [strikeout] the letters
of Alexander & Père Pièrre
she was very touched and
grieved at the way our
son wrote to us. She has
made up her mind to go
up with me; we were so
upset that we could not
sleep at all; Rufail has
finished the 3 rooms in
the upper story & are living
in them, they are very
well built & arranged
Weather very cloudy
& calm;
[pg: 292]
21 Wedn
Raining all day
Light S. Erly breeze & cloudy
weather; After tea Yousif
Marine came down from
Shaehyeh, at 9 I left
to come on board, called
on my way at Jeboory after
& related the him secretly
what I have done
through the Consul Mr.
Richarz & the report to
the Austrian Consul Generl
of Paris to send Alexander
under the surveylance of
the Police to Marseilles
& there to he handed over
to the Agent of the Auglo-
Arabian steamers & to
recommend the Captain
to look after him; so
I asked Jeboory to write
to Mr. Saunièr & to
recommend him to tell
the captain of any steamer
[pg: 293]
he promised to do it today
& send letters my both ways,
I came on board it
is raining drizly &
very gloomy overcast
weather; we are discharging
& loading;~ many people
are wanting Cabins;
Jeboory told me that
the Parran will leave
Marseilles on the 24th Instt
& the Turkistan will follow
after a fortnight;
Raining continually,
Mr. Yacoob Eassayi came
on board to take passage
up by Capt Cowley said
that there are many who
want to go they are Europeans
& will be out of quarantine
this evening, he could
not promise him; I wrote
to my wife if she likes to go
& take her birth in my Cabin
Yacoob Eassayi related
to me all about my
[pg: 294]
son Alexander when he
went to London from Paris
with his woman in Augt,
The English Gunboat Pigeon
is down in the quarantine
S. Erly wind & keeps cloudy,
my wife is going up with
me she sent her kit on board
I kept it in my cabin & some
in the hold;~
Eliza came on board with
Rufail but Capt Cowley has
given the Cabin of Francis
to Yacoob Eassayi & his wife,
and then he came to tell me
that one of the passengers is
not going with us, so that
I can give the cabin to
my wife & I did give it,
Weather rainy & very
[pg: 295]
Basreh to Baghdad [21 DEC 1898 --- V048_18_N] (//)
Passeg | Okes | G.S.P. Local | Draft |
179 1/2 | 144,369 | 14,464 | 4, |
At 6,,15 P.M. we left Basreh,
fresh N. Erly wind & cloudy
It begun to rain steadily for
about 2 hours, & blowing too
At 10,,50 passed Gorna
Cloudy all over & blowing fresh
22d Thursd.
At 1,,30 am we anchored
At 6,,15 proceeded; weather
clearing up & getting fine
but breeze from S. West;~
At 7,,30 passed Azair;
I finished with the passengers
tickets we have in all 121
(6 are in 1st Class, they are
Dr. Ramsay Residency Surgeon
Mr. Cooper of the Société du Tombac,
Mr. Edmund Candler a
young English traveller going
up via with Deir & Damaseus,
Mr. W.H. Diamond an
American merchant coming
to see the wool trade of
Baghdad & goes back gave
[pg: 296]
him a Return Ticket, and
Yacoob Eassayi & his
wife Mariam they occupy
the cabin in the passage
given to Francis the Butler
but Yacoob sleeps on
the table in the Saloon,
and my wife Eliza got
a Cabin in the Saloon
which Capt Cowley thought
there was an other European
passenger coming and
he did not come, so she
shifted from my cabin
into that)
At 0,,50 P.M. landed 5
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& took one & went on
at 0,55 P.M.~ Clouds
passing over from the
north driven by a fresh
N.W. wind~ At 4 it
became very cloudy and
gloomy weather, wind from
S. Est~
[pg: 297]
At 5,,30 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 22 ½
passengers; Took in 8 ½
tons of coal, & shipped cargo
Bags of Rice & Tins of Ghee
Weather very cloudy and
raining drizzly, S. Westerly
breeze; Yesterday & last
night it rained here and
up above as far as Baghdad,
At 8,,30 we left Amara
Very cloudy weather &
23 Frid
Very light air & cloudy
gloomy overcast weather
At 7,,5 am landed
1 passenger at Ali Gherbi
& went on at 7,,10
took 1 passenger;~ The SS.
Mossul passed down last
night at 9,,45 P.M. ~
Gave tickets to 22 Amara
The wind shifted to N.W.
this afternoon & clouds are
[pg: 298]
clearing off & getting fine
& cold;~
At 6 P.M. arrived at Coot
landed 22 passengers; Took
in 8 tons of coal~
At 7,,40 we left Coot;
Weather lîttle cloudy and
N.W. wînd cold;
24 Satur. Th @ 6,,46
Light N.W. & fine cold weather
At 3,,30 AM. passed Nemlah
At 5,,30 Obliged to anchor
it became foggy; at 6,,30
tryed to go on but after a
few minutes it came on
again & anchored~
At 8,,10 cleared off, we
proceeded~ Gave tickets
to 12 ½ Coot passengers;
At 8,,40 met the S.S.
Khalifah coming down
at Deboony; we sent our
Boat off with a passenger
from Coot who had no
money to pay his passage
[pg: 299]
I received a letter from
Henry, he says that they
left yesterday morning with
63000 Okes & 94 passengers,
They have had much rain
in Baghdad, it begun on
Wednesday at 4 am &
lasted till Thursday at
8 am; the river rose two
feet; Henry says that a
telegram came for me on
Monday from Montpellier
in answer to mine of the
15th Instt to Père Pièrre saying
that P. Pierre is absent but
they have sent him the telegram;
At 8,,50 we went on,
Light S. Erly breeze;
Detained 15 minutes in Shoal
Water at Um Sneyem;
At 1,,50 P.M. passed
Azizieh;~ Clouds clearing off
wind shifted to S. West;
At 5,,10 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
S. Erly breeze & fine weather with few
clouds, the river must
[pg: 300]
have resin about 3 feet;
At 11,,45 P.M. passed Bostan,
1898 Decr 25 Sund.
Christmas day, Light S. Erly
breeze, & little cloudy~
At 2 AM /passed Ctesiphon
At 4 passed Diala river;
At 7,,5 landed the mails
at the Residency & went
up to the Custum House,
the SS. Ressafah only here
she is loading ~ Very strong
S. Erly wind blowing cold
& swell in river, Eliza myself
& the servant girl Mariam
landed & went home,
We soon put the sitting room
to right for visitors ~ I
found no letters at all
from Alexander by the
Damascus Post which
arrived yesterday; but I
found the telegram which
arrived here on Monday
last the 19th, from Montpellier
which is dated the 18
[pg: 301]
in answer to mine to Père
Pièrre sent on friday the
16th, but as he was not there,
it is as follows ~
"No 3940 16/12 Père Pièrre
"Couvent Carmes Montpellier
"parti faisons suivre par
We went to church & then
I called on the Carmelite
fathers, on the Assyrian
Bishop the Chaldean Patriarch
Abed Isho; & on father Philippus
the Armenian, came home
at 11 it is raining a little for
about 10 minutes; many
Visitors called on us ~
in the afternoon I called on
Menusha, Sister Medula
Yagchies saw Louisa my
niece & on Antone Marine,
came home at 4, the
Delagate Monseigneur
Altmayer called on us;
At 5 Père Marie Joseph
the Carmelite father sent
for me to say that a
[pg: 302]
telegram has just arrived
& wishes to see me; I
went to the church and he showed
me a telegram from
Père Pierre from Tarascon
dated the 22nd which has
just arrîved it says
" Carmes
" Baghdad
" Turquie
"Bonne féte,donné
"argent Alexandre parti:
"Constantinople avertissez
I told them that I cannot
believe it. P. Pièrre is being
sold by Alexander &
he always promises to
leave if he gets the money
Besides this telegram P.
Marie Joseph received
last night a letter from
P. Pièrre dated the 29
Ulto from Montpellier,
[pg: 303]
in which he tells him that
Alexander had written to
him asking him for money
that he was going to
leave Paris on the 2d of
Decr via Marseilles to
catch the Baluchistan
at Port Said if he can
if not he will waît for
the Turkistan, and P. Pièrre
objected paying him until
he sees him left; ~ By
this telegram he says that
he has paid him, all
this story I cannot believe;
Alexander, he is playing
tricks with P. Pièrre to
get money out of him
I came home found Eliza
nearly fainting from
fright of probable sad
news from Alexander
However I calmed her down
& explained everything
[pg: 304]
26’’ Mond
Light air & foggy cloudy
weather~ at 8 am
I came on board
The Ressafah left yesterday
noon for Basreh;
At 9 ½ I left the ship & called
on Sister Eliza to bid her a
happy Christmas~ I came
home more Visitors called
on us; Sister Medula came
& Grzesiki~
Edward Blockey my
nephew has got the Small
Pox since five days, also
Mr. Richarz the German Consul,
Small Pox is still bad in
town & in all the villages even
along the Euphrates &
Aleppo & other places, the
Old people are also getting
attacked; the Jews are suffering
the Most; Pere Marie
Joseph has had it, also
Mr. Blumsum but they
[pg: 305]
I called on Shemoony
Korkis, also on Yacoob
Eassayi & came home at
5~ Johny came to us &
he stopped to dine with us,
at 6 it began to rain for
about an hour, and then
it became fine;
27 Tuesd Th@ 6. 32
1898 Decr
Light N.W. breeze and
Very fine & cold weather
at 8 ½ Am I came on board,
We are discharging cargo;
at 9 ½ I left & went to call
on Yacoob Pahlawan’s family
on Yousif Hannosh Tessy;
I went to the Office to Mr. Bottomly
& took 45 £ Stg to pay wages
of Officers tomorrow;
After breakfast I made more
calls, on Polus Serkis, Shekoory
Andrea, Habib Chiha,
Asfars, Abduljebbar Effendi,
Eliza Erame, Yacoob Tessy,
& came home, it is bitterly
cold & cloudy, I cannot
stand such a cold, at
night could not get warm
[pg: 306]
28 Wedn Th@ 6. 28
Light N.W. breeze and
Very Cold fine weather,
At 8 ½ Am I came on
board & paid the Ship’s
Company their wages;
the decks are frosty; I
feel it bitterly cold
At 10 ½ I went home found
Sister Eliza & her daughter
Terrooza & Catterina Yaghchi,
At 1 P.M. I went over to
Sister Eliza, took Terroza
my niece & went to call
on Regina my niece (Sister
Eliza’s daughter) & her husband
Duncan Alexander
they have hired a small house
near Alice’s; I gave her
a Diamond earrings as
a present for her marriage
which I bought for 60 Beshlics
at 2 I left & came
home; I called on Menusha
& then came on board
we are shipping cargo;
[pg: 307]
I heard today of the death
of Kass Yousif Segman
the Assyrian Priest who had
left this about 2 months
ago for Beyrout, & he
went up the Lebanon
Mountains to see his Sister
in the Convent & died
there, from an ulcer
operation on hîs back;
At 4 ½ went on shore called
on Sister Medula for ¼ hour
there were Regina my niece
& her husband Duncan Alexander,
I went home found there
Antone Marine, Artin also
Very Cold Weather & fine
clear, moon 15 days old;
29 Thurs Th@ 6. 28
1898 Decr
Draft/ 3,,5
Light N.W. & very foggy, still
bitterly cold & freezing; My
Thermometer is exposed in
our Verandah facing the
N. West,
At 8 ½ I came on board
[pg: 308]
Weather keeps foggy~
I wrote a letter to Mr. Böhm
Vienna by today’s Post via
Damascus & told hîm all
about Alexander that he is
still in Paris & is humbuging
Père Pièrre & getting money
out of him; & that I have
sent a formal demand
through Mr. Richarz to our
Austrian Consul General
of Paris to force Alexander
to leave & be sent out here,
At 11 ½ I went to breakfast
& came at 1 P.M. We
shipped a good deal of
local cargo up to No. 63
It was 6 ½ P.M. when I
went home,~ Very cold
weather & fîne~
[pg: 309]
30 Frid Th@ 6. 28
Light N.W. & fine cold
weather~ At 5,,30 AM.
I came on board, River
has risen since yesterday
morning about 2 feet,
Baghdad to Basreh [30 DEC 1898 --- V048_19_S] (//)
1898 Decr
Passeg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
153 | 67,058 | 18,506 ,, | 3,,5 |
At 6,,10 Am. we proceeded,
Fine cold weather;~ The
banks & trees are covered
with white frost, & so is
the ship’s deck; it became
very cold before sunrise;
The Thermometer outsîde of
My cabin fell to 28°~
At 8,,10 passed Diala
river; the water is still
frozen on the decks;
At 9,,30 passed Ctesiphon,
Gave tickets to the passengers
we have no one in 1st
Class Cabins~
At 11,,25 passed the
[pg: 310]
S.S. Phrat & Barge going
up at Ledje reach; Weather
became cloudy since
9 am, it is still bitterly cold
I can’t write in my cabin;
We have in all 122 Deck
passengers only;
I have been obliged to
make a fire in my cabin,
as my feet & hands are
quite chilled~
We passed the SS. Khalifah
at Rwebyeh at about
1,,30 P.M. but I did not see
her, as no one told me
of her & I was in my cabin,
At 2,,5 passed Baghdadieh
Fort; still cloudy a little
At 4,,15 passed Azizieh;
At 6,,10 We rounded & came
to for the night at Shedeif,
Light N.W. breeze & little
Cloudy, still Cold;
I have got a bad cold all
my bones & muscles pain
me, & feel so feverish,
[pg: 311]
31 Satur Th@ 6. 34
1899 Jany
Light N.W. & fine cold weather
there is some frost on the
banks, but not so cold
as before~
At 6,,20 Am we left Shedeif
At 9,,15 passed Nemlah,
At 1,,30 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 40 ½ passengers
and 60 packages;
I received Henry’s letter &
paper, the Khalifah had
138000 Okes & about 160 Passng,
Mr. Cole who was her
Chief Engineer & had gone to
England on leave last year,
was discharged by Lynch,
from the service & have put
Tom Tartt in his place,
has come up in the Khalifah
to go to his wife in Baghdad
At 2,,35 P.M. We left
Coot, took 16 passengers,
At 6,,45 P.M. we rounded
and anchored at Aboo
Dood, just below the Village
of Sheikh Saad, Very
fine Weather & light N.W.
[pg: 312]
1 Sund Th@ 6. 40
Modte cold N.W. Wind
and fine Weather~
At 6,,30 Am We left
Aboo Dood the wind
blowing cold;
At 9,,25 landed 6 Bales
at Ali Gherbi, took one passenge
& went on at 9,,45;
At 11,,20 passed the SS.
“Mossul & Barge going up
at Flefleh Village;
At 5,,35 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 29
passengers & 143 Packages,
Light N.W. breeze & and still
Cold Weather; We took
2 Tons of Coal; finished work
at 8 & we remained at Amara
for the night;
2nd Mond. Th@ 6. 32
Light N.W. & very fine and
cold weather~
At 5,,20 Am left Amara,
Very cold & the desert is frosty,
At 7,,30 we anchored
it became foggy~
[pg: 313]
We took 13 ½ passengers from
At 8 fog cleared off we
Detained at the Elbow from
10,,40 till 11~
At 0,,30 A.M. passed Azair,
At 3,,30 P.m. landed 20 Bags
of dry fruit at Gorna and
Went on at 3,,45~ Took 6
At 7,,20 We anchored
about Kteban, it being
rather misty but not so
3rd Tuesd.
1899 Jany
1899 Jany
Light air & little foggy;
At 6,,30 Am got underway
from below Kteban, but
it soon became foggy. We
drifted easy until we got
near Maghil it became
thicker, flood tide is
made up; We saw a
sunken Boat just near
the Canal Aboo Sboor above
Maghil, laden with Cases
of Paraffin, we met a
lot of Cases floating down
[pg: 314]
as we got near Jubela
Canal, and our Launch
went with the crew and
picked up 12 cases, the
water is slack & there is no
current; they also brought
about 15 Bundles of Coir
rope & the door of the boat’s
cabin, & we remained
at anchor, the fog having
cleared off at 8 am;
At 8 ½ weighed & proceeded
down to Basreh; The
sunken boat belongs to
Hotz & Co, & the cargo to
H. Hmood el Mellak;
At 9 arrived at Basreh
there is only the English
Gunboat “Pigeon” here,
There are the Mail S. Pachumba
and the SS. Baluchistan
for Asfar arrived 3 days
Ago in Quarantine, Mr.
Mackey (who was employed)
at Darby Andrewes before)
is on board of her he
[pg: 315]
is employed at Frank
Strick & Co now in London
& has come to see about
some business with G.
Asfar here;
Rufail & Yousif Marine
called on me, we proposed
to go in to Basreh to see
Tukyeh & other people,
they went back to breakfast
& will return;
At 11 ½ We went in to
Basreh called on Tookyeh
also on Terrooza wife of Nessoory
Andrea, I went to Angoorliy’s
Shop & returned to Tookyeh
had Tea & we left at 3 P.M.
came on board & then we
went to Jeboory Asfar for
an hour & then went up
to Roofail’s house where
We dined & slept~
Weather getting cloudy
& breeze from N. Est; Yousif
Roofail & I slept in the large
sitting room, there was
fire in the stove~
[pg: 316]
1899 Jany 4 Wedn.
Light N. Erly breeze & very
Cloudy overcast; It
begun to rain at 8 am.
I came on board in the
rain; We are shipping
The SS. Ressafah & Barge
left last night to Baghdad
at noon it begun to open
a little, breeze from N.W.
It cleared off in the afternoon
& became fine~
Rufail called, also Rezooki
Angoorly, & Rezooki also;
We loaded down deep
& took several steamers’ cargo,
Basreh to Baghdad [4 JAN 1899 --- V048_20_N] (//)
Passeg | Okes | GSP. Local | Draft |
204 | 217,705 | 10,998 3/4 | 4,,10 |
At 4,,30 P.M. We finished
and got underway,
drawing 4 feet 10 Inches
Fine weather and
calm, Flood tide
[pg: 317]
just began to make
Mr. Holdway our 3rd Mate,
has again taken to his usual
yearly fits of drinking to
excess, He had left the ship
on Christmas day in Baghdad
& remained for 2 days on
shore at his brother in law,
& came on board very sick
& shut up himself in his
Cabin unable to come out
& keep his watch on the
Bridge until the day before
for a short time & shut up
himself again in his cabin
till now;~
At 9,,40 passed Gorna
5 Thursd Th@ 6. 44
Light N.W. & fine weather;
At 2,,30 Am passed Azair
at 3 anchored near Ghumeyjeh
At 6 got underway and
Finished with the passengers
tickets;~ We took 2 from Gorna
We have in all 136 ½
with the 2 from Gorna
[pg: 318]
(3 ½ are in 1st Class, being
one Mahomedan Raoof
Effendi to Baghdad, 2 Mahomedan
for Kalat Saleh and
a girl, Emilia daughter
of Elias Kheder Faraj to
Coot ½ Passage)
At 11,,15 landed 10 Passeng
including the 2 in 1st Class
at Kalat Saleh & went
on at 11,,20 ~
At 4,,55 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 20
passengers; Took in 6 Tons
of Coal, The Ressafah
left this today at 11 am,
we shipped 4 Bund Copper
At 6 P.M. left Amara
Fine clear weather & light
N.W. breeze ~
6 Frid Ther@ 6.38
Light N.W. & fine ~ at
1,,30 am passed the S. Ressafah
& Barge going up;
At 6,,15 landed 2 passengers
at Ali Gherbi & went on
[pg: 319]
at 6,,30 took 7 passengers
weather getting cloudy;
Gave tickets to 43 ½ Amara
At 11,,30 landed a Jew passenger
at Sheikh Saad who had no
money to pay he is from Amara
Weather became cloudy
again with S. Ely wind
blowing modte; ~
At 6,,5 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 35 ½ passengers
(one in 1st Class the daughter
of Elias Ferej half person);
Took in 5 Tons of Coal
finished at 7 ½, weather
cloudy but there are stars
to be seen; we shipped 23
packages of ghee, gums etc
and remained for the
night at Coot, blowing
strong S.Ely & Cloudy,
7 Satur Ther@ 6.47
Strong S.Ely & cloudy
a little ~ at 6 AM. we
left Coot; clouds clearing
off & getting fine, but the
[pg: 320]
wind is strong from S.Et;
Gave tickets to 17 Coot
At 0,,15 P.M. we met
the Comet coming down
at Hamraya, both Steamers
anchored & they sent for
the mails of Major Melville
the Acting Resident on
board going to Basreh
and back, Dr. Ramsay is
also on board going away
on leave; The new Consul
for Basreh Mr. Wratislaw
who arrived on about
the 20 Ulto ; in the Arabistan
is a Civilian & was attached
to the English Embassy at
Constaniple & had been Consul
in Philippopolis & Sophia
the Basreh Consulate
has been transferred now
from under the Indian
Government to that of the
Foreign Office, and Mr.
Wratislaw has been for
[pg: 321]
about 15 years in Turkey
and speaks several languages
At 0,,45 P.M. we
went on blowing very strong
S. Ely wind; ~
At 1,,40 P.M. passed Memlah,
At 2,,20 passed the S.S.
Khalifah going down
I saw Alfred Holland &
Polus Bahoshy going down
in her to Coot, for the building
of the house for a wool Press;
At 9,,30 anchored at Zweyet-
el Zère (above Humeyeh) although
the weather is very fine and
clear; Capt Cowley is afraid
to run at night because the
ship is deep, he is more timid
than before; the river is good
& there is still a rise of about
5 feet from the last rise ~
8 Sund
Light breeze from S. West
and fine, some clouds are
hanging about on northern
parts ~
At 5 AM. proceeded,
at 6 passed Azizieh;
At 9,,45 passed the
[pg: 322]
Fort of Baghdadieh, and
at 9,,50 passed the S. Phrat
& barge going down;
thick clouds came on &
passed over from the north
being driven by a N.W.
breeze as it shifted &
became cold;
The river has fallen about two
feet from its last rise~
At 7,,5 P.M. passed
Ctesiphon, light westerly
breeze & fine night;
At 7,,35 anchored at the
bottom of Gusseiba for the
night, on account of the Shoals
at Gusseiba~
9 Mond
S. Ely breeze & little cloudy,
At 6,,15 am we proceeded,
but touched a shoal & sent
to sound, at 7,,15 proceeded
At 8,,55 passed Diala,
weather getting cloudy;
At 10,,10 I landed at Gherrara
[pg: 323]
& walked in to Baghdad, I
felt it very hot, as the S.Ely
wind was behind me & the
sun hot, I went straight to
Lynch’s office got there by 11 ½
saw Mr. Bottomly for some
business & also told him
about the mistake I had
made in last voyage up in
the calculation of the Basreh
passengers, I had only found
it last night, after much
searching & examining account
as I had made the Balance
of my cash Book on the
way down this trip for
the end of the year & found
that I was 2400 G S. P. over
& could not find it where it
occurred, until I counted the
passengers old ticket Book
& found that I had omitted
40 passengers on the voyage
up on 21 Decr, @ 60 P. each
it just came to 2400, this
40 passengers were issued
in the ticket Book which
[pg: 324]
I had sent to the office after
it was finished; I told
Mr. Bottomly that I will
enter these 40 passengers
in next voyage up so as
to ignore every thing~
I left & came home, but
so very tyred & giddy
with very bad headache, the
was had stirred my bile,
& not having had breakfast,
I saw Eliza, she said
that no letters from Alexander
had arrived for the last
two weeks by Post; but
one letter from Père Pièrre
from Tarascon dated the
14 Decr arrived on Saturday
(the day before) which was
sent by Père Marie Joseph,
there is nothing decided
in the letter about his
or Alexanders departure,
he only relates the way
in which Alexander is
[pg: 325]
humbuging me for
drawing money, & he
has already advanced him
750 frcs, & Alexander
always promises hîm of
leaving in such & such a
date etc etc;
The Mejidieh arrived at about
0 ½ P.M. ~ The S.S. Mossul
is here only she is loading
& leaves tomorrow ~
I called on sister Medula
at 2 P.M. also on the Carmelite
fathers saw Père Emmanuel
spoke about P. Pière etc,
& came home; Johny &
Artin called in the evening
Light N.W. & fine weather,
10 Tuesd Ther@6.40
Light N.W. & fine cold morning,
I called on Henry’s wîfe,
& also on Sister Eliza,
and on Monsigneur Altmayer
but was not at home,
I went to Mr. Richarz
& gave my card, as I did not
want to go in & see
him because he has
[pg: 326]
had the Small Pox since
a fortnight, but I heard
that he is well & goes
out, I also passed to enquire
about Edward Blockey
my nephew who also has
had the Small Pox, but
is better, I did not go
up to see him but asked
him how he was from
the court yard & he said
that he was well;
I came home & found the
Delegate Altmayer in
my house; I went over
to sister Medula where
Sister Eliza was as I
did not see her in her house
so I took her to my house
to breakfast & pass the
day: ~ I took a warm
bath; Regina my niece
(Mrs. Duncan Alexander) &
her sister also called &
they all left at sunset;
Antone Marine & Shekoory
[pg: 327]
Antone Sayegh called in
the evening & left at 6 ½
Fine cold weather and
light N.W. breeze;
11thWedn Ther@6.39
Light N.W. & fine cold
morning; the SS. Mossul
left at 6 am; at 8 I
came on board; we went
alongside to discharge
cargo; we also did yesterday
River rose about ½
foot; ~
At 11 I went home and
breakfasted & at 1 ½ P.M. came
on board & shipped cargo,
I worked hard for the through
cargo shipped; ~
At 4 ½ P.M. went home, took
Eliza & went to Sister Medula
spent the evening, Artin also
came there we left at 7 ½
Weather fine & cold
12 Thursd Ther@6.38
Light N.W. & little cloudy
The SS. Ressafah arrived
from Basreh at 3 am.
She had left the day before
[pg: 328]
we did~
At 8 am I came on board,
I wrote a letter to Mr.
Alois Schweiger in Vienna
of todays date, via Damascus
by todays Post, in answer
to his 4 former letters;
At 11 I went to breakfast & I
came at 12 ½;
At about 4 ½ P.M. we finished
shipping cargo, hauled out
of the Custum House~
At 5 I went home & then
went to Sister Eliza where
my wife had gone & we
spent the evening, Regina
also came from her house
being close about; at 7
we came home~
Light N.W. & fine weather
cold ~
13 Frid Ther@6.34
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 5 ½ am I came on
board; Today being the
first of Ramadan the
fasting month for the
[pg: 329]
Baghdad to Basreh [13 JAN 1899 --- V048_21_S] (//)
Passgr | Okes | GS. Piast | Draft |
137,, | 113,423 | 18,795 3/4 | 3,,9 |
At 6,,20 AM. we got under-
way & proceeded; the river
has risen about one foot;
we have 112,000 Okes cargo;
Very cold morning, frosty,
the banks & islands, and
the deck also has frozen
the water ~
At 8,,20 passed Diala
At 9,,50 passed Ctesiphon;
Gave tickets to the passengers
we have altogether 111;
(3 in 1st Class, Mr. A. Veillant
a Swiss silk merchant, who
had come up with us two years
ago in Decr 96; & been to Persia
now going to Bombay; and
Jemil Beg the son of Saîd
Pasha Motserrif at Hassa
and his mother, they are going
to Said Pasha at Hassa,
I know him well & he was
formerly at Basreh & Amara
he is a Musully)
At 2.55 P.M. we met the
[pg: 330]
S.S. Khalifah coming up
at Rwebyeh, we stopped
and sent Mr. Holdway
our 3rd mate to her, and
her chief mate Mr. Brain
came on board to go down
to Basreh to be put in the
SS. Malamir to act in
place of her Captain Aidy
who is going for 6 months
leave to England;~ I
received a letter from Henry
saying he had let my papers
& letter at Coot with
Alfred Holland, as he was
not sure of our stopping
We went on at 3,,5 P.M.
the Khalifah has 142,000
Okes & 215 passengers, none
in cabins; ~
At 3,,20 passed Baghdadieh
At 5,,25 passed Azizieh,
Calm but fine cold weather;
At 7.35 we anchored
at Shedeif for the night,
Light N.W. & fine weather
moon two days old
[pg: 331]
14 Satur Ther@6.40
Therm @ 6.40
Light air & getting cloudy
At 6.15 am we left
Shedeif, it became cloudy
all over like a fog spred
all over ~
At 9,,20 passed Memlah,
S.Ely breeze & cloudy all over,
wind increasing~
At 2,,5 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 19 passengers
and 39 Packages; ~
Alfred Holland & Polus the
Engineer of the Wool Press came
on board, they are building
the house for the Wool Press
down near our Coal Depot,
I received Henry’s letter &
my papers ~
At 3,,10 P.M. left Coot
Took 9 passengers;~
At 6,,10 P.M. we rounded &
came to for the night above
Sheikh Saad; weather
cloudy & light S. Ely
wind; it blew strong at
night, with slight rain
[pg: 332]
1899 Jany
15 Sund. Th @ 6.40
Light S. Ely & cloudy
at 6,15 proceeded ~
At 7,,5 passed the S.S.
Baghdad & Barge bound up
she was under repairs for the
last six months ~
At 4,,40 passed Sheikh Saad
getting clear on the west &
north ;
At 10,,50 stopped at Ali
Gherbi and landed 5 Bales
and went on at 11,,10 ; ~
Took one passenger ~
Wind shifted to a sharp N.W.
but remains still cloudy
all over ; ~ at noon it cleared
up & became very fine,
At 4,,15 P.M. met the
S.S. Comet coming up with
Major Melvill on board
she stopped & sent her boat
off for the letters, & we
went on at 4,,20~
At 4,,5 arrived at Amara,
landed 35 passengers and 83
Packages; ~
[pg: 333]
At 8,55 left Amara,
At 9,10 anchored above
Aboo Sedra for the night;
I have the stomach ache since
I walked in from Gherrara on
Monday last, & am restless,
& cannot sleep, this night
I had about two hours only,
The ship’s clock in the Saloon
kept me up striking so hard
that I had to go & stop it at
12 o'clock ~
16 Mond
1899 Jany
Light N.W. & fine clear weather
at 6,15 am proceeded,
I feel so weak from not having
had a good sleep last night,
We anchored on account
of fog for 10 minutes &
left at 7.30 ~
Gave tickets to 9 Amara
At 8,,35 passed Kalat Saleh,
at 9 we grounded at Nafikh
took out an anchor and
hove off; at 11,30 we got
off & proceeded ~ S. Ely breeze
& fine ~
At 2,,15 P.M. landed 3
Jews at Azair (2 with Return
[pg: 334]
Tickets) & went on at 2,,20
At 5,,15 P.M. anchored
off Gorna landed 20
Packages & 6 passengers
At 5,,45 left, very
Calm weather, & cloudy in
most part;
At 10 anchored at Jubela
for the night, being dark
cloudy ~
17 Tuesd
S. Ely wind & cloudy all
over, it rained at night;
At 6,,45 am we left &
steamed down to Basreh
& anchored at 7 ~ The
Gunboat Pigeon is only
here; ~
I had a good sleep, but feel
very weak this morning from
my stomach so out of order
& with nervous debility;
The Mail Steamer Pemba
& the Malamir are only in
quarantine ~ The S.S.
"Scarsdale" which came
[pg: 335]
out again on account
of Yousif Korkis is aground
at Fao, & lightining her
in the Esther which went down
to assist-
Raining drizzly at 9 am
& continued so far the rest of
the day, working in discharging
cargo & coaling during the
rain, very wet day; Roofail
sent me his Belem twice,
but I not go, not feeling
well; ~ Rufail came to
fetch me, & I went with him
at 1 P.M. Raining & blowing
fresh Ely wind continues
I found Yousif Marine at
Rufail's house; the weather
kept very stormy & rainy
All the night too, it rained
& blowed strong, very dark
& cloudy; Yousif & I slept
in the big sitting rooms,
but I could not sleep
well from my stomach
the pain & weakness ~
18 Wedn
1899 Jany
Strong wind & drizzling
rain still continues ~
[pg: 336]
At 8 am they got me the
Belem to come on board
but the rough weather and
strong head wind prevented
the Belem from going,
near Asfar's house we stopped
& asked for an extra man
to go with me, but still
they could not make ahead,
I landed at Asfar's and
walked down in the mud
& crossed over the Khandak
canal & walked to the
Ashar where I engaged a
Belem for 1 Keran and
came on board at 9 1/4
The wind fell down at 11 1/2
am but remained very cloudy,
We are shipping cargo;
wind shifted to n.w. and
it cleared off & became very
fine by 1 P.M. ~
Rezooki Angoorly, Nessoory
Andrea & Rezooki Sayegh
came off to me ~
We kept loading Cargo
all the day ~
[pg: 337]
There are 274 packages of
Household furniture, Liquors
Table services, sugar, coffee,
mineral waters, mirrors &
all sorts of things, for the
new German Ambassador
Graf Rex for Teheran, they
are to go via Baghdad,
some very large boxes etc;
Basreh to Baghdad [19 JAN 1899 --- V048_22_N] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. P. Local | Draft |
219 | 222,473 | 15,118 ,, | 4,,8 |
At 11,,15 P.M. we got under
way & proceeded from Basreh
having loaded the ship
down to 4,9 Inches which
is too much for the present
state of the river;
Weather again getting cloudy
and a light westerly breeze,
Flood tide just finishing;
19 Thursd
1899 Jany
Light westerly breeze;
& cloudy weather ~
At 5,,50 am we passed
Gorna ~
At 10,,35 took the two
Return Passengers from Azair
[pg: 338]
and went on at 10,,40 ~
Finished with the passengers
tickets, we have in all
139 1/2 (added the 40 passengers
which I had omitted to enter
on the up trip of 21 Decr)
5 in 1st Class Cabins all
Persians, Assad Khan, Nedam
ul Oolema & 3 friends they
belong to Agha Khan’s people
of Bombay, and one Sheikh
Zein ood Din from Mohamerah
also 2 in 2d Class a Turk
& his wife, we let the cabin
of M. Holdway ~
At 4,,25 P.m. landed
7 passengers at Kalat Saleh,
and took 16 Arabs and
Madams & Jews went
on at 4,,45 ;
At 9,,40 P.m. arrived at
Amara landed 22 1/2 passengers
Took 6 Tons of Coal
At 11,,30 left Amara
[pg: 339]
20 Frid
S. Ely wind & little cloudy
gave tickets to 46 1/2 Amara
passengers ; ~
Rvir is rising, there has
fallen a lot of rain up
in these parts ;
At 11 passed the S.S. Reesafah
going down ~
At 11,,5 passed Ali Gherbi,
At 4,10 P.m. passed Sheikh
Saad, the creeks below &
above the village are pouring
water into the river from
the flooded desert caused
by the last rain fall;
n.w. breeze & clouds are
dispersing ;
Weather got bitterly cold
with a sharp n.w. wind
blowing after sunset &
all clouds disappeared,
this shows that it has rained
up the country, ~
At 9,50 P.m. arrived at
Coot landed 17 passengers
There were too many Boats
alongside, & we could not
[pg: 340]
go alongside our Depot to
coal, Alfred Holland
came on board, I was
21 Satur Therm 6.34
At 0,15 am we left
Coot, I awoke after having
slept about 3 hours, and
could not get a wink since
till morning, I again
got so fidgety on account
of Engine room bell striking
the hours & so kept tossing
about till sunrise, my
stomach ache is much
better & nearly gone;
Very cold weather and
fine n.w. breeze ;
At 8,10 am passed
Memlah ~
Gave tickets to 13 Coot
At 10,,30 passed the S.S.
Khalifah at Deboony
bound down;
At 4,,55 P.M. passed
Azizieh ~ Very fine and
cold weather ~
[pg: 341]
At 8,30 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort ~ Light
n.w. & fine cold weather;
22 Sund Therm @ 6.36
1899 Jany
At 1,40 am we anchored
to repair a loose float &
left at 2 ~
I slept better last night,
from 9 till 1 am. & from
4 till 6 & feel better;
At 7,,15 passed Ctesiphon
River is still rising,
At 9.50 passed Diala
At 11,30 landed a Deckman
with the letters at Gherrarah
& went on; I could not land
feeling rather weak & it is
too cold ;
River keeps rising & is very
turbid ~
At 2,,15 P.m. landed the
mails at the Residency &
went up to the Custum house
the S.S. Baghdad & Barge
are only here;
I went home saw Eliza, she
is also unwell & very weak
[pg: 342]
from affliction & sorrow;
There is a dancing party;
given tonight by Asfar's
we are invited too, but
we cannot go, for both
of us are suffering ;
23 Mond Therm 6.38
Light n.w. & fine
cold weather; I slept
for about 4 hours &
still feel very weak;
At 8 am called on sister
Medula & thence came
on board; Father Emmanuel
called on board, to tell
me that P. Pièrre telegraphed
to him from Port Said
yesterday having arrived
there in the Turkistan,
& also gave a small letter
from P. Pièrre to me of
the 27 Decr from Tarascon
& that he has advanced
Alexander 350 frcs more
& told him that he was going
to Constantinople etc etc
[pg: 343]
I sent money to the office
& then went home;
Pere Emmanuel called, I
was furious about P. Pierre's
having advanced more
money to Alexander, & that
he has left in the Turkistan
without bringing him
with him;
Terrooza, wife of Antone
Marine & her two daughters
Rosa & Ellen called in
the day, also Antone called
in the evening; Johny &
Artin also called ~
Light n.w. & fine weather
24 Tuesd Therm 6.34
1899 Jany
Light n.w. & cold
weather; at 8 am I called
on Menusha, Medoola
my sister, Antone Marine
& sister Eliza & came
home at 11 am ~
The S.S. Baghdad left
this morning at 4 1/2 am
sister Medula called
on us; I took a warm bath
[pg: 344]
I feel still very nervous &
weak, I am sleeping
well, but have much
25 Wedn
Light n.w. & fine
weather; at 8 am I called
on Georgis Segman to
console him on the death
of his brother Kass Yousif
who died in Beyrout about
a month ago ~ came
on board the Mejidieh is
alongside discharging;
My wife desiring very much
to were to Constple to enquire
if Alexander is there, as
I had called on M. Habib
Chiha yesterday evening
to confer with him & obtain
the address of his sons
Yousif & Nejib at Constple.
& made out the following
telegram, to be sent
" Chiha, Tonietti
[pg: 345]
"Etude Mizzi
" Galata
"Cablèz si Alexandre, Cons =
"tantinople, Reponse payée
" Svoboda
I sent this telegram with my
servant H. Hamadi ; & I
came home ; at 11 Hammadi
brings me a Telegram
& returns mine not being
wired; I opened the telegram
& found it from Alexander
from Constple; Viz
"Pera 24/1/99. 4.45 P.m.
"Svoboda, Baghdad
"Serai 28 Port Said,
"Autorisèz Bazin Avancèr
"700 Voyage désért ~
" Alexandre
We could hardly believe it,
my wife was weeping from
the rejoice she felt, and
[pg: 346]
also myself, how and why
did he do it, we cannot
guess unless, the letters of
the 15 Ulto as I have mentioned
here must have taken effect,
I called on Habid Chiha to
confer with him & how to
do, we thought that it would
be better & safe not to
remit to him the 700 francs
through Bazin, but to
askin him to pay his passage
from Port Said to Alexandretta
& also give him 100 frcs
& let Alexander know that
the rest he will find at
Aleppo from the Ottoman
Bank; I then called on
Asfars, saw Yousif Asfar
Asked him if he can
draw on Bazin & wire
to him jointly to pay
Alexander, we drew
out a telegram as follows
[pg: 347]
“Bazin Svoboda
“Payèz passage Svoboda
“Alexandretta, plus cent
“francs, lui rémîmes
“restant Ottombank Alep,
“18 Asfar Svoboda
“[strikeout] mots @ 1 frc. = Frcs 18,,25
“25/1/99, 2 P.M.;
I received at 2 P.M. a telegram
from Mr. Böhm, Vienna
“Telegraphièz adresse Alexandre
I suppose he must have received
my letter of the 29 Ulto in which
I had told all what I had
done with the Consul here
& the report to the Austrian
Consul at Paris, & requested
him to assist me also in
getting Alexander out
[pg: 348]
of Paris through the authoritees
& I must have omitted
giving him the adress, I
thought at the time, that
he knew it, so I wired
to him this~
“Alexander, Constantinople
“Cablé aujourd’hui partant
“S dîd
10 mots; Frcs 4,,85
All the people heard the news,
Sister [strikeout] Medula came
to me;~ I went on board
at 3 P.M. & copied some
cargo; left at 5, called
on Mr. & Mad Danon
the Jews School master &
came home; Johny Artin
their sister Terooza, Antone
Guilietti, Yousif Metchich
& Jemil Abdulkerim all
[pg: 349]
called on us till 8 P.M.,
Light N.W. & weather
getting little cloudy;
26’ Thursd.
Light N.W. & cloudy all
over at 7 am it begun to
rain drizzly~ at 8 ½
I came on board, the
streets are getting mudy;
We are shipping cargo;
At 11 ½ went to breakfast,
Eliza would insist to
wire to Constple to enquire
if Alexander is there or
was there; so I sent the
“Chiha Tonietti
“Etude Mizzi
“Informèz si Alexandre
“Constantinople, reponse
“payée~ Svoboda
“12 words [and] 10 for reply
“G.S.P. 32~
At 1 P.M. I came on board
[pg: 350]
The S.S. Mossul arrived
at 12 am she had left on
Wednesday last;
Weather cloudy;
Mr. Richarz sent a Circular
round to read & sign for
the reception tomorrow of
the birth day of the Emperor
William II of Germany;
But he is not going to receive
any visitors on account
of his indisposal yet,
since he had the Small Pox;
At 5 ½ P.M. I went home
found Antone Marine; his
idea about Alexander’s
telegram from Constple
are doubtful, & can hardly
believe it because he has
many times played tricks
with us;
Light N.W. & cloudy
weather; It rains very
drizly occasionally,
[pg: 351]
27’ Frid
At 5 ½ am I came on
board, cloudy weather,
it has rained a little;
Baghdad to Basreh [27 JAN 1899 --- V048_23_S] (//)
Passg | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
119 1/2 | 57,167 | 13,942 | 3,,4 |
At 6,,15 AM. got underway
& proceeded; clouds clearing
off~ At 8,,15 passed
Diala river; some fog came
blowing down from the
West; it is getting very fine,
Gave tickets & finished with
passengers we have in all 100
(3 in 1st Class Jacque Rigo an
Armenian merchant; Saleh
the son of Mahd Pachachi,
and an Indian, & two Jewess
in the 2nd Class Cabin;
At 2,,30 P.M. passed Baghdadieh
Fort; Clouds are passing
down from the north;
At 3,,40 passed the SS.
Khalifah at Sened going
At 4,,30 P.M. passed Azizieh
Weather getting fine;
[pg: 352]
Fine weather all clouds have
disappeared; moon 16 days
old; it rose at 6,,10 P.M.;
At 6,,25 we rounded and
came to at Shedief for the
28 Satur The @4,,47
Light N.W. & cloudy a
little, at 6 AM. left Shedief
At 8,,45 passed Memlah,
At 9 landed 3 passengers at
Bughela & went on at 9,,10,
At 1,,5 P.M. arrived
at Coot landed 12 ½ Passeng
and 92 Packges, also 2500
Bricks for S Lynch & Co
for building the wool
Press here;~ I received
Henry’s letter & papers; The
Khalifah had 202000 Okes
of Cargo & few passengers
about 80;~ Alfred Holland
is still here; building the
house for the wool Press;
At 4 P.M. left Coot
[pg: 353]
took 8 passengers (one
in 1st Class, Rezooki Faraj
Khedir to Amara)
At 8 we anchored at
Aboo Dood for the night, Fine
clear weather~
29 Sund Th @ 6,,46
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 6,,15 AM. proceeded,
At 8,,50 passed Ali Gherbi,
Lots of rain appear to have
fallen here lately, all is wet,
At 4,,15 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 19 passengers
(1 in 1st C. Rezooki Faraj)
and 63 Packages;
The SS. Ressafah & Barge are
here on their way up~
I expected a telegram from
my wife to let me know the
answer of mine to Constple
enquiring if Alexander was
there last I received none;
We took 5 Tons of Coal;
At 6,,10 we left Amara,
the Ressafah also was leaving
bound up;~
At 7,,25 we came to
[pg: 354]
for the night above Aboo
Sedra, Fine clear weather,
30 Mond The @ 6,,44
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 6,,5 am proceeded from
above Aboo Sedra~ At
8 passed Kalat Saleh;
Gave tickets to 9 ½ Amara
At 8,,30 grounded at Nafikh
worked with the Engine and
got off & proceeded at 8,,55;
At 11,,25 passed Azair,
At 11,30 passed the S.S.
Baghdad & Barge going
At 2,,10 P.M. landed 4
passengers at Gorna & went
on at 2,,15~
Weather getting cloudy
all over~
Frogs have appeared
here and out in the Shut el
Arab for the first time
the Season;
Flood tide made up at
[pg: 355]
Kteban & we are going slow,
the ship being very light too;
At 6,,40 arrived at
Basreh very dark and cloudy
night; there are no ships
up here but the main steamer
Kilwa, the Scarsdale
Chartered by Yousif Korkis
their Agents here are Gray
Mackenzie, & the S.S. Parram
are in quarantine, the latter
arrived about 3 days ago;
Jeboory Asfar sent their Belem
& asking me to come up
to them, as Yousif Marine
Rufail & Rezooki are
there; I went to them, &
we all dined & remained
till 9 P.M. I related to
them all the news about
Alexander, some disbelieved
it; & thought it might be
a trick, no telegram
for me from my wife
& cannot make out the
cause;~ We went over
[pg: 356]
to Rufail’s house; the
two Boxes of samples one
for me a large Box, and
one for Rezooki from
Alois Schweger have
arrived & cleared from the
Custum House, they charged
108 G. S. P. duty on both;
Yousif & I slept in the sitting
room but I could not sleep
at all;
31 Tuesd
S. Erly breeze & cloudy
all over, very little rain
fell last night; I passed
a very restless night, without
sleep & with palpitation
& nervousness; & cold in
my head; at 8 am. I
came on board, I brought
some of the boxes of samples
with me~ we are coaling
discharging & loading
I felt very miserable today
feeling very weak & out of
[pg: 357]
humour, not having slept last
night;~ Yacoob Eassayi
called on me, he came down
in the Khalifah last trip
to settle his business with
Jeboory Asfar about the
Liquorice; Rufail and
Rezooki came also
Nessoory Andrea;~
We worked at night in
shipping cargo;~
Basreh to Baghdad [31 JAN 1899 --- V048_24_N] (//)
Passeng | Okes | G. S. Piast Local | Draft |
114 1/2 | 233,982 | 8,261 ,, | 4,,8 |
At 9,,30 P.M. we left Basreh
loaded deep ~ Fine weather,
we have no passengers in
the Cabins~
I suffered a most miserable
night, I went to sleep at 8 ½
but it was impossible, the
fright of bell hours striking
in the Engine room kept me
awake, with palpitation
& kept tossing till 12 P.M.
when I went out aft and
got my bed & spred it on
the Hatch, where I could
[pg: 358]
not hear the bells, it is cold
but I covered myself well;
1 Wednes Th 6,,49
Weather very fine & mild,
Since I came out at 12 last
night I could not get a sleep
even outside on the Hatch
I took whisky & water, and
still I cannot feel sleepy,
At 4,,20 am landed a
passenger at Gorna &
went on at 4,,25; at 6 I
took my bed into my cabin,
having felt then sleepy
but it is getting broad day
light; I am suffering
from weakness, it is the
same thing with me as
when I got so some 16
years ago on board the
Blosse Lynch & had to
take leave & stop in Baghdad
for more than a month,
At 9,,45 passed Azair
Finished with the passengers’
[pg: 359]
We have altogether 57 ½
At 2,,55 P.M. picked 3
Passengers from Kalat Saleh &
went on at 3;~
At 8,,5 P.M. arrived at
Amara landed 13 passengers
& took 8 ½ Tons of Coal;
also shipped Packges Hides
& Sheep Skins etc~ on arrival
here I received a notice from
my wife which arrived yesterday
she says,
Svoboda, Amara,
Chiha telegraphie Alexandre
probablement Egypte
So it shows that he has been
really at Constple & has gone
through Egypte as he wired
on the 24th Instt~
At 9,30 we left Amara;
I took a glass of hot Punch
& went to bed ~
2 Thursd
Light N.W. & cloudy a little
I slept last night well, from
10 till 4 am this morning,
& feel better~
Gave tickets to 33 Amara
[pg: 360]
At 9,,50 passed Ali
Gherbi, the river hereabout is
falling consistently, about
5 feet from it's highest rise
last month;
I paid the Ship's company
their wages for January;
At 3,,45 P.M. passed Sheikh
Saads; N.W. Wind and cloudy
in most parts; ~
At 9,,20 P.M. arrived at
Coot landed 16 1/2 passengers,
took no coal; ~ The Ressafah
had left this morning, &
the Baghdad about 2 hours
ago; I advanced Alfred
Holland 30 Mejidies on
account of the expenses for the
building of the Wool Press,
At 10,,30 We left Coot,
I again had no sleep and
kept so till aftermidnight
3 Frid Therm. @ 6.44
1899 Feby
Light N.W. & fine weather
At 6,,15 Am passed
Memlah; I slept from 1
am till about 5, but I
[pg: 361]
feel weak & not refreshing,
At 6,,45 we passed
the S.S. Baghdad & Barge
bound up; There is a little
rise in the river~
Gave tickets to 11 Coot
The SS. Mossul was at
Coot last night , bound
down she was on the opposite
side along Eassayi's Press,
shipping Liquorice;
At 2,,30 P.M. passed
Azizieh Village;
At 5,,50 P.M. passed
the S.S. Khalifah going
down just at Baghdadieh
Fort ~ Light N.W. and
fine weather;
I turned in at 8 1/2 but again
I could not get a sleep, The
palpitation of my heart & fright
& the ringing of the Bell, although
I drunk Punch & am very
sleepy; at 12 I took my bed
out on the hatch & laid down
it is cold, but I have lost my
sleep & could not dose off
[pg: 362]
4 Satur, Therm. @ 6.46
1899 Feby
At 1,,30 AM. We passed
the Ressafah & Barge going
up at Temreh ~ At
4 I again went into my
Cabin after a useless attempt
to sleep; We passed
Ctesiphon at 3 and
Diala at about 5 1/2~
I dosed off at about 5 for
1/2 hour & awoke shivering
At 7 we went alongside
the bank at the Bridge of
Gherrarah & landed at
Horse, I feel so very weak
that I could not get out
of my bed, at 7,,10 we
went on ~ Fine clear &
cold weather; Light Erly
At 9,,30 landed the mails
at the Residency, steamed up to
the Custum House, no other steamers
are here; I went home found
Eliza unwell in bed &
Antone Marine her brother
there; She has had an attack
of diarrhea & vomiting some
4 days ago at night and
[pg: 363]
had the fever, but she is a little
better; I was too weak to
speak & relate my sufferings
to & sleeplessness; so we
are both convalescent; I
found the telegram from
Chiha Tonietti from Constple
arrived here on the 31st Jany
they say,
"Pera, 31/1/99
"Svoboda, Bagdad,
"Suivant renseignements
"Alexandre, probablement
"Egypte~ Tonietti, Chiha,
It has no meaning to my
enquiry; we cannot Know
certain whether Alexander has
really been to Constple or
this only guess that he must
be in Egypte; Antone, Pere
Emmanuel & others doubt it,
& that he must again have
been playing trick to get
the money from Bazin;
found also a letter from
Yousif Serpos with the Photo
of himself wife & children,
also a letter from Böhm,
[pg: 364]
Vienna in which he mentions
of our Emperor Francis Joseph’s
50 Years Reign’s Jubilee
past off well & he has been
presented with a decoration
for both his military &
Civil Service etc~
After breakfast I had a short
nap but the palpitation of
my heart & the sinkness of
breath are troubling me much,
The Ressafah arrived at
about 6 P.M.~
Johny my nephew called in
the evening; S. Erly wind
5 Sund Th @ 6. 48
Strong S. Erly wind and
Cloudy; Eliza is unable to
go to church, I went at 8
Am to Sister Medula &
then went together to church,
I slept very well & sound
last night & feel much
refreshed;~ I called with Johny
on Chiha, Antone Marine,
Abduljebbar Effendi, Eliza &
Adoola my cousins; on Yaghchi
Guilietti, & Menusha & came
home at 12~ It is
[pg: 365]
blowing strong S.E. & cloudy
thretening weather, few
drops of rain came & passed
away, but kept blowing,
at 3 P.M. I called on Sister
Eliza, & thence with Johny
Called on the Monseigneur
Altmayer who is in bed &
suffering from the Gout, we
sat with Père Augustin~
We also went to visit Sister
Medoola & I came home at
5 P.M. Antone came for
an hour; Blowing still
hard but it is fine~
The SS. Baghdad arrived at
about 2 P.M.;
6’ Mond Th @ 6. 50
1899 Feby
S. Erly wind & little cloudy,
at 8 Am I came on board,
We went alongside to discharge
cargo; having discharged also
on Saturday some~
I went to the Office at 11 for
some English Sovereigns; &
came home at 11~
I sent a telegram today
at 10 Am to Yousif Serpos in
Cairo as my wife is very
anxious to know if
[pg: 366]
Alexander is really in
“ Serpos, Caire
“ Informèz si Alexandre
“ Venu Egypte
“ 8 words Svoboda
“ Frcs 8,,
I took a warm bath; Weather
became cloudy & windy;
It begun to get dark at 7 P.M.
with lightning on the Eastern
parts & by 8 a strong squall
came shifting the wind to
West & north, and it rained
heavy for ½ hour & then
it cleared off & became
7’ Tuesd Th @ 6. 44
Modte S. Westerly & fine
at 8 am. I came on board,
We are discharging still,
I went home at 10, called
on the Assyrian Bishop Aghnatius
to condole him on the death
of his mother at Mardin
the day before; she was about
78 years old and I had
[pg: 367]
seen her at Deir in 1891
on my way to Europe~
At 4 P.M. Eliza & I went over
to Sister Medula & Grzesiki,
& got our dinner there & dined
with them, Artin came and
also dined; at 9 we left~
There is a marriage to night
taking place between Naoomy
son of Behnan Sabbagh and
the daughter of Fetoohi Toma
8 Wednes Th @ 6. 43
1899 Feby
Light N.W. & fine cool
Weather; At 8 ½ AM. I came
on board; The Ressafah
is inside of us at the Custum
House loading to leave
today~ The river begun
to rise since last night &
has risen about 2 feet;
I went to the Ottoman Bank
as Mr. Kritchly the Director
wished to see me, he has
got the B of Lading for 10,00
Empty boxes of dates sent
out to [illegible] by Mr. Alois
Schweiger of Vienna to
pay the Bank 31. £ Stg
[pg: 368]
& obtain the Bill of Lading
from them, I refused to
do so now, until I
go to Basreh & see if Rufail
Sayegh will buy them,
as they had not arrived yet,
I went to breakfast at
The SS. Ressafah & Barge
left at 12~
At 2 P.M. I came on
board, We are shipping
cargo~ Weather is getting
At 4 P.M. Went on shore called
on Shekoory Sayegh, saw
his mother Catherina & his
Wife Takoohy; they have
bought the house of Yousif
Sayegh from the brothers
Pere Augustin & Père Jean
& their Sister Catherina
for 500 T. Liras & they are
going to shift into it next
Week; I came home
found Sister Medula &
Giuseppina my niece
[pg: 369]
there;~ Artin called in
the evening;
Eliza & I do not feel well
at all, she is suffering from
the sorrow about Alexander
& I am very weak too, &
nervous debility and
my stomach is very weak
Light N.W. & fine;
9 Thursd Th @ 6. 45
1899 Feby
Light N.W. & fine weather
at 8 AM I came on board
The river is falling about
½ foot~
The Ressafah which had
left yesterday noon, came to
Grief at Kerradah, her Boiler
is leaking, it has been
repaired & she left this
morning; The newly appointed
Nadir of the Custum House
of Baghdad Husny Beg
who arrived here about 15
days Ago went down in
her to Basreh~
I wrote two letters of todays
date & Post of Damascus
Registered one to Mr. Böhm
[pg: 370]
and one for Blanche to Constple
all about Alexander and
Kept Copies~
At 11 went to breakfast
& came on board at 12 ½;
We are shipping Cargo;
The Baghdad is also loading
& leaves tomorrow~
At 5 P.M. I went home,
Père Emmanuel called
also Johny my nephew;
Light S. Erly & fine;
10 Friday
Light Air & little cloudy
I awoke at 2 ½ Am &
could not sleep; at
5 ¼ Came on board
River has Again risen
since last night of about
1 foot (4 bricks)
[pg: 371]
Baghdad to Basreh [10 FEB 1899 --- V048_25_S] (//)
Passgers | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft |
132 1/2 | 68219 | 13,184 | 3,,5 |
At 6 AM. We got underway
& proceeded; The Baghdad
also left about 5 minutes
before us & we passed
her soon; Weather cloudy
& light S. Erly Air~
At 7,,40 passed Diala
river, cloudy all over;
At 8,,45 passed Ctesiphon,
Gave tickets & finished with
the passengers; We have
altogether 117 ½ (4 in 1st
Class, a Turk Mahd Memdooh
Beg & his wife, a Jew Yousif
Moshi, & Jemil son of Elias
Serkis, and Artin Awannessian
in 2nd Class all for Basreh)
At 1,,20 P.M. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
At 3,,30 passed Azizieh,
still very cloudy all over,
We caught the rise of the last
four days,~
At 5,,55 P.M. we anchored
[pg: 372]
at Deboony, very cloudy, &
dark, with drops of rain &
S.Ely breeze; It rained
during the night for a long
time & remained cloudy
11 Satur Th@6.50
Light S.Ely & cloudy,
it rained drizzly all the
night until 2 am ~
At 6 am. we left Deboony;
At 7,,35 passed Memlah;
At 9.45 passed the S.S.
Khalifah going up at Algayah
I saw Alfred Holland from
Coot, also Yacoob Eassayi
At 11.35 arrived at Coot
landed 9 passengers and
147 Packages (120 Bags of
Juss & Lime for Lynch’s wool
Press, @ 1 ½ GSP. per bag of
80 Okes); I received Henry’s
letter & Papers, the Khalifah
had 210,000 Okes & about
100 passengers; ~
At 1,,10 P.M. we left
Coot, Took 11 passengers
[pg: 373]
wind shifted to N. Wester
but is still cloudy all
At 4.50 passed Sheikh
Saad; A modte N.W.
wind blowing & the clouds
are clearing off from the
North & N.West ~
At 5,,50 we rounded &
came to for the night; the
clouds are not cleared off,
yet only from the North is
getting fine ~ Moon
appeared two days old,
At 8,,10 the SS. Mossul &
Barge passed up;
12th Sund Th@6.44
Modte N.W. breeze & fine
At 4 AM. the SS. Baghdad
& Barge passed down;
At 5,,45 we proceeded, It
became foggy; At 6,15 we
anchored too foggy ~
At 7,,30 cleared off we
Today being the first day
of the Ramadan Holyday
At 8,,20 anchored again
it became foggy and
[pg: 374]
at 8,,40 proceeded, having
cleared off ~ Breeze shifted
to S. East & brought back
the fog ~
At 9,,5 passed Ali Gherbi
& at 9,,15 anchored below
the village it became again
foggy ~
At 10,,20 fog lifted
up we proceeded; but it
remained covering all the
sky like a cloudy weather,
Weather getting very cloudy
& dark clouds with
lightning & rain on the
Northern part ~
At 3,,10 P.M. passed the
SS Baghdad proceeding
down; It became very
cloudy all over dark
and raining very gloomy
& blowing strong S.W.
wind, very thretening
At 4 ½ rain ceased &
[pg: 375]
clouds opening on the west
& north;
At 5,,35 P.M. arrived at
Amara, landed 17 ½ Passengers
an 34 Packages; Very
wet & muddy from the
rain, the weather is still
very cloudy gloomy & dark,
They have had lots of rain
here, last night & this after-
noon; No telegram for
me from Baghdad about
the answer of Yousif Serpos
telegram I sent him on
the 6th enquiring if Alexander
had come to Egypt;
At 6.35 the SS. Baghdad
came down; ~ Wind
shifted to N.West, but is
still very cloudy & dark,
13th Mond Th@6.46
Light N.W. & cloudy weather
the SS. Baghdad left at 3
am ~
The SS Phrat & Barge
arrived from Basreh at
[pg: 376]
5,,30 ~
At 5,,30 we also left
Amara; Clouds clearing
up from the North; ~Took
4 passengers (one in 1st Class
Kasim Khdery) ~
The river is very high in
these parts it is nearly in a
level with the bank; ~
At 11,15 passed Azair
At 2,,10 P.M. passed Gorna
& at 2,,20 P.M. passed the
SS. Baghdad steaming down,
Flood tide making,
Breeze shifted to N. East &
the clouds are still covering
the sky;
At 6,,30 P.M.
arrived at Basreh, Fine
clear weather, breeze
from N Wester very light;
no steamers here, but there
are the mailboat Pemba
& the Turkistan the latter
arrived 3 days ago, and
[pg: 377]
Père Pièrre & P. Jean are
on board of her; ~ no
Belem came from Rufail
& I was waiting all the
time I was very disappointed
& took dinner on board,
when at 8 ½ Rezooki came
to me he was in Basreh,
& Rufail is up at Shaybieh
with his Uncle Yousif; so
he pressed on me to go
with him to their house
& I went, but could not
sleep at all; the big room
is too cold & I had lost
my sleep;
14 Tuesd.
1899 Febry
Very sharp cold N.W.
wind ~ at 7 ½ am. Rezooki
& I went down to the quarantine
station & went alongside
the SS. Turkistan to see
P. Pierre, they were at breakfast
& had to wait at the
ladder, he came & also
P. Jean; P. Pièrre seems
not to know anything
[pg: 378]
at all about Alexander’s
story, he saw no one to
tell him, he had not been
to London; he did not see
Ibrahim Gejou, but he
says that when Alexander
came to see him in Paris,
he had told him of his intention
of marrying but since
his father had objected
he therefore gave it up,
we left after ½ hour &
I came on board ~
We are discharging &
I received by this Bombay
mail the first numbers of
French Paper L’Eclair to
which I subscribed myself
from the 1st of Jany for
one year ~
Nassoory Andrea came
to me; The two Bycicles
one for Johny & one for
me I ordered it for
[pg: 379]
my son Alexander have
arrived I cleared them from
the Custum House & paid
duty of 144 G S P. on both,
valuing them @ 900 G S P.
each, he will send them
up in the Khalifah”
Rezooki Sayegh came to me
for an hour.
We have all the Cabins taken
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Richards
of Lynch Brothers office, Dr.
Sturrock of the missionary
& an Engineer for the Comet
Mr. J.J. Walmsley coming
from the SS. Laurence from
Bushire all in the 4 1st Class
& Ali Beg Zheir in a 2nd
Class Cabin;
At 5 P.M. Rufail came to
me, he came down from
Shaebyeh, we had a long talk
about Alexander & my
state of despair & told him
that I intend to resign as
my health does not
[pg: 380]
permits me to serve any
longer; I feel so weak and
unable to sleep; he advised
me not to do it for the present,
& to try & resist it as much
as I can etc______,
We finished loading deep
down to 4,,10, by 10 P.M ;
Basreh to Baghdad [15 FEB 1899 --- V048_26_N] (//)
Passengers | Okes | G. S. P. Local | Draft |
82 1/2 | 235,664, | 4,398 1/4 | 4,9 |
At 10,,50 P.M. we got
underway, but after 10 minutes
had to anchor on account
of fog came on just opposite
Rufail's house ~
15 Wedn
1899 Feby
At 0,,30 AM. we proceeded
fog cleared off ~ at 3,,30
again it came on we anchored
At 4,,30 proceeded
very calm weather ;
I slept pretty well last night
better than I expected; but
my tooth ache troubled
me much ~
[pg: 381]
At 8,,15 passed Gorna
Finished with the passengers
tickets; We have in all
55 (5 in 1st Class; Mr. & Mrs
Taylor, Mr. Richards head
of Lynch Brothers Clerks,
they are all free; Dr. Sturrock
with a Retn Deck passage
but occupying 1st Class,
& Mr. Walmsley Engineer for
the Comet; and 2 in 2d
Class Ali Beg son of Kassim
Pasha Zheir & one with
him ; ~
At 1 P.M. passed Azair
At 4,,55 got detained at Nafikh
in shoal water & could not hit
the channel, the river is very
high here; in a level with the
bank; breeze shifted to
S. Est; ~ We dropped down
& tryed the other side of the
west bank & found good
water & went on at 7 P.M.
Fine weather & moonlight
[pg: 382]
night, moon 5 days old,
At 7,,40 P.M. landed 2
passengers at Kalat Saleh
& went on at 7,45 ~
16 Thursd
At 1,30 AM. arrived at
Amara landed 11 1/2 passengers
took 8 Tons of Coal;
At 2,50 left Amara,
Light S. Ely & fine weather;
Gave tickets to 9 Amara
passengers, the river is very
high at Amara, but
today it begun to show
its fall further up;
At 3,,20 P.M passed
Ali Gherbi ~ River falling,
weather little cloudy in the
afternoon ~
17 Frid
At 3 AM. arrived at
Coot, landed 5 passengers
& 1 Bale P. goods, Took
4 Tons Coal & finished
at 4 am, but remained
[pg: 383]
until the morning, as
Taylor wanted to see
the new Wool Press
house getting built ~
At 6,,50 am we left
Coot, Took 12 1/2 passengers
Abduljebbar the Lawyer
wired from Azizieh to
Capt Cowley wanting to
go up with us in all 4
persons; ~
At 2,,10 P.m. passed
Memlah ~
At 6,,50 passed the S.S.
Khalifah bound down at
Shedief ~
At 10,10 P.M took
from Azisieh Abduljebbar
Effendi & his followers Six
persons in all & went on
charged them passage at 2
Mejidies each;
18 Satur Therm @ 6.46
1899 Feby
Mr. Felix Faure President of the French Republic died on 16 th @ 10 P.M. from Cerebral Hemorrhages aged 59
1899 Feby
Light n.w. & fine weather
at 1,30 am. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
[pg: 384]
Detained in shoal water
at Bostan from 8,30 till
8,45 a.m. ; River is
Abduljebbar & his followers
are on Hatch, he breakfasted
with us;
At 11 am passed Ctesiphon
the smoke of the S.S. Phrat
is in sight ahead of us;
At 1,30 P.m passed
Diala river ~
At 2,30 landed a
Deckman at Gherranah
with letters & went on;
At 4,35 P.M. landed
the mails at the Residency
& went up to the Custum
House; we saw the
Consul's flag stafs half
masted flag; we were
told that the President of
the french Republic Mr.
Felix Faure died suddenly
[pg: 385]
from appoplexy,
in Paris the night before,
I went home saw Eliza, she
is much grieved & unwell
on account of Alexanders
news; I found a letter from
him to his mother which
was enclosed in Antoine
Guilietti’s letter, it is dated
the 19 Jany from Paris (so
it showes that he has not left
for Constple & that his telegram
from this town of the 24th Jany
was false) he complains
awfully for his state of life
& wanting money & begs to
his mother to be allowed to
marry the girl otherwise he
will commit suicide & finish
with this world & other
stupid talks, which made
me very vexed; & the worse
still is that I received a
letter from P. Pièrre from
Port Said of the 21 Jany
telling me that Alexander
wrote to him from Zurich
in Switzerland to Marseilles
[pg: 386]
asking him to advance
him 250 frcs, & as soon as
he receives it, he will leave
for Constple & he sent it
to him like a fool, and
I was terribly angry; he
says that he has now
advanced him in all 1,350
francs; ~
Johny called on us for an
hour; ~
Light S. Ely & fine ;
There are the Mossul and
Phrat here, the latter arrived
at 3 am this morning;
19 Sund.
Strong S. Ely wind &
cloudy squally weather,
at 9 am we went to Church
I called on Antone Marine,
& on Asfar where I saw
Monseigeur Altmayer
he has come there since
yesterday as he is suffering
of Rheumatism on his
Knees, & has been recommended
a hot bath in a public
[pg: 387]
bath in the bazaar, he
went yesterday to the Shorjeh
Bath & he feels better
a little; ~ I came home
at 11; Mr. Guilietti & others
called on us ~
At 2 P.M. I called on Sister
Medula & then on
sister Eliza; very strong
wind & cloudy dusty
Antoine Guilietti called
in the evening till 8 P.M.
he says that Alexander
wrote to him to ask him
that should his father &
mother consent to let him
marry that he should
telegraph to him; ~
20’ Mond Therm @ 6.59
S. Ely wind & mild weather,
at 8 am I called on Henry's
wife & then came on board;
The Mossul is loading
& will leave tomorrow ~
I went home at 11 ~ I took
a warm bath;
Shekoory Sayegh called in the
evening ~
[pg: 388]
Weather cloudy~
S. Erly wind & dark;
21’ Tuesd.
S. Erly breeze & cloudy; it
thundered & rained very little
last night since12 oclock,
At 8 ½ am I came on
board, took my Certificate
of the German Consular
protection to be endorsed
for this year & pay the fees
of 25 G S. P.~
The SS. Mossul left at
6 am;~
I went home & at 9 went to
the Latin Church, were a high
mass & requiem was
celebrated for the repose of
Mr. Felix Faure the President
of the French Republic
all the foreign consuls
were, Major Melville &
with him Antone Marine,
Mons. Grougloff the Russian
& his Chancelier, Mr. Richarz
the German & his Chancelier
Dr. Hesse; Mr. Hürner
[pg: 389]
the American consular
Agent & his Dragoman honorary
Habib Cheeha; & Mons
Rouèt the french Vice
Consul & his Dragoman
Shawrize, all the Consuls
in their uniforms; also
the Chaldean Pathriarch &
the Bishop Gabriel, & the
Assyrian Bishop Aghnatius,
With the Choir & Brass band;
At 10 I left & came on
At 11 I went home; S. Erly &
cloudy a little;
Antone Marine called in the
evening for an hour;
I heard that a new President
for the French Republic has
been chosen a Monsr.
Roubet; Shortly after the
death of Felix Faure;
22’ Wedn Th 6,,38
Modte N.W. & fine cold
Sister Medula & Grzesiki
called on us at 9;~ I
came on board at 10 ½
[pg: 390]
we are alongside the bank
I heard that the Waly of
Baghdad Atta Alla
Pasha is dismissed,
he has been ill for a long
time suffuring from
Went to breakfast at
11 1/2 ~ I called on Naoom
Loca to pay him a visit;
At 2 ½ P.M. I came on
board; we are shipping
some cargo;
At 4 ½ went home & then called
on Catterina Yaghchi where
my wife had gone & then we
went to Antone Marine
spent the evening & came
home at 8 P.M., Weather
cold since this morning,
23 Thursd. Th @ 6,,38
Light N.W. & fine cold
weather; at 8 am. I
came on board; This is the
last cold we are going to have
The river rose one foot
[pg: 391]
last night~
I wrote two letters for today’s
Damascus Post, one for Mr.
Allois Schweiger Vienna copy
I kept; & one for Mr. J. Böhm
Vienna & told him about
Alexander being still in Paris
& his adress still at 124
Rue des Rennes; & asked to
try & get him sent out, also
told him about Schweiger;
At 10 ½ I went to breakfast
& returned at 12 am;
We are getting a lot of
Persian Pilgrims for Mecca
the deck is full;
The SS. Baghdad & Barge
arrived at 2 P.M.;
At 4 P.M. we finished the
loading, also the SS. Phrat,
At 5 I went home,
the Damascus Mail has
arrived & I only received
a letter from Mr. Schweiger
Vienna & none from
Johny & Artin called in
the evening till 8 P.M.
[pg: 392]
24 Frid
Light N.W. & fine weath
at 5 am I came on board,
the river rose more than
two feet altogether;
Baghdad to Basreh [24 FEB 1899 --- V048_27_S] (//)
Passng | Okes | G. S. Piast | Draft 3,,4 |
269 | 34,249 | 17,735 | 3,,4 |
The SS. Phrat left at 5 ½ am
At 6,,5 we proceeded;
S. Erly breeze & few clouds;
At 7,,50 passed Diala
We passed the Phrat at
At 8,,45 we stopped &
landed Naoom Loca &
his son Phillip at Menary
just below Gusseiba
on the West bank where
he has two stations of
Liquorice collecting for
G. Asfar; at 9 we went
At 9,,5 passed Ctesiphon
At 10,,30 passed the SS.
[pg: 393]
Khalifah going up at
Bostan;~ Fresh S. Erly
Finished with the Passenger
tickets we have in all
240 (6 in 1st Class Cabins
Mr. Richards of Lynch Broths
free returning with us &
2 deck people with him,
Mr. Banyar the Engineer
of the Comet with through
ticket; & 4 Persians (3
women & 1 man being
pilgrims, also 3 Persian
women in 2nd Class);
Yousif Metchich my friend
of Aleppo is also going
to Basreh & back, he
paid a deck passage;
At 1,,35 P.m. passed
Baghdadieh Fort;
At 3,,20 passed Azizieh
Fine clear weather and
moon 14 days old
At 7,,50 passed Memlah
[pg: 394]
We are going on to Coot,
the steamer is light, the
river is high & the weather
is very fine, and the
SS. Phrat will steam on
following us~
At 9,,45 we passed the
S.S. Ressafah & Barge going
At 12 arrived at Coot
landed 23 ½ passengers &
20 Packages; hauled out
& remained for the night;
[strikeout]~ I received
Henry letter & my papers;
the Khalifah has 263000
Okes Cargo & about 90 Passeng,
25 Satur
Modte S. Erly breeze &
fine, the Phrat [strikeout] arrived at
4,,30 am~ We left at
5,,50~ Took 4 Passengers
Weather getting little
[pg: 395]
At 0,,10 P.M. passed
Ali Gherbi;~
At 7,,55 P.M. arrived
at Amara landed 11 passengers
& 15 packages; took 3
Tons Coal~
At 9,,30 left Amara,
fine moonlight & clear night,
26 Sund
1899 Feby
& At 0,,30 am we dropped
anchor above Kalat Saleh,
At 5,,30 proceeded,
S. Erly breeze & clouds on
the S. Erly horizon~
Took 25 passengers from
Amara (one a French man
Mons. F. Vienne employed
in the Règie of Tobacco who
had come down in the Khalifah
and wanted a 1st Class but
have none, so he put up
on the quarter Deck aft);
At 8,,50 passed Azair
At 11,,45 landed 11 passengers
at Gorna & went on at 11,,50
S. Erly wind but fine
[pg: 396]
At 4,,15 P.M. arrived at
Basreh, no steamers are
here except the mail steamer
Patna in quarantine &
The Malamir; We are
going to stay 2 days here
for letting our Engineers
put the new steam steering
gears arrived for the "Blosse
Rufail & Rezooki came
on board, I went then with
them to their house, but
we carried on Jeboory Asfar
on my way to see P. Pièrre
but him & P. Jèan are in
Basreh, We sat with Jeboory
& his wife till 6 P.M., &
then went to Rufail's house
found there Yousif Marine
we talked about Alexander
& read to them his letter
to his mother of the 19th
Jany; Yousif seems to be
against the idea of Eliza's
going to Paris to
[pg: 397]
bring him, & Rufail
does not show a strong
inclination of accompanying
her. & so every one talked
what fancies to himself;
Yousif and I slept in the big
room,~ Light S. Erly
At 10 P.M. the S.S. Phrat
arrived down;~
27 Mond
1899 Feby
Tookyeh delivered of
a son on 22d.
Erly breeze & fine; I awoke
at 3 am & could not
sleep;~ I took tea in
the morning & came on
board at 4 1/2 am;
We are discharging and
loading Cargo;
Takooyi Sayegh (wife
of Rezooki Angoorly) has
been confined and she
delivered a son for the
second time on Wednesday
midnight the 22d. Instt,
At 12 am Rufail came
to me & we entered to Basreh
[pg: 398]
We called on Angoorlies,
I saw Tookyeh she is in
Bed & little Baby, her
husband Rezooki is still
in bed~ We went to
see P. Pièrre in the church
& he related to me all
about Alexander and
his intrigues in getting
money from him, I did
not loose my temper &
spoke to him about his
fault in giving him
against my orders,
We left & came back
to Tookye’s house had
tea & at 3 P.M. left &
came on board,~
The SS. Mossul & Barge
left for Baghdad at 3 1/4
P.M.;~ S. Erly wind
At 4 1/2 Rufail & I went up
to his house & then we went
over to Jeboory Asfar where
we dined, P Jéan who
came out with P. Pièrre
[pg: 399]
there living, they will
go up in the Khalifah~
We came to Rufail's house
at 9 P.M~ I have a very
bad cold cought last night
all over my head & chest,
Took a Punch & turned in,
Light S. Erly breeze,
28 Tuesd
Light S.E. & clouds on the East,
At 7 1/2 AM I came down
to the Mejidieh; We are
The son of Shah's uncle
& brother in law is going
up with us & his followers
about 40 they came on
See Diary N. 49
[pg: 400]
[pg: 401]
1 Augt 1898 | |
1000 | G. Asfar |
1000 | Rufail Sayegh |
500 | Nawab Agha Mahdi |
250 | At home |
---------- | |
2,750 |
1st Jany 1899 | |
1000 | G. Asfar |
1000 | R. Sayegh |
500 | Nawab Agha Mahdi |
300 | At home |
---------- | |
2,800~ |
1 April 99 | |
1000 | G. Asfar |
1000 | R. Rayegh |
500 | Nawab Agha Mahomed |
300 | At home |
---------- | |
2,800,, |